Plateaued for 10 months and 2 days now. Please, help me.

Title says it all really. No matter what I do - eat well, eat bad, eat little, eat a lot etc - nothing is breaking this plateau and it is really getting me down. I'm only between 10lbs - 20lbs away from a goal weight I'd be happy with, but being so close yet so far is starting to take its toll on me.

Anyone have anything that might help?


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Try fasting- broke my 11 week plateau. Also check your calorie goals- you may be at mainentance level.

    I calorie cycle- fast day, feed day, regular day etc.- seems to be working- got 5lbs left to go.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It sounds like it is time to get down to some serious business. This is as far as your body is willing to go with just moderate exercise and calorie restriction. Time to turn up the heat.

    1. Work out hard (1000 kcal burn) 5-6 days a week.

    2. Eat your weight in protein grams everyday.

    3. Lift weights, and lift heavy 2-3 times a week.

    4. Ban all sugar, and any white carbs (potatoes, corn--yellow too, rice, pasta, breads--even whole wheat bread, tortillas, crackers, and anything that could be made with wheat, corn, or rice).

    5. Overeat one day a week. Even white carbs and sugar are fine on that one day. This will keep you sane and your metabolism revving.

    When you hit this point, you just have to ask yourself, "How bad do I want this?" That last 10-20 is the hardest. I've done it before and I pretty much had no life, but I had a six pack. :laugh:
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Ditto what TheRealParis said - also, I took a look at your diary and you really don't seem to be eating enough. Check out how much you should be eating at either (weight loss goal date) or your TDEE/BMR at (the idea is to never NET below your BMR and to eat about 80% of your TDEE).
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Protein. You don't eat enough protein. Cut back on carbs and replace them with protein - white rice and a sauce is not a meal it is meant to accompany some meat. You would be better off with the meat and the sauce without the rice. Eat fish three times a week.

    Same applies to bread or potato - they aren't a meal, and where are the vegetables in your diet ?

    Your diet is a car crash so start there.
  • Ironphoenix
    Your calorie deficit is way too big! the last 10-20lb is a bit of a science. You need to raise your calories up, your body is now used to living on the very low calories that you have given it and its stalled. Take a look at a metabolism reset. Its mentally hard to do but it will reset your metabolism. Unfortunately working out harder is going to make that deficit larger and not help.

    Work out three times a week, weights and reasonable cardio.

    eat clean, cut out sugars, processed foods etc

    eat enough! pm me and Ill help you work out the calories you need.

    Focus on your macros too, more protein, complex carbs and veg/fruit etc... what you put into your body is just as important!

    once reset, start with a small deficit and ideally get your deficit from your workouts not by cutting calories.

    Ive been upto 170lb and down to 110lb. I understand how frustrating it is to get the last bit off but you have to feed your body, Feed the machine! it will thank you for it :) and never ever give up!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    where is the fruit and veg?!

    ditch the macdonals, up your protein and eat ALL you calories.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    - If you have been restricting calories for a while, take a full diet break (i.e eat at what should be maintenance for at least 2 weeks)

    - When you go back to restricting calories, eat the calories you are supposed to per your target

    - Up your protein significantly (to about 100g a day)

    - Lift weights
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Thanks everyone.

    I know from looking at my diary that my diet seems disgusting as of late, but I have been eating ruit and veg - I just feel no need to log them because, as everyone has seen, I am eating way too less any way and know I'm still under eating as much apple/grapes/strawberries/peppers/mushrooms/peas/carrots/sweetcorn etc. as I want.

    I am going to take all this advice on board and actually start eating enough. Come next week I'll be getting a proper workout routine in place - cardio in fitness classes 2 times a week and weights once (I can't get a babysitter more than that, so it's the best I can do). Once I have money I'm going to get more Jillian Michaels dvd's, and heavier weights and start the slimdown programme also.

    I do plan on eating clean too, I just need to get my head into it properly and stop just comfort eating in small amounts because the scales won't shift.
  • ScottFree_66
    log every single item you eat and drink.... no ifs, ands or buts :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I know from looking at my diary that my diet seems disgusting as of late, but I have been eating ruit and veg - I just feel no need to log them because, as everyone has seen, I am eating way too less any way and know I'm still under eating as much apple/grapes/strawberries/peppers/mushrooms/peas/carrots/sweetcorn etc. as I want.

    I am going to take all this advice on board and actually start eating enough. Come next week I'll be getting a proper workout routine in place - cardio in fitness classes 2 times a week and weights once (I can't get a babysitter more than that, so it's the best I can do). Once I have money I'm going to get more Jillian Michaels dvd's, and heavier weights and start the slimdown programme also.

    I do plan on eating clean too, I just need to get my head into it properly and stop just comfort eating in small amounts because the scales won't shift.

    If you really want a change:

    1) Track better. Track it all.
    2) Eat your calories not huge deficits.
    3) Do not take on too many things at once as that is the path to failure. This is a gumption trap.
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Title says it all really. No matter what I do - eat well, eat bad, eat little, eat a lot etc - nothing is breaking this plateau and it is really getting me down. I'm only between 10lbs - 20lbs away from a goal weight I'd be happy with, but being so close yet so far is starting to take its toll on me.

    Anyone have anything that might help?

    You eat a lot of processed stuff - you need to get organised and plan your week from start to finish including training sessions etc.

    I have just broken my plateux so I 100% know what that feels like - I am (1200cal haters turn away now) following a 1200cals only a day with 6 days of training - Most heavy weight. I am following the online 12 week Michelle Bridges program and it is working

    So go back to the basics, weigh food,choose real food, plan your week, find a training buddy, drink water and go for it! I am in the small amount of weight to lose so it is always going to be harder


  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Thanks everyone. Today I would get the chance to start upping my calories, only because of my mental view on weight loss (eating less = weighing less), I was going to go to the gym for an hour before this.

    Should I skip the gym today and focus on getting my diet sorted over the weekend before getting a regular workout routine sorted?

    By sorted I mean trying to get it up to 1200kcal a day and with clean foods. I know 1200kcal isn't a lot to most people, and I probably should be eating more, but given how little I've been eating the past few months even getting over 1000kcal is a struggle for me, so 1200kcal will be a breakthrough in itself.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I can only echo what other people have already advised you. To be honest I looked at your diary and couldn't honestly believe how little you eat. I think you need to do a little bit of research into how many calories you should be eating daily (theres tons of info in here if you put TDEE into the search bar above) read up about good clean food and how to give your body a shock into starting to loose again. It's just basic stuff that your body will cling onto every calorie when it's feeling so deprived and doesn't know when it will be getting food again.

    You've had some really good advice on here so far, Really hope it helps. Only other thing I would advise you is don't get hung up on the scale too much. Just try and concentrate on improving the way your body looks and how your clothes fit. I know it's hard when you have a baby, your body just isn't the same again! lol. Good luck sweetheart, Add me if you want, and eat more food!! x
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Thanks everyone. Today I would get the chance to start upping my calories, only because of my mental view on weight loss (eating less = weighing less), I was going to go to the gym for an hour before this.

    Should I skip the gym today and focus on getting my diet sorted over the weekend before getting a regular workout routine sorted?

    By sorted I mean trying to get it up to 1200kcal a day and with clean foods. I know 1200kcal isn't a lot to most people, and I probably should be eating more, but given how little I've been eating the past few months even getting over 1000kcal is a struggle for me, so 1200kcal will be a breakthrough in itself.

    Yes. And eat your exercise calories if you exercise a lot.

    Also, if you go up a lb or two at first as your body adjusts - do not worry - stick to your guns for at least three weeks to see real change.

    The saying "80% diet 20% exercise" while not actually true - is useful in telling us what to focus on...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks everyone. Today I would get the chance to start upping my calories, only because of my mental view on weight loss (eating less = weighing less), I was going to go to the gym for an hour before this.

    Should I skip the gym today and focus on getting my diet sorted over the weekend before getting a regular workout routine sorted?

    By sorted I mean trying to get it up to 1200kcal a day and with clean foods. I know 1200kcal isn't a lot to most people, and I probably should be eating more, but given how little I've been eating the past few months even getting over 1000kcal is a struggle for me, so 1200kcal will be a breakthrough in itself.

    1200 is fine, as long as you eat your exercise calories as well.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks everyone. Today I would get the chance to start upping my calories, only because of my mental view on weight loss (eating less = weighing less), I was going to go to the gym for an hour before this.

    Should I skip the gym today and focus on getting my diet sorted over the weekend before getting a regular workout routine sorted?

    By sorted I mean trying to get it up to 1200kcal a day and with clean foods. I know 1200kcal isn't a lot to most people, and I probably should be eating more, but given how little I've been eating the past few months even getting over 1000kcal is a struggle for me, so 1200kcal will be a breakthrough in itself.

    While I would really encourage a full diet break, I understand that this may be hard for you, so I think it would definately be a good idea to skip the gym and use the weekend to sort things out. To get some more calories in, you just need to eat a handful of nuts or a couple of tbsps of peanut butter. Drink/eat full fat everything (no low or non-fat food), for example, a glass of full fat milk will up your calories and give you some good protein. Use salad dressing and oils/butter in cooking. Just these can really make a difference. Try to up your calories by a few hundred each week.
  • ktbrett22
    ktbrett22 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! Sorry if someone else has already suggested this - I only had time to skim read the comments - but I usually find that trying a whole new diet works. Cutting carbs is the most effective for me. Sometimes just a shock to the system does it. Worth a try! Or, and I don't know the details of why you want to get to your goal, but could it be that your body is happy here? Mind you, if you're not happy, then go for it! Good luckxx
  • Libbyly
    Libbyly Posts: 175
    Intermittent Fasting- it has just gotten me over the hump I was stuck at for about 5 months.

    I eat 500 cals on Monday and Tuesday (a large breakfast and small dinner) and I eat normally (no more than 1800 cals) the rest of the week.

    Lost 6 llbs in two weeks and I am hoping things are going to start moving again.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    As many have said: log everything, focus on macros
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I agree about tracking everything. In maintenance that might not be necessary, but to figure out why you've plateaued it is.
    Also, you're way under on fiber, and MFP (in my opinion) is already giving low numbers for fiber, you need to be at or above the fiber estimate they give.
    Good luck!