New to MFP but a long time crash dieter...

Hi everyone, I'm new to MFP, I'm a self proclaimed professional crash dieter, if you are too you can read the blog I just posted at I'm looking to stop my bad habits and really make a change for the better. I have come a long way from 235lbs after having my first son, down to 163 and now back up to 196. My goal weight is currently 125, only because I would like to know what it feels like to wear a bikini just once in my life :) I have a ton of pictures of myself before and after and then again before, just need to figure out how to post them. I will keep you guys updated if youre interested, and hopefully will make a few friends along the way.


  • Cathyes24
    Cathyes24 Posts: 71 Member

    welcome to MFP I am kinda a newbie too been here for about 2 weeks n love it :-) I've been a yo yo dieter forever!! I know it's not healthy for me so I'm trying to make a change for the better!

    Good Luck to you I'm sure you will have lots of success with MFP

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • rania6236
    Thank you, I hope you do well too. Yo yo dieting has really affected my self esteem so I'm hoping to tryyyy and make a lifestyle change once and for all. Hopefully I can stick with it this time around.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Yo yo dieting can really mess with your metabolism and no matter how much you cut your calories, your body will not cooperate. OR you'll lose and then as soon as you start eating "normally" you gain it all back. I have been doing this for 20+ years.

    Want to break that cycle once and for all and be successful? Want to eat at a level you can sustain for the rest of your life? Want to make this the last time you lose the weight? Check out the site above to get awesome information to make this happenl Good luck to you both!