Not really that new, but would like some friends!

Hey there, Tash here from the UK :)
I have been on here since...i think it was July :/ And i have lost 1 stone 6 pounds so far :)
I originally started out at 248 pounds (17 st 10) last year, and went on to lose 2 st 8 (36 pounds) to get down to 15 st 2 (210)
I put a little bit of weight on after that as i fell by the wayside, and when i started on MFP i was 15 st 8 (218) and i am now 14 st 2 (198), which i must say i haven't been in years!
Anyone want to go on a weight loss journey with me? I don't mind who, although people who want support or who maybe are similar stats to me would be great :) My next goal is 12 st (168) and then i will assess myself at that point.

Oh...and i'm 5 foot 3 :)


  • Tashymash
    Tashymash Posts: 41 Member
  • minnielovesmickey
    minnielovesmickey Posts: 84 Member
    Hey Tash,

    I'm from Kent, I'd love to be your friend xx
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. Mfp friends are so great for motivation.
  • jessiecoody
    jessiecoody Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on the hunt for some friends on here, too. I just started using this (again lol) last night and I am determined to stick it out this time! I have no friends IRL that are interested in getting in better shape and I feel silly being on here and blogging to myself. I would love to have some people that I can read about and that would be interested in reading my blogs, too. It really helps to know you aren't alone!! If anyone else replying to this post would like to add me as well, it would be very much appreciated :-)
  • busdrivermary
    just started this wed aug 29th i am 5'3 and right around 190 so i can use all the support i can get. i dont get to a computer everyday but i will keep in touch when i am on. i driver a school bus in chandler az so i work mon thru fri till about 5:45 pm i start about 5:30 am with breaks in between if they dont find me something else to do i will walk to the library and get on a computer otherwise its mostly weekends at home. i am busdrvermary and i am also on facebook let me know if you want to friend me there i am always on there during the weekend
  • Tashymash
    Tashymash Posts: 41 Member
    Hey thankyou to all those who have replied and requested me! :D I warn you- i'm not perfect but i am on a goal to eat healthier and do lots of exercise, not just eat what my calorie allowance is! Not got there yet but im working towards it :)
  • GuardiansChild
    Nice to meet you. :) Feel free to add me.
  • lkt4384
    lkt4384 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I would like to be friends! I am 5'3" also and I am now at 226, down from 255 six weeks ago. My weight loss has slowed way down, but I am still working away at it. I live in Washington State, near Portland, OR. I don't understand stones or kilos, so I am glad you put the pounds on. Congratulations on your great loss. I can't wait to be below 200. It has been since 2005, so I will feel much better and only 27 pounds to go! YAY!

  • busdrivermary
    didnt count sunday or monday too to do and to much to eat but back on track today got the bike going? gonna ride to now then tonight so i will tell you later how it all went. any who wants add me i will friend you when i get back on later. later mary