Bad day

I have been working my tail off, eating right and doing the "right" things . . . and only 0.5 lbs dropped in 2 weeks. I hate the scale! Having a very hard morning. Actually so frustrated that I cried about it! My husband now hates the scale too and wants to throw it away. I have been doing P90X, Round 2 Classic for 16 days and have been sweating everyday and bringing it the best I can. Eating as high protein as I can get, making sure I avoid junk, etc. WTH!?!?! Just so frustrated right now!!!


  • Marathon_Maniac
    Marathon_Maniac Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, Don't be too hard on yourself!

    Remember to breath. Look at yourself in the mirror and say "You Got This, I got this. You are worth it, I am WORTH IT"

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Easy now, stay away from the scale for a couple days, and remember, with all that exercise you're doing you may be in that phase where you're building muscle, start looking for the nonscale victories (like doing all those great workouts each day, tracking your foods... maybe check some measurements to see if you're losing inches??)

    You're doing good, just keep going!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I agree with Marathon_Mani! You have got this and you are so worth it! Keep working hard! Your muscles are probably retaining some water because of the hard workouts! Also, remember you were sick, so your body is healing in overtime! Take care of you and take a deep breath! You are doing great! You are becoming stronger and healthier each and every day! :heart: :happy:
  • lncy
    lncy Posts: 4
    Stay away from the scale! If you step on the scale after working out loads and eating clean for a while and don't see a loss you were expecting, it can kill your motivation.

    Look at the positives. Focus on doing well for today and only today. Yesterday is over and tomorrow hasn't come yet. After a few weeks of just focussing day to day THEN step on the scale. You'll see a bigger drop and it'll really help keep you motivated. Once you learn to let your body by your motivator, and not some external weighing scale, you'll achieve greater results.

    Keep up the great work!
  • mrsdean1973
    I know how frustrating and devastating this can be. I think a ton of us can relate. Just remember that you are doing a great job. Whether the scale moves or not you are living a healthier lifestyle and that is a huge accomplishment in itself.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    We all have those days, and it is really frustrating. You are right to feel that way with all of the effort you are putting into this lifestyle. The only thing I can say is that you cannot be too eager to see a drastic change quickly. With proper excersise and diet, the healthy way to lose weight is about 1 pound a week. Thats not very fast. You will be best off sticking to your goals and workout routine and the pounds will drop off. Also make sure you are eating enough to keep up with all of the excersise.
    Best wishes!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    There are about a dozen things that can create a false reading on a scale, especially from day-to-day.

    You might want to track your progress by taking measurements with tape, body fat or a combination of all 3.
  • dshiplett
    dshiplett Posts: 5 Member
    I have been that way for a couple weeks now. I'll drop a pound or two, then waffle back and forth. It's frustrating the closer you get to your goal, too, it gets harder. But just keep taking it one day at a time -- that's what I do! The weight WILL come off. Sometimes it's a battle of wills :) You can do it!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I get really discouraged when I don't see "instant" resluts so that is why I only weight once a month! I would rather see that I lost 4-6 lbs in a month than seing only .05 - 1 lb lost each week. Even if it comes out to the same amount.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Keep your chin up and yes, ignore the scale! (easier said than done I know). Focus on how you feel and how proud you should be of the fact that you've been consistent and have been working hard. I've plateaued for about a month but am choosing not to stress about it, you need to focus on some of the non-scale victories. For example, I've realized that I am down from a size 14 to a size 8 (had thought that I was a size 10-12 until I took myself shopping), have also set a new personal best on a long race and am feeling GREAT while training for my longest race of the year. These victories have all happened in the last month while the numbers have stubbornly stayed the same!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Looks like you got lots of good advice. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. With your P90X you are developing muscle and losing fat, so the scale won't move. But I bet your clothes are fitting looser and your measurments are going down. My bariatric surgeon told me that if the scale isn't moving, but the clothes are getting looser it's muscle gain and not to worry about it. The scale will eventually catch up.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I have been there more days then not. I realize it is all emotions and the biggest reason for people going back to their old ways. Because prrogress is not with the snap of a finger. Not saying thats what u expect, but I know there are days I cant stand that I work so hard and feel like nothing happens.
    Suggestion,, take pictures every couple of weeks you will see a difference. And with P90X you are also building lots of muscle, so you may be losing inches and fat.
    Congrats on your progress, DO NOT GIVE UP or give in to the feelings. They may be there again you must keep going, You Will get there
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Thank you all! Even though I know all of these things about muscle and fat and weight ratio, etc. and that the scale can "lie" about your progress . . . Just 25 lbs more to go to be under 200. I'm 5'8" and while I am curvy and well . .. to be frank . . . the boobs are NEVER going away (LOL) I just want the number down. I know I have lost inches/cm. Why is the number so damn important?

    P.S. My husband is going to hide my scale when he gets home for about the next month. He said when I'm done with month 2 of this round he will let me have it back.