


  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    So, you would only like to hear from peeps that would promote this product?

    I can not even begin to promote this product or any like it.

    I will say that you have to start somewhere. You must fall down in order to get back up.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I've thought about it in the past but I never wanted to commit to buying food that might not end up tasting very good. Now I just cook fresh healthy meals that taste better than the junk I used to eat.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Personally, I wouldnt invest in it. When I lived alone I would make a normal size dinner and then freeze portions of it. Then you have your grab and go that makes it easy for you. Its not easy to shop or cook for one, especially for me who was used to feeding my family of 4. Being here will help you tremendously.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    PS WW online is cheaper and you can eat what you want. They also have a great board system similar to this that is also very supportive.

    Losing weight is hard, being fat is hard, pick your hard.
  • 2012Sonya
    2012Sonya Posts: 37 Member
    I agree Nutrisystem is pricey but I used it 4 years ago to lose 40lbs and I've kept it off ...

    It really helped me to learn the proper portion size I should be eating. That has stuck with me.

    The food wasn't too bad and I loved having a dessert every night to look forward to.

    I wouldn't buy the food again but it was a good tool to get me started on a healthier lifestyle.
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 84 Member
    Bump, will reply back in a bit
  • I've been on NutriSystem before, probably 20 years ago. Yeah, I lost the weight, but gained it right back and then some. The problem is you're eating THEIR food, so you have no idea how many calories are in something, how many ounces are in something, etc etc. You never learn HOW to eat. When I did NutriSystem, my favorite day was when you had to go in and get weighed- you know why? Because right after that I would head to McDonalds for a quarter pounder with cheese and fries! Because I had no idea what calories were in anything.
    Think of how they stay in business. If they taught you how to eat right and control your portions, you'd lose weight and keep it off. That is NOT what they want. They want you to keep coming back over and over and over to pay their fees and buy their food, right? They want your money.
    Try MFP. It really helps, I've tried every weight loss center in the US, and every time I gained it all back. I'm 46 years old, I've been on diets my whole life. Using this app I've lost 28 lbs since June (of course ya gotta exercise, too), but I have a much better understanding of how much and what I can eat. This has to be a lifelong thing, unfortunately. We'll never be able to eat the same amount as thin people and not gain weight. Sucks.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    I've never been on Nutrisystem, but I do see a lot of their foods at those clearance outlets, like Big Lots. I've seen the spaghetti ones, a hot dog one and a beef stew entree there. They're $1.00 each. Maybe you could try those to see if you like the taste. I would think $250 a month, PLUS you have to buy your own fruits/veggies would be a lot of $$ though.

    Maybe you could try a My Fit Foods, or Perfect Fit Meals (these are freshly prepared meals stores here in Houston). They are kinda pricey but don't have preservatives and aren't made from processed foods. The meals last for about 4 days from date of purchase. Sometimes i'd go in to My Fit Foods before they closed and they would have a bunch of meals due to "expire" the next day or day after for 50% off.

    I'm thinking about getting back on them as a matter of fact. I want a 3 or so month break of not having to fix anything LOL

    good luck with whatever you do!!

    edit: i just checked Perfect Fit Foods, their breakfasts/snacks are $2.99=$4.99 and lunches,dinners are $4.99-$7.99 each. I think the $7.99 ones are the huge ones for guys, i never spent more than $4.99 for a meal.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I did it for a couple months last year, you still have to buy other food on top of your meals, like veggies, greens, milk, bread, so it can get pretty pricey above the cost of the prepared foods. It can teach you some portion control however, I kept my containers so I had an idea of what a portion should be. My favorite food was the pizzas (cooked in the oven though, not the micro), I would add some peppers and turkey pepperoni or ham to them. The food can get boring pretty quick though, I think thats why I only lasted 2 months(I would have quit sooner but you had to order 2 months worth to get the Summer Special price), it all just started to taste the same, no matter what it was. If you have the funds to try it, go for it, it can be a great kick starter, but I didnt feel it would benefit me in the long run.
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 84 Member
    I had great success on Nutrisystem. Foods weren't that great, but I think there are more options available now. One thing I did was examine the food labels and find grocery store equivalents with similar macronutient content. Then, buy the grocery store items to transition over. I am not a big fan of cooking and I am "portion impaired" so this was a good option for me.

    Everyone has different needs and preferences on this journey: You'll find the best option for you.

    Best of luck!

  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    My husband and I tried Nutrisystem about 5 years ago. We gave it a REALLY good try. My husband returned his after just a week. I kept trying for two more weeks then returned mine. The food was DISGUSTING. We're talking so bad. It wasn't even just the flavor, but the texture. You started to wonder, "Is this REALLY chicken?" And it just grossed me out so bad I puked a few times.

    IMO, it's totally not worth the cost and hassle. Yuck!

    You'd be much better off eating Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines, or Healthy Choice meals. We find a lot of stuff that's calorie friendly. Check your friend's food logs to get ideas. You can do it!! Good luck!! :D
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    I think you FIRST need to deal with your feeling of being "ALONE".

    Depression can cause you to overeat and to eat comfort foods because they are comforting. Our comfort foods are rarely carrot sticks and spinach...I prefer Chinese Food (break out the menu and go H.A.M.)...My mom likes potato chips...By boyfriend craves Oatmeal Pies when he is stressed...

    Maybe you should consider Weight Watchers. If you attend the meetings you might meet people, have a sense of comraderie, and not feel so lonely.

    If you do Nutrisystem for the convenience of not having to cook and think about meals (which I know a lot of people do), I suggest the 5 day plan (cause you bout to make some friends :-))...Check out meetup group for hiking or painting or anything else you are interested in that will get you moving and out socializing or consult your base for military wife groups who are into fitness or walking. Another good idea for staying fit and meeting people is volunteering, you may find a local animal shelter or marathon or any number of other organizations looking for people to get involved.

    You don't have to be alone or lonely in anything!

    Good luck with everything...BTW, I am doing Nutrisystem now only because my mom didn't stick to it and doesn't want to waste the food. I will tell you how it is after the end of the first week.

    Wishing you the very best in whatever you decide to do!
  • I don't have experience with this at all, but I completely understand about trying to do it alone. It helps when you have others around you that encourage you and such. My husband started back working out with me and using MFP. This caused me to start again, and it's helped. But I can honestly tell you that my biggest motivation has become the app/site called Fitocracy. It's like a FB for working out. Everyone is there for one specific purpose. You get points for all the things you do and all your workouts, and you level up at certain points. And I love getting random props/likes for the stuff that I do. I've 'met' a lot of interesting people on there and it's been great. I use it along with MFP to track my food.
  • I had a friend try Nutrisystem and she said the meals were awful, even desserts. What??? Who can ruin a dessert??? If wanting the convenience of pre-packaged diet meals, try brands sold in stores. More affordable and there are some tasty ones. (I buy Healthy Choice. Pop one in when I don't have a planned meal ready or need something quick when on the run.)

    IMO you should spend your money on taking a group workout class like Boot Camp or Zumba. It gets you OUT of the house and meeting new people with the same goal in mind of getting fit. And, you're NOT alone. Give yourself the chance at making new friends that can offer you support when needed :) Think about it? Join a group for workouts. Make new supportive friends. You will find strength in numbers!

    Take care and STAY STRONG. I understand how hard is to get motivated when you're home and alone. And, even more so for your situation.


    - Mrs. M.P.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I have done it....the food I found was very bland. I didn't like it. I didn't find it made me puke as mentioned above, but it wasn't very good. I can't remember if I really lost weight on it or not (obviously, didn't keep it off).
    edited for spelling
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    PS WW online is cheaper and you can eat what you want. They also have a great board system similar to this that is also very supportive.

    Losing weight is hard, being fat is hard, pick your hard.

    "Losing weight is hard, being fat is hard, pick your hard."

    LOVE this!
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    It's funny you say you're problem is that you are alone because I have the opposite problem! My husband does NOT eat healthy, I can't force him to, I cant convince him to. When I was single and living alone I did fantastic with eating healthy because everything I made, I made just for my preferences and didn't have to spend a lot of money. Now that i'm married I cook for him, I cook for me and our grocery bill has increased a little bit. Take advantage of being able to cater to yourself!

    I know this reply isn't about Nutrisystem, i've never tried it - but had GREAT success on Weight Watchers. Since there is no WW center near me I hopped onto MFP and find it to be a great help. You aren't alone! Log on here every day - swap recipe ideas. Whatever you decide you will have support.
  • briwei
    briwei Posts: 42 Member
    I have tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, "Eat less and exercise", and now Nutrisystem. Each of them have benefits and difficulties. It really comes down to what your needs are. I did great on WW for a long while, though parts of it were a struggle. The biggest benefit was the support and accountability of the meetings. But if you don't have a center near you or its schedule changes it can be hard to adjust. The first time I did WW, my center closed and the lack of support was enough to sap my resolve. The second time I did it, they changed the program on me just after I got into a rhythm and the effort to adjust to the new points disheartened me.

    I'm on Nutrisystem now and have been for the last two months. Thus far, I am loving it. I can see the point that others have about needing a transition plan, but I was aware of that going in and have been working on my own. Supplementing with MFP is also a huge help because I am able to see what kind of nutrient balance I am getting from the food. As to the taste, there are couple of things I haven't liked, but mostly I am enjoying it. I think it got better for me when I found out that people had recipes that incorporated vegetables into the prepared entrees. And when I don't have time to cook, I can just grab some food and eat. There are days when my food preperation consists of grabbing things from the cupboard, peeling a few carrots, and putting some salad mix in a tupperware before heading out the door. There are others when I cook all my meals and customize them. When I reach my goal, I plan to wean myself off using the same glycemic index concepts and using MFP to keep tabs on my calories to make sure I am staying where I need to.

    After just two months on the program, I find myself less hungry in general. And when I am hungry, it takes less food to get me feeling full. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the glycemic index approach to eating. The meals and combinations they tell you to have seem to be geared toward this balance.

    Some of the items are higher in sodium, but I have yet to be over the RDA for sodium on any day eating on plan. The main thing I am noticing is that I am getting less calcium than recommended.

    The other thing that has made NS a success for me is the online community. It helps to have people challenge you or support you as the situation may arise. But it looks like you can get that here, as well. And you can get that at WW.

    So, I guess it comes down to a choice between convenience and enforced structure or wider food choices but more effort.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • Just an update!

    Did some research and just went out of my way to buy my own groceries to use a makeshift version of Nutrisystem...

    And I think that's is going to be the better choice here for those of you who are wondering the same thing!

    --Have you worked out today? (:
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    I have had fantastic success with Nutrisystem. The food is surprisingly good and the community is amazing. I lost a total of 82.8 pounds (66.3 of it on Nutrisystem). I just started transitioning to maintenance. Nutrisystem has really taught me portion control and how to eat properly during the day...

    I would definitely recommend it to anyone.... Yeah, it's pre-packaged and processed, but if you don't have issues with that (which I don't) then it's great. Soooo simple.