New and completely shocked...

Hey guys, I'm new to this site and I am super excited to get started on my weigh loss journey! I've been browsing the site this morning and I am seriously horrified at some of the stuff I'm finding here. A few years ago I struggled with depression and ED behaviors and thankfully I received the help that I needed and am doing so much better now. I was looking through the groups and found one about ED recovery and support and clicked on it out of curiosity. It's appalling how many posts I found about recruiting girls to fast for days with them, and I seriously cannot believe that the site administrators are allowing stuff like that to be discussed on a site designed for healthy weight loss! Not only is it triggering for someone like me... but these girls need serious help!! It is not healthy and they need psychological help. I'm not trying to be insensitive, and as someone who's actually gone through that... psychological help (as harsh as it sounds) is literally what they need.
I then looked into some of the girls' profiles from this group, and I found girls with UGW of under 80 lbs. Unless you are very VERY short or a child, NO ONE should weigh that little. Their profile pictures are of girls with their bones sticking out and they go right out and say how they have specific goals to see different bones. My stomach flips when I read about this. It's incredibly triggering and I'm just totally shocked to be seeing that kind of stuff on this site.
If these girls don't want help, there are other websites out there for them to talk about fasting and seeing their bones... but this is not the place. I don't know if I'm being crazy or something, but I feel like someone should have stepped in and put a stop to all of it by now.
Thanks for reading my rant... I was just really freaked out by seeing all of that and wanted to see what other people's thoughts are.


  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I couldn't agree with your more. I've seen anything like that myself, but I haven't looked around that much either. If there are posts of this sort, they should be removed. Those people are seriously in need of help, but should not be allowed to recruit others into their sickness.
  • carlydevi
    carlydevi Posts: 68 Member
    Wow, I haven't seen that either, but that's horrible. :(
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    It's true unfortunately.
    And you will get friends who apron closer inspection aren't eating correctly.
    Just boot the ones who wont take the advice and move on to the ones who will!

    If you want support from an advocate of eating healthy, send me a FR.
    I have a huge group of like minded friends following the same types of healthy eating protocols that are lifelong and sustainable.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Did you report the posts? This site has thousands of posts a day, unless you report misbehavior it may be easy to miss by the administrators.
  • soph120
    Thanks for responding guys... I guess someone reported my post so I was able to send some of the links of the troubling group posts to a MFP administrator. I didn't realize you could do that... so thanks!