weight loss breaking point...



  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I could barely walk. My hubby had to come get me out of the car sometimes. he'd never complain and always says I'm beautiful, but I knew the truth. I saw a pic of me at my cousin's wedding. I thought I'd looked so cute that day. I was MORTIFIED. I had no idea how bad I'd gotten.

    I knew I had to do something....I was humiliated and hurting :(
  • My breaking point would have to be when I saw my skinny clothes and knew it wouldnt fit me so I was determined to fit into them plus I felt bad since my husband is always bringing up my weight I know he doesnt mean it in a bad way but I wanna make him proud of me
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    For me, it was a food sanity breaking point more than weight loss breaking point. I didn't have a ton to lose, but was so sick of the weight roller coaster. I knew I had to find a sane way to make peace with food. I had to find out how to eat and how much I needed to eat without intense hunger or crazy binges. Sooo... I started mfp after one finding myself once more overstuffed and feeling sick from eating too much. I'm still a work in progress. I think I'll always have to be vigilant with how I think about food, but I'm just plugging away.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My husband needs to lose weight for his health and also because of his looks. He is very strong and muscular and teaches tai chi. But all his fat sits in his gut.

    To help, I found MFP and started to use it. I've done great. He's lost weight, but hasn't (YET) totally committed to logging.

    In the mean time, I've done great and feel TOTALLY committed to losing more.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    A stroke and extremely high blood pressure 220/180 if I recall correctly.
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    The breaking point for me was when I was waiting for a bus with my partner and an entire stop full of people when a car full of young lads went past and shouted 'You fat Bxxxh'
    I had never been so humiliated in all of my life. I have always been a bubbly and fun person but my heart died a little that second. I am only 5ft as it is so obviouolsy my weight has less area to spread to.
    All of my sisters are healthy weight and my cousin and friends so I just thought, why not join them... 5ft and 12 stone puts me in the Obese category so this alone made me embarrased.
  • trevmartinez
    I didn't like stepping out of my house looking like the way I did 3 yrs ago. I knew my life will be totally different after I get fit.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    an elderly woman who has known me my whole life asked me when my baby was due. i was not pregnant. there's some brutal honesty!!

    Mine was a little girl at the grocery store - "Is that a baby in your tummy?" "No, I'm just fat" (Not now tho!)
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    When my Mother passed away from a heart attack it shook me up. I went to the doctor and had alot of tests run and everything was ok. But I was overweight and my Mother hadn't been. At that point I started thinking about it and doing the yoyo dieting thing.

    A few months ago when my Grandmother passed away my Aunt sent me a letter (she also sent it to others in our family). She had been doing some research on our family. She listed all of the family members who had passed away very early from heart attacks. Alot of them in their 40's and 50's. My Grandmother was 90, and very active and always watched what she ate. I think at that point it just all started to click. I'm 43 and had not been eating very well at all. I was slightly active, we like to hike and things but there is ALOT of room for improvement.

    It shocked me. I had never realized how many people on that side of my family had died so young. They all died suddenly and had no idea they had any health problems. This was my wake up call. Now I just have to stay focused.
  • Windy32
    My breaking point was when I realized I hate looking at myself in mirrors and pictures. When I went back to visit my family in all the photos I was the fattest person. My husband left on deployment and I wanted him to come back to a person who doesn't mind getting naked and I wanted to be happy with my body image.
  • GaidenJade
    Funny thing is that I never really thought that I had "broken". I was always upset over my weight, it was building and building. I did try to start eating right on my own, but I didn't weigh myself or have anything to guide me.

    Then I was just chatting with a writer friend of mine. He told me about this site. I was thinking.... it'll probably be like Sparkpeople.com...useless. But after I signed up I just clicked. Like a light bulb went on inside of my head and I saw a path for me to follow.

    That's it. I haven't looked back and for the first time I have structure and a guide. I don't follow anything blindly, but I do need walls and paths to follow or I lose focus. Give me a field and I will wander forever. Give me a maze and I will figure it out. It's all how my mind works.

    I can see myself being able to live my life like this, healthy and never again being disgusted by my own body ever again.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    One day approximately 2 years ago when I was just shy of 23 I weighed about 240 lbs. I was mortified and frustrated. I looked terrible and bloated in a lot of pics. I was so embarrassed. The crazy thing was I trying to lose weight already, but being a full time student and nurse were apparently killing my weight loss efforts. My last year of school I said I wanted to look smoking at my graduation. I lost 10 lbs, but I literally made losing weight a full time job...lol....I've lost 50 lbs since, and I am 12-15 llbs from the weight I was when I graduate high school 7 years ago.. Woot!
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    My doctor, with no lab results or bloodwork or ANYTHING, started harping on my weight, and I got mad.

    Last time I had bloodwork done, I had better cholesterol than my last doctor.

    I live with a diabetic, and so I've been eating healthier in the last year to year and a half than I have in my life.

    Still couldn't lose weight. And totally blew my stack over it.

    So I started doing more research, realized that I was prediabetic, went to an obgyn, got Met, and started moderate-carbing (75-100g a day net).

    Mostly, mine was being peeved at my doctor. I am SO SICK AND TIRED of the medical profession blaming everything from my arthritis to my strep throat on my fat.

    I'm losing weight to prove to her that it won't magically make everything go away and make me immortal so I can get treatment.

    It's stupid, and it sucks, and in a world with basic human rights, common decency and a modicum of respect, it shouldn't be *necessary*, but it's my break point.

  • supremewoo
    At the ticket counter for a certain airline it was suggested I might be more comfortable purchasing a 2nd seat for my flight home from Vegas. I told her I didn't need a second seat getting TO Vegas, and I didn't need one going home. I cried that whole 2 hour flight home. Talk about humilating...
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    This made me break...

    Its now fitting nicely :) Taken in June
  • careyannal
    I moved out of state for a while, came back to my parents where I had left a lot of my clothes, and couldn't fit into any of them.

    I think I knew I had gained weight but was in serious denial until I saw a full bodied picture where I barely recognized myself.

    Those were my two "breaking points" that made me realize I needed to make changes!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for this. this summer i have been creeping back up, eating junk, and feeling bad about myself. literally, as i read these entries, i ate the choc chip cookie bars i made (frozen, even!). just shoveling them in when the kids and hubby can't see me.

    i heard echoes of me in many people's responses. i don't like what i see in the mirror or pics lately. the middle age flab look. i look at other moms and think to myself, if she's fat and dsn't care, why should i care that i'm a little chubby/flabby? but that's not true....i do care, i know i can look better, i know the regular exercise does good in a multitude of ways, i know i feel like a better person when i choose healthy food over cookies/ice cream/m&m's,

    i was just a few pounds away from my goal wt this spring. and i felt so PROUD. i want that feeling again. i want to not be obsessed about the next time i can "cheat" with an excuse (it's the 4th of July, it's my birthday, it's rosh hashanah, it's it's it's....). i want muscles. i do not want to go thru my forties fat and flabby.

    so the breaking point?? today. waiting for my dh to leave for the grocery store so i could have those cookies, hiding from my kids, feeling stuffed/sick, and reading about you and SEEING me.

    thanks again for posting this and for all of you sharing your "moments"
  • NelehY
    NelehY Posts: 52 Member
    Hmmmm....by amazing coincidence!
    My Grandma had a 'quiet word' with me last May when I was visitng home.
    And when your 92 yr old Grandma speaks....you have to respect the chain of command!
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Over the holidays, Halloween - New Years Day, I ate whatever and whenever I wanted. I always felt guilty and it ended up with me feeling really crappy about myself every time I ate. It didn't matter what it was, even if I ate a salad I would feel terrible about it. Around Christmas time I decided that after NYD I'd quit all the bad food and add exercise to my routine. So I joined a gym and began eating a lot cleaner. Started counting calories and yeah..

    The exact breaking point was probably going to the doctor in January and being weighed in. *kitten* got real.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    I've been doing karate for 13 years and never felt like I looked like a martial artist. One day after watching a whole bunch of superhero movies I decided I'd finally start working towards the body I want and started logging my food from that point on.

    My story is similar to this, except with dancing. I've been a dancer for 15 years and have always heard my teachers say stuff like "You're amazing! Now if we could just get rid of those thighs..." or "You've got great technique! Now if you were just a litle lighter" etc. I've always gone up and down weight-wise, but nothing stuck because I never kept a food log longer than a month. This time, I'd been feeling lethargic and with barely enough energy to dance more than what my job already requires. I decided it was time for a permanent change. I've been lifting, running, dancing more and eating a lot better. I feel more energetic and have been losing inches and haven't looked back :-)