Please someone help me!!

so day 11/12 on mfp (ive kinda lost count)

my first 4 days i lost 8lbs woohoo....

so however many days later and my weight has stayed exactly the same to the 0.0lb

fair enough if i wasnt really going for it in the whole weightloss department. but...

im working my *kitten* off i worked out 9 days in a row, only having 2 days off coz my mums had major surgery.

shes still in hospital and im going for a weekend away tonight and i still started 30ds today and am taking it with me.

my diet is the best its been in so long ..and all because im so so determined to lose this baby weight. ive been heavier then i am now and got down to less then my goal weight so i know i can do this...

im 24 5ft6 and 210.4lbs with 70lbs to go....what the freeking heck am i doing wrong people.

my workouts include cardio, machines and danceing(pole)

strength, pole dancing and weights

my diet has been in the green every blumin day..

so please people what has happened i cant have plateaued already im far too heavy for that.

and please excuse typos im so frustrated im typing like a loon.

many thanks



  • genefabes
    hey girl. first of all: deep breath! ;)

    plateaus happen. they will happen all the time on your journey. I have been happy with my weight all along, but I'm always changing it up because I like different challenges for leanness and tone. no matter what the goal, you WILL hit points where your body seems to go on cruise control and you are dying to speed past the point you're at.

    I promise, just do not stop. if you keep going and keep working hard, you will break through. the only way you will go backwards is if you GIVE up. here are some things that help me push through a plateau:

    1. be a sodium nazi. nix it as much as possible.
    2. what works best for me and keeps me looking the leanest is eating high protien, low carb, moderate fat. my carbs primarily come from vegetables, limited fruit, and the very few I-can't-help-but-have necessities in my diet.
    3. keep variety in your work outs. I run every morning but my strength training routine is always different.
    4. if you can, invest in a heart rate monitor. I use the polar ft40. got it off amazon and it's some of the best money I've ever spent. when you see how many calories you are burning and not just assuming, it not only makes you more responsible, it inspires you to push harder.
    5. I drink 2 gallons of water a day. no I'm not joking, and of course I pee a lot. i bought two cheap pitchers and fill them up and ,ake myself get through them. sometimes when I'm feeling blah, I stick dandelion root tea bags in the one gallon and let them soak in there overnight along with fresh squeezed lemon juice from one whole lemon and two tablsepoons of 100% no sugar added crandberry juice. THAT works so well to debloat you and get rid of any excess water weight.

    stay strong girl. don't give up. :)
  • jodiegr88
    jodiegr88 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the support and tips. there is no way im giving up coz i know i can do it. and im soooo grr about it i want to workout harder haha wich is a good thing.

    tbh my water intake is rubbish so ill deffo work on that.

    it was just more frustrating as i dont get why, i have a logical brain so i need to know the science behind stuff specialy as ive been following the basic principle of eat less move more haha

    ill get there just days like this suuuuuck :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You've lost 8lbs in 12 days - that's ridiculously fast, most of it was probably water weight, but still.... just take that and be happy. I'm sure you didn't put on that 8lbs in 12 days, so chill -- healthy weight loss is only 1-2lbs MAX a week!
  • rania6236
    My body retains water like crazy, so sometimes when. Diet it looks like I'm not losing anything till I cut out salt and added more water. Keep you're head up and stay strong.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    I agree with Mary .... 8lbs in less than two weeks would most likely be your body shedding water. Settling after that is a natural thing. You will have times when your weight will stay the same for a week or two ... and sometimes it will even increase for a time. These are all natural.
  • Nicoleleeee
    Nicoleleeee Posts: 42 Member
    I've been at it for a month now and I have lost 7 pounds so far, plateauing in my second week and there is nothing wrong with that because it all balances out in the end. Just take it one day at a time and realise, this is not a race, its a marathon.

    Have you thought that maybe you have gained some muscle weight? Or that you are retaining water?

    Best advice would be to drink more water because it seems like you are doing everything else right so far. Oh, and just take it easy on yourself :flowerforyou:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Most of us go through this on our weight loss journeys. Don't give up. It will come off. Always remember, muscle weighs more than fat. You keep going!
  • bob99
    bob99 Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh myself everyday (yeah I know but it's interesting!) I found that after the first week when I was losing everyday, that the weight loss stabilised and worked in fluxes almost. I'd stay the same for like 3-4 days then drop 1-2lb over night then stick there for a bit before a big overnight drop again. I also found that a good day didn't get reflected until about 2 days after it happened.
    So my advice us to Keep at it! 8lb is huge be proud!
  • jodiegr88
    jodiegr88 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone, n i know bout the 1-2 lb a week thing just was really excited by the 8lbs went to my head a little. n ive given my self a year to chip away at it its such a lot to lose i wasnt expecting a stand still quite so fast.

    anyway thanks again ill keep all suggestions in mind