Exercise...feel better...but no weight loss

I have been working out for at lease 2 hours the past 4 nights and have been a little under my cal count for the day? WHY DOES THE SCALE SAY I GAINED 2 POUNDS WTF???? HELP......


  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    probably water weight. I always weigh on Mondays after I worked out the week before. Gives my muscles a chance to recoup.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Could be a number of things,
    if what you're eating has lots of sodium its probably water retention...
    if you're not eating enough calories your body is going into starvation mode

    You cannot expect to lose weight the first week, some people do some people dont.

    Remember you didn't gain it in a day you wont lose it all in a day.

    Oh and weigh only once a week, if you weigh every day or every other day you're likely to see a normal flux in weight but it may go up or down and discourage you if it goes up. I weigh every sunday morning, naked before I eat or get in the shower.
  • Stacylynn1977
    Stacylynn1977 Posts: 42 Member
    I need to check your diary, but you may not being eating enough protein, you need protein after workouts, and complex carbs before..thats what my trainer told me..

    and if you weigh right after a workout, then you have water weight
    and also muscle weighs more than fat, so you can be losing inches, which is what i am dealing with, i havent lost weight in a while, but i am losing inches like crazy..i've went down 5 dress sizes since Jan
  • deezerdee
    Have you upped your water intake to compensate..... if your dehydrated you'll retain water....

    : ) x
  • abrewer563
    abrewer563 Posts: 122
    You muscles retain water when you work out to assist in the repair process. It's normal to have a weight gain when you first start working out, especially if you feel sore.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    According to your diary you are not eating nearly enough. You have been more than 1000 cals under your goal some days.

    MFP is set up so you eat back the cals you burn from exercise as your initial caloric intake is to lose weight with no exercise.
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    I have been working out for at lease 2 hours the past 4 nights and have been a little under my cal count for the day? WHY DOES THE SCALE SAY I GAINED 2 POUNDS WTF???? HELP......

    i have been the same - the guy at my gym said this would happen, but if i kept at it the water weight would go down.
    stick with it
  • Mrs_Winfrey
    Mrs_Winfrey Posts: 61 Member
    I didn't lose not even a quarter of a pound until my 3rd weigh in, and I had lost 3.2 pounds. It will come. Don't give up. Your hormones could be out of whack, or your sodium intake could be off like someone else said, could be a few things. Keep at it girl!
  • Trobinson0469
    I am experiencing the same problem. I feel the same way you do, but don't give up, just keep pushing. Also, it is good to take measurement of your waist and hips. Although the scale shows no weight loss for me, but when I measured my waist in hips I had loss some inches. Good Luck and keep pushing....
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Could be a number of things,
    if what you're eating has lots of sodium its probably water retention...
    if you're not eating enough calories your body is going into starvation mode

    You cannot expect to lose weight the first week, some people do some people dont.

    Remember you didn't gain it in a day you wont lose it all in a day.

    Oh and weigh only once a week, if you weigh every day or every other day you're likely to see a normal flux in weight but it may go up or down and discourage you if it goes up. I weigh every sunday morning, naked before I eat or get in the shower.

    Second all this!

    Just wait it out, give it another week and I'm sure some weight will come off. And personally, I hit a plateau recently, and looked at my caloric intake and realized I wasn't eating enough to fuel my body for the intense workouts I've been doing. I upped my calories from 1370 to about 1530 and the weight is just falling off now. It's so weird how eating more makes the weight come off!
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    I have been working out for at lease 2 hours the past 4 nights and have been a little under my cal count for the day? WHY DOES THE SCALE SAY I GAINED 2 POUNDS WTF???? HELP......

    >working out for two hours straight
    >for only 4 days
    >expects results NOW

    Just like it took you time to pile on all that fat, its going to take more than 8 hours of working out and eating less to see a significant change.

    It says you've joined this month, you have my permission to complain after being diligent for 3 months.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you've only completed it for the past two days (I went back 10 days). But in those two days that you logged you left all of your exercise calories uneaten. There is much debate on here about eating your exercise calories or not, and I'm not going to tell you to do it either way. You've got to figure out what works for you.

    I think you're expecting changes too quickly. When you start a new exercise routine your muscles often retain water, so your gain could be that. I suggest you keep doing what you're doing and see where you stand in two weeks. If it still isn't working, you can then change something up to figure out what works. Maybe you aren't fueling your body for the workouts that you're doing (are you still hungry at the end of the day?), maybe a different exercise routine would work better. You'll figure it out eventually, but it will take some time to get there.

    Good luck!
  • Kinu_M
    Kinu_M Posts: 31
    .....the title said help not judge! but thanks everyone else for understanding... sometime people just want to vent and just hear a keep up the good work or maybe try this or that....
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    For some reason people accuse me of the judging I did not mean to come off that way if you felt it was me.

    But its true you can't expect results now, this thing takes time.

    And I'm not here to coddle you and hold you hand, you have a hard road ahead so you'll need to work harder not just keep up the good work.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Do this for a month, then hit the scale!!!
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Yes I agree with you- the same thing seems to be happening with me....
  • Kinu_M
    Kinu_M Posts: 31
    For some reason people accuse me of the judging I did not mean to come off that way if you felt it was me.

    But its true you can't expect results now, this thing takes time.

    And I'm not here to coddle you and hold you hand, you have a hard road ahead so you'll need to work harder not just keep up the good work.

    well they say if it walks like a duck and quacks like duck...it is a duck
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    If you started a new routine it could be your muscles are swollen. Give your body time to get used to the routine then try again on the scale.
  • MaxPeck
    MaxPeck Posts: 1
    .....the title said help not judge! but thanks everyone else for understanding... sometime people just want to vent and just hear a keep up the good work or maybe try this or that....


    It takes time to make major changes in your body composition. Same thing is happening with me but I know that I'm producing too much insulin which retards weight loss. Over the last couple of years my body dimensions have changed but my scale weight hasn't changed as much. Give it time, LOTS of time. The only way for it to really work is for it to be a complete lifestyle change. Chemistry changes in the body do not happen in periods of weeks, it takes (sometimes many) months. If you're like most people you're trying to reverse 30 years of bad habits.

  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    For some reason people accuse me of the judging I did not mean to come off that way if you felt it was me.

    But its true you can't expect results now, this thing takes time.

    And I'm not here to coddle you and hold you hand, you have a hard road ahead so you'll need to work harder not just keep up the good work.

    well they say if it walks like a duck and quacks like duck...it is a duck

    Said my apologies, and wished you the best... so here I am quacking.

    You can't always tell tone over the interwebs.