SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! Jan 18th



  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, SBFers! I am checking back in again. How is everyone doing? I joined Jenny Craig the beginning of December to get the pounds off that I managed to put back on last year. So far, so good. I've decided to log my Jenny Craig meals so that I can see how well I am doing. I like not having to plan my meals and snacks. DH enjoys cooking, so I do the grocery shopping,and he cooks for himself and the boys. Catch me up. What's everyone been up to? Where did the SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo come from? I like it!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Back from Dallas.

    V - I saw your post about Canadian speak. In the Hindu temple, I was looking for the bathroom. I saw a sign that said "washroom" - I opened the door and inside was a sink - that's it. It was a washroom.

    Bobbie - so SBF is an abbreviation for Stronger, Better, Faster. Reboot was added because we needed it. Boogaloo was added because it's funny.

    So the workshop was good, but not was I was expecting. It was almost all lecture and restoratives - think 30 minute shavasana, more than once a day. The second day was almost all feelings/philosophy type stuff and I was bored. The anatomy I liked. She basically said - stop tucking the tailbone - that booty is supposed to come out at an angle of 30 degrees. Also - twist the hips in twists, and put more weight on the heels. I'm going to try to do all those for the next month and see how it feels. I think weight on the heels makes a lot of sense. We tend to walk on our toes - bring the weight back so that the hips are over the heels and you won't hyperextend the knees. Enough shop talk. I don't know if I would go out of my way to take her class again.

    The yoga classes at night kicked my butt. Imagine doing all your standing poses and not bringing your arms down between poses. I think you'll get the idea.

    Went to some great restaurants. The Hindu temple was my favorite. I didn't want to go at first - I thought "Krishna temple? No, I don't think so" - but a big group of fellow fruit loop yogis were going, so I went. I'm so glad I did. In fact, I went back for both lunch and dinner the next day.

    Today, hmmm, I think some more yoga and walking (which I did everyday I was in Dallas).

    Keeping an open mind, boogaloo!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Hey Mary! Sorry your trip wasn't all you'd hoped but it sounds like you had fun anyway, and burned a ton of calories! :)
    V& cp - sorry about your restlessness. I hate those days. Nothing seems quite right! Hope you both figure things out and get back to more peaceful times. And, way to go on meeting your goal V! I need to set something more concrete for myself. I work better with a really good incentive on the line. Hmmm. What shall it be?
    MM - Glad your trip was successful and that you are that much closer to bringing your little girl home. The time will fly and she'll be yours for good before you know it. Use the time between now & then to work out like crazy! You're going to need any extra energy once she gets home!
    Hi Bobbie! Not sure we've met. I was away for quite awhile but recently came back to 'hang out with' everyone here again. Hope Jenny Craig is working out for you and that you're enjoying the meals.

    Exercise has gone well this week although I haven't been back to the rec center since I 'hurt' myself on Tuesday. I have a crazy busy week ahead but I'll give 'em a call and see if I can sneak in a personal training session so I can go back in and make the most of it. Ta ta for now. I'll check in periodically throughout the week. Have a good one!

    Keep on keeping on, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Further proof that I live a charmed life: I almost didn't go for a walk due to rain in the forecast, but did anyway. Then, as soon as I put my key in the lock at home, it started to rain. (and by rain, I mean pour).

    So, that was my workout for the day. I walked to the organization store and then I re-organized my spice cabinet. (the other day when I was cooking it took me five frustrated minutes to find the cumin. ugh.) Now I'm relaxing for the rest of the day. Hooray for relaxing.

    So I don't have to tuck my tailbone, Mary? That's the best news I've heard in forever. I have a, well, highly angled booty and I've always worried that it sticks out too much, that the base of my spine is curved excessively. For example, in tree pose, I spend all my energy trying to bring my tailbone under so that I have a completely straight spine. Am I understanding that I can relax that? Because, that would be great.

    Welcome back Bobbie! We post a weekly thread now, and Mary explained the name perfectly.

    MM, sounds like you had a tiring but rewarding trip. Hope things are going better CP.

    Rainy day relaxation boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Hi all!
    How is everyone? Sorry I haven't had time to catch up with everyone yet. Bobbie, good to see you again!
    We got about ten hours of sleep last night, so I am only half dead today. lol Actually I feel pretty rested, sleepy wise, but I am feeling weak and I'm still fighting a sinus infection or cold.
    I knew I would lose weight while I was gone because I knew eating was going to be an issue for me. I don't eat when I am anxious and nervous. I did not know that when I was finally able to start eating, there just wouldn't be time! When I left last Sunday I weighed 151. I weighed in this morning and I was down to 143! I could tell I had lost weight but I really wasn't expecting that much! It's not healthy and I know it. It explains why I am am tired, weak and sick. So since the Monday after Christmas I have lost 15 pounds! I weigh the same as I did 2 years ago at this time. The difference is that I was skinnier then because I was toned. My goals for this coming week are to eat healthy (focusing on protein), exercise (may have to be walking to start since I am going to have to build up again), and not gaining more than 5 pounds back. I seriously doubt I can stay down to 143 at this point. I will also be focusing on rehydrating. So it's nice to see a 4 in the number but I am not really happy about how it happened. I will make it work though.
    I am going to post pictures and type up my trip experience to post on FB. Hope to get that done while Alex is napping. Oh and when we went to pick him up last night he didn't want to leave. He apparently had a lot of fun!
    Catching up boogaloo!