Finally doing this! Would love some friends :)

I've always been overweight, ever since I was a child. I was always active as a kid, I was on a swimteam until I was about 15, at which point I got a gym membership and starting weight lifting. At around 18 I was in the best shape, but I was still overweight. My lowest was 227 lbs. Time has gone by, and now I am 21 and I just got married to the absolutely most wonderful woman in the whole wide world, she's the best.

Now here's the thing: I am currently at my heaviest. I'm weighing in at about 290 right now, and as much as I am blessed I feel absolutely gross. I am ready to make a change now, and would love to have all of you there for support. I've never gotten plugged in to a community like this but I am more than ready to take the necessary steps to do this.

I will be working out doing p90x (I've done it in the past when I was in my best shape) and I will be logging in all my nutrition here. Keep my accountable, I would love to help out those who need help and to encourage and be encouraged. Let's bring it!


  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    This is a great place to get the support you are looking for. Sounds like you are ready to do it. Good luck, not that you are going to need it. :smile:
  • giorgiomera
    Thanks! I've only just posted and people are already responding, I am already feeling encouraged :)
  • LCgymnast
    Awesome that you're ready to make a change in your life. That's already a huge step. I'm here for the encouragement and great success stories to keep me going towards my goals. Keep it up with P90x. I'll add you for support and encouragement!!
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I just started about a month and a half ago and I can already see/feel the difference! I am at just over 300 lbs so I'm pretty close to your weight. I'll be more than happy to help you where I can!!!
  • K_Smith86
    First step is always the hardest, right? We all can use encouragement and support along the way. Friend request sent your way! Wishing you the best of luck!
