Weight loss atfer pregnancy

I have a one year old son and seriously find it hard to get motivated to exercise. Does anyone want to be my fitnesspal work out buddy?


  • Absolutely! I am trying to get my body back after 3 kids! I would love to have a fitness buddy!
  • jessiecoody
    jessiecoody Posts: 15 Member
    I would!! My son is 17 months old now and I seriously need some good support... people to reply to my posts and blogs and vice versa. It is way too easy to not stick to it when no one cares or pays attention.
  • Definetly!! I am a mother of 2 boys. My youngest is almost 2 and since his birth I have lost just over 100 pounds! I love this site especially meeting other moms and getting help and support as well as giving it!
  • Y'all can join me and we can do this journey together. I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy and my lil girl is almost 6 months old.
    I was 225lbs and now I'm 171lb. I'm 5'8 and 1/2 and started my pregnancy at 164lbs. 164 is my first goal next is 155, then 140 something.

    The thing that works for me is weight lifting, walking and 1200-1600 cals. I'll be happy to share what I can with y'all . Good luck! Baby weight definitely drags you down but the sooner you change your mindset on food ( which ive done slowly but surely) it all starts to make since.

    Add me on here if you want. I have plenty of cheat days. I'm helping a friend loose weight now, her baby is 4 months old. She already has her baby weight off but started off heavier so the docs put her on a special diet. I think she weighs in the mid 200's so I'm sharing with her my plan. I needed help and was so overwhelmed so if I can help anyone get on track and meet their goals it would help motivate me that much more to meet my goals. Hope that makes since :)

    - Good luck
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in! Although I've lost pretty much all my baby weight I am FLABBY! I have no muscle definition at all and feel like a total blob. Bought some handweights today and plan to start the attack tomorrow. Will keep you posted!