Over 45 guys helping each other and compairing notes

pjansen Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I noticed that the 40+ women have a succesful message board. I don't want to
rain on their parade 'cause I'm a guy.

Maybe some of you other over 45 guys want to chat and help keep each other on track.

My name is Pete, Fort Collins Colorado, 46, 3 kids, and I started out Novemer 1st of 2009
at 198 lbs. I swore I wouldn't ever hit 200 so I started counting calories and eating better.
I got down to 185 lbs a week ago, but gained some back to 189.

So that's where I am, just bought a new treadmill that I love. It's cold outside for walking
right now here in northern Colorado. I hope to make some new over 45 guy friends here.


  • Hi Pete, Mike from Lancaster, PA. 45 with 2 kids and I just started on January 5. I am 6'6" and started at 323 as that was the highest I had ever been. It mortified me. So far i have lost 15 pounds and now I am in the 307. As you can guess from my user name I am shooting for 250. That was my playing weight in my senior year. Got a treadmill but haven't used it yet. In fact I haven't done a thing for 25 years. Finally, after experiencing some degrading issues with my health I have woken up and smelled the roses. I will be successful at this.

    Consider me a part of your group. I limit my daily intake to 2000 calories. Tomorrow I am diving in and starting at the local community center. Stationary bike program for 45 minutes. I will pay for it but it is time to begin.
  • pjansen
    pjansen Posts: 19
    Hey Mike, sorry it took so long to get back to you, just busy these days. You've made the right choice for you and your family. Do it for YOU first, then them. Other people may tell you different, but I've tried it and it just doesn't work as well. I love my family more than anything, but it won't work if you say you're doing it mostly for them. It makes you feel like you have to do it because it's for them. Just venting, sorry. I found a place in my head, finally, that makes me proud of watching my food intake, getting exercise and watching the pounds start to fall off. It's awesome to be in that place inside. I'm glad you replied as I think it's important to have somebody to talk to during this hard starting out time, and the best change in your life that you've ever done.

    I got a wake up call when I had a heart attack at age 44, 190 lbs, 5'-9" tall. I lost 45% of my heart function because of that. I have 3 stainless steel stents in my heart now. For the first year after that I was scared to move, sweat, stress, everything. A horrible life to lead. I wished at some points that I didn't make it. It's been a roller coaster ride since then. I'll be 47 in April and I should be in the best shape of my adult life around that time, I hope. I gained some weight from not moving around enough after my heart attack. I was determined to keep up with my cardiac rehab workouts 3 times a week on the treadmill and stationary bikes at the hospital. I was doing good, but went back to work after a while and fell out of the routine. I was on again, off again smoking and drinking pretty good. Basically falling back into the old me and trying kill myself with my lifestyle. Then, last year my oldest brother Eric died of a heart attack at age 58. He was an outdoorsy guy, not overweight, ate pretty good foods, still died young. He didn't get checked out by a cardiologist even though our family has a history of heart disease. I probably would have saved his life if he did. Now I see a cardiologist a couple times a year. I have yet to do my stress test for 2009. I was putting it off because I was out of shape and they make you run on a treadmill until you're about to drop. Scared the hell out of me in 2008 when they did that. But when they do this, they do imaging on your heart and arteries so they can see restrictions, blockage and flow. This is pretty important stuff if you want to stay alive. By the way, my dad died in my arms when I was 14 and he was 53 of an abdominal aneurysm which is your big artery in you belly getting weak and tearing. Same as coronary artery disease like I have. But now they can put stents in that artery too if you catch it early enough. Most people are scared to find out they have a problem I guess, then they die young.

    Sorry I rambled on about that, but it's important information from a person whole lived through that ****. You have to lose weight around your middle or you run a high risk of all of the above happening to you. You have to see a cardiologist even if you don't have heart problems. Have them do imaging on your heart and arteries so you can save you life now. It can be very dangerous to exercise if you have plaque in your arteries. I have a piece break loose in punch a hole in one of mine causing the attack and need for the stents. Get it checked out for yourself, then for your family. No kidding, it's so worth it even if you have to pay out of pocket for the testing.

    So, with all that out of the way. November of 2008 we decided to move ourselves and 4 year old little boy at the time from Flagstaff to Fort Collins Colorado because the lifestyle here is more healthy. Bike trails, lots of walking and hiking, just a general feeling of a healthier population in general. I was still doing my ups and downs with smoking and drinking. But I was also riding my bike sometimes and feeling good about that. Then the beginning of November 2009 my wife Jane decided she was going to join Weight Watchers online and start tracking her points and working out. I decided I was going to track calories with an this online calorie counter too. I really had the turning point with the 2010 new years resolutions. I quit smoking 100% done, no cheats or anything. I watch every calorie and drink 64oz of water every day. I purchased a new treadmill and started using it on Monday. So every day after work I'm doing the pre-programmed workout for 30 minutes. Today will be day 3 of that. I know that's going to be what makes me live longer and makes me get those pounds off finally. I'm supposed to work out 20 minutes every day with a heart rate of 125 according to my doctors. I was doing that in rehab, but not so much since then. Stupid hugh? Anyway, I am bound and determined to do it at least 5 times a week, ride by bike when it's a little warmer outside, and do a little on my weight machine that I've had for years and used about a dozen times.

    This morning I'm back down to 186.5 lbs which is thrilling. I feel great with the not smoking and eating really healthy stuff and staying hydrated. Oh, ya, make sure you drink the 8-8oz glasses of water every day, it makes a huge difference in how much and how fast the weight comes off. That's how your body gets rid of the burned fat is through peeing. So pee a lot! =)

    Really proud of you for doing this. Now we can do it together if you want. If you need to chat or bounce something off of me, please don't hesitate to contact me. Good job on the community center thing. You'll probably start doing other stuff there as you get your wind back in your sails. Keep it up, I'll do it too. Please get a check up at the docs too.

    Talk to you soon, Pete
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Hi Pete,

    I'm just down the "Highway of Death" (I25) from you in Centennial. I'm 62 and have been on my new lifestyle since November 8, 2008 when my doctor socked me in the mouth with "Do you want to be around in 10 years to play with that cute little granddaughter?" Wow! What a wakeup call that was!

    So now I'm off all 3 blood presure meds, my trigycerides med, and my metformin and have cured my snoring/sleep apnea just by losing the weight. Did it through change in eating habits, food choices, exercise, MFP, and help from my doctor's prescription of Meridia. Feel like I'm 30 yrs younger! Life is Gooood!

    So count me in. Still trying to reach my goal of what I weighed on my wedding day 35 years ago. Less than 10 pounds to go. Would like to reach it by our anniversary on Feb 15th. But these last few are fightin' hard to stay on!

  • pjansen
    pjansen Posts: 19
    Awesome job! You've lost more than half of what I weigh! Amazing. I thank God every morning when I open my eyes and I'm home with my family. Just to have one more day to do stuff is an amazing gift. I'm sure it's great on the other side too, but I'm way to young to find out right now. I'm just going to keep plugging away at it, and I'm going to get healthier, stronger, feel better and live longer. I already feel like a new man in only 20 days of really going for it. I'm excited about my future now, not worried every day if I'm going to drop dead at work or something. I was consumed with death, every waking moment. People that have had a near death experience from a health problem know what I'm talking about. Hypochondriac to the max. Totally unhealthy to live like that. When I first looked at your banner I thought you weighed 109 lbs. I was thinking, "Man that's a skinny guy" ; ) Then I looked again, WOW, that's crazy. I don't think I've ever met anybody that lost that much weight. It's amazing that you could drop your meds like that too. Good for your kidneys and liver. Welcome aboard and I look forward to keeping in touch with you. Who knows, maybe we'll drop down there someday and meet you for a glass of wine or something.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Welcome aboard and I look forward to keeping in touch with you. Who knows, maybe we'll drop down there someday and meet you for a glass of wine or something.

    We'd like that. Good luck with your weight loss journey. Sounds like you don't have near as far to go as I did. Hope you'll be able to ski like you used to again. I just love it like I did 30 years ago now that I've gotten rid of the extra baggage. Even took the time to shoot some video at Copper and post it on YouTube here:



  • pjansen
    pjansen Posts: 19
    I feel really bad when I get up to about 9500 - 10,000 feet. I've tried going through Camaron a few times and it feels like I'm
    gonna die when I get there. Even just driving the car. I think I just need to head up there more often and get my body used to it. I can't get to Steamboat without going through Camaron and Rabbit Ears passes to get there. Kinda sucks not being able to enjoy the state I just moved to.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Whoooo! Sorry to hear that! Have you told your doc? I've known people who had to move to lower altitude for medical reasons and others that were told not to even come here.
  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    Can we kick this group down to 40+?
    I want to fit in somewhere!! :ohwell:
    that being said, I have a question for the 40 something mens out there...

    Has anyone noticed a marked increase in body odor once you started working out and changing your diet?
    I only ask this because all my life, if I could smell my pits, I KNEW I had either not showered in over a day...have been hiking on a trail for days on end...eaten some seriously onion and pico laden Mexican food and been outside in the Texas sun...or all the above. Basically I would KNOW why I stunk, but now I am finding that even if I shower at neight before bed, I am waking up in the morning with smelly pits!
    The only things I've done different this week are:
    1) quit drinking whiskey
    2) cutting my calories down to about 1800 from what was mostly twice that
    3) pushups
    4) jumping rope 20 minutes a day
    I am going to cross post this, but I really want to hear from men, as most BO questions fielded by women seem to revolve around Estrogen, hormones, and deodorant/antiperspirant recommendations. I can keep it under control with deodorant, but I am more curious about what has caused this recent change! Again, I am showering 2x a day, and the odor isn't during or after a workout, but between showers!

    Sorry if this isn't the proper forum...I'd just like to hear from guys!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    If this group was based on how old you feel, we'd have to kick it down to 30 cause that's about how old I feel like now that I've dumped the extra baggage! :laugh: :laugh: But seriously, sure you're welcome. We won't ignore you.

    No I haven't noticed any change in BO since I changed my lifestyle and lost the weight, even after working out for at least an hour every day after work. I don't even shower afterwards so I can get home for dinner at a reasonable time and the wife hasn't moved out :laugh: :laugh: or even said anything like "You stink! Take a shower! :laugh: :laugh: In fact, just been staying with my normal routine and showering in the morning before work. The S-S-S combo, you know.

    Must be because you're in Texas! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And we're in Colorado! :bigsmile:

    BTW Are you a wildland firefighter? For the Feds? My son's best friend and best man at his wedding is a helipeller in Oregon.
  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    Ohhh....you Colorado hippies just smell bad all the time! :laugh: :tongue: :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:
    No, for a time I really wanted to move to CO and be structural/wildland, but if I did I would certainly have to get my red card here in TX...there's no way I could do the hike portion at elevation!:sick:
    I have an old HS friend in your fair state that is an air rescue pilot...I've been meaning to reconnect with him.

    Anyway, thanks for the reply...just kidding about the hippie thing! Actually since yesterday I have been stunk-free after my last workout...I am thinking it was a progressive cycling of toxins from my body brought on by the workouts and severe sweating! All that junk food and whiskey screaming it's way out of my pores I suppose. :drinker: Well, no whiskey for the last week, and I think I'm gonna keep it that way for a while!

    Thanks again!

  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    boo! sorry for the double post!
  • I agree with 34at35. You are welcome here. I also agree that since I dropped my initial 20 I have had a bounce in my step and feeling great so I too feel younger with less weight. As far as BO I can't begin to tell you what you want to hear. My pits don't stink unless they have had a day or so without deodorant. My other end, well that is another story. I can tell you what I ate for that end. :)
  • Now that I think about it you might be absolutely right. Alcohol does strange things to the body. Have you done a 7 day cleanse yet? It WILL flush out everything. Try GNC for their 7 Day Cleanse. It works. I did and it was a great jumpstart onto my weight loss plan.
  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't done a cleanse, per se; however, last year I was taken to the ED with what I thought was appendicitis and turned out to be diverticulitis...the Doc told me that I would be put on some hardcore antibiotics, and while on them I need to go on a clear liquid diet. That would be for a week. I actually did a saltwater cleanse, then stuck to the liquids...GNC has a great clear liquid protein drink but it's expensive, like $4 a bottle...isopure.
    ...but it REALLY helped me get over the hump. I also drank the most vile concoction of beef broth with pure cane sugar mixed in, and I have to tell ya, if you've ever wondered how Quiznos et al make their delicious Au Jus for their French Dip sandwiches....IT'S SUGAR. ANYWAY, I was surprised the saltwater cleanse was actually pleasant, and after the 3rd day headache went away, I actually felt great and like I could go another week.
    ...I ramble...sorry. Yes, I really do think it was all the toxic food and alcohol from the holidays (and regular drinking); I haven't had any issues or any BO since the day after I posted the question, and the only thing I've changed is healthier, low cal, low junk eating and no booze! What a wake-up call! :noway:
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    I was hoping someone had started a group like this. I am 47, 3 kids, divorced. Live in Louisville KY. Started working out at the beginning of the year (recommitting to working out). I was not going to worry about eating differently until I found this app for the iPhone and then got on this site. Wow what a difference!! I have dropped from 228 (not my highest ever) to 220 - so far. My goal is to get to 190 or below. Would actually like to end up around 175, but 190 will put me at the high end of the healthy weight range.
  • Count me in GUY"S, I need all the support I can get
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I was hoping someone had started a group like this. I am 47, 3 kids, divorced. Live in Louisville KY. Started working out at the beginning of the year (recommitting to working out). I was not going to worry about eating differently until I found this app for the iPhone and then got on this site. Wow what a difference!! I have dropped from 228 (not my highest ever) to 220 - so far. My goal is to get to 190 or below. Would actually like to end up around 175, but 190 will put me at the high end of the healthy weight range.

    Welcome aboard guys! I was 5'11" , 294 with a 46 in waist on November 8, 2008. My doc askeed me at my annual med check if I wanted to be around in 10 yrs to play with my granddaughter. I was stunned and replied "sure". He then said "Well, you'd better start doing something about your weight then. You're on the "slippery slope" to Type II diabetes."

    Wow! Talk about a punch in the mouth!

    I vowed right then to change my lifestyle. With his help, exercise, portion control, better food choices, and my wife's support, I have lost most of it and weighed 179 lbs in his office Tuesday. My goal is to get back to what I weighed on my wedding date by our 35th anniversary on February 15th. I think I can do it.

    OBTW - I'm a Terp! Class of 1970! And from the same high school as Len Bias (remember him? - such as promising career wasted by sticking the white stuff up his nose - too bad!) He could have been great!
  • New here, great board! im sure the gals are taking notes!! I'm 48, 5'9 195lbs currently. Alway active, have been cycling for about 10 years, 120 miles a week and strength traiing at home. Could never get down to that optimum weight. I have recently started the Power 90 videos that have been collecting dust at home and can see some changes after 2 weeks. For me, the biggest issue is food choices...hate veggies, would rather have a butt whooping than eat them. But, i figured if I could get thru raising up a teenager, i could get thru some veggies!
    I really enjoyed reading your posts, your guys are really making some positive changes in your lifestyles. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!
  • pjansen
    pjansen Posts: 19
    Hi all, it's been a long time since I started this board. Pretty good response too. I've added you all as friends and I hope you're still hanging around MFP. Mike started a blog group you may want to join as well. Kind of a "Biggest Loser" challenge. It will be fun. It's the start of week 2, I was a little late jumping in but will report my failure or success at the end of the week. It's called:
    Losing for Life Challenge and you are all welcome and encouraged to join. We're all in the same boat, just trying to keep each other on the right track. I'll talk to you all soon.

  • goldsguy
    goldsguy Posts: 58
    I've been tracking food and exercise and would say 80% of the time I'm under my calorie intake. I have a physical job and i workout, more cardio than weights, and I still don't lose weight. If i lose 2 lbs I gain it back the next day. I feel good, strong and energy levels are good, but I just can't shed the pounds. I haven't given up, but it's getting harder not to
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