This is a silly thing to obsess over...

For those of you who lost some weight prior to joining this site, did you log in your original weight, or only enter your weight as of the date you started here?

I ask because I did the latter, so it's just showing the few pounds I've lost since being here. But it's really bugging me to only see those few pound when I worked so hard and lost more. But then I feel like it's cheating to count weight pre-myfitnesspal.

I obsess over strange things, I know. It's stupid and silly...but I'm just curious as to what others have done...


  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    i started with the weight i started here. it only shows 16 pounds but i have actually lost 62.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I put in my original starting weight (181), not my MFP starting weight (174). It was more encouraging to see the weight I had already lost, and I feel like it is a true representation of what I have done.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I entered the weight I was at when I started using MFP and listed my highest weight in my profile.
  • vegantimtam
    I would put the highest! More inspiring. That's what I did, because when I joined I actually weighed less than I do now (slightly) and much less than I did a couple of months ago...then I forgot all about the app and did exercise but didn't restrict food or weigh myself...when I finally did it was a shock. So I started tracking properly a month ago.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I put my starting weight(February) because I want my ticker to reflect my full journey.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I put the weight I was when starting MFP, but I had lost a bit more before starting. I just mentally add those 5 pounds on top of my ticker. LOL
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I'd lost 7lbs before atarting MFP so I changed it to show the total weight lost.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I put the weight from when I started MFP, but there was a reason for that: I didn't want to feel like I could slack just because my ticker showed a weight loss already. I wanted to feel motivated to build up my weight loss ticker. When I feel more steady and more consistent, I might change it to reflect my weight loss overall, since I also lost some weight before joining MFP.

    If you can change your ticker to reflect all of your weight loss, and not feel like it gives you an excuse to slack off, then I say update it and take pride in all of your hard work!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I logged my MFP start weight.

    My highest weight was a few years ago and I had been yo-yoing since then.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I entered the weight I was at when I started using MFP and listed my highest weight in my profile.

    This is a good answer to this problem. You want to see how much you lose with the help of MFP on here. I would do what this person did.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I had been logging for 3 months before I started here. I did everything on weight watchers online. So, when I started, I just back dated all of my old entries from WW into my MFP log. That way I could still see the record of all of my weigh ins.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    then change it! We must find what motivates us and use it to its fullest potential.
    If seeing a bigger number lost would feel better- then do that. I had only lost 2 or 3 lbs prior- so I did use my very starting weight and "lost" 3 lbs the day I signed up. BUT- I have quite a few lbs to go - so skipping right to a 3# loss really didnt "cheat" anything. (I think, anyway)
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    >>>I entered the weight I was at when I started using MFP and listed my highest weight in my profile<<<

    This is what I did too. :smile:
  • brandillyn
    brandillyn Posts: 105 Member
    Just because you joined the site doesn't mean you haven't lost the weight you did before you joined!

    I would put it on there and be damn proud of myself that I was able to go that far. It's all one journey and if your kicking *kitten* at it, display it to the world!

    Best wishes on the rest of your journey(:
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I used my weight from when I started losing. I tried to leave it at MFP starting weight but felt discouraged when it said 4lbs lost and it was really 44...
  • Ironphoenix
    Why dont you change it sweetie so that it reflects your total loss so that you can be motivated by it! you can change it in settings. x
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I have thought about changing mine as well...but haven't yet....maybe when I'm at goal weight I will....I listed my starting weight when I started MFP, although I lost 12 pounds before that I too "mentally" add that in when I think or tell people how much I have lost....I have my "since January" number and my "total" number :happy:

    Just do whatever works for you, it's not cheating or anything if you lost the weight!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Mine is from my heighest weight. I spent so long not wanting to claim that weight, now that Ive lost it I will claim every single pound I have lost! without shame :)!
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    Thanks for all the responses!!

    Not that anyone is monitering, but I didn't want my weight loss to show 7 pounds then suddenly 20 pounds!

    I weighed in this morning using my Wii...not the usual scale from my office. I changed scales because I'm leaving this job, so it won't be available for me anymore.

    Anyway, I was looking back through my histroy on the Wii fit thing and felt so much more inspired when I saw how far I'd come since March. Then I noticed you could back date weight on MFP...hadn't realized you could do this before or I'd have done it when I started.

    I got so worried about it I forgot to log my current weight!!

    Thanks for all the advice. Putting in prior weight loss definitely won't make me think I can slack off...just the opposite. It shows me how much progress I've made. That I AM making progress. That all the hard work really is paying off. I have so much weight to lose that I haven't really noticed that much of a difference in myself yet. Others have, but I haven't. So for me, those numbers are my progress.

    Thanks again, all! Now I won't feel bad adding my numbers!
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    There, I've done it!! I started out on the Wii at 289.5 on March 28...and weighed myself today on the Wii and was 265. THAT makes me happy and inspired!!!