Not new, but looking for new friends!

Hello all!

I'm not new here, but I've recently had to clear out my friend's list because more than half of the people on there (I assume) gave up on MFP. Haven't heard from them and they haven't been on here in over a month. :(

So...I'm here looking for new friends to support and receive support from! I'm a law student at the moment, I'm 5'0, looking to lose about 40 lbs, and I log in every day. I'm also a vegetarian (not one of those judgmental, pushy types), and I comment on other people's posts frequently.

I started in February of this year, but I've had a major set back from April-July, so I recently re-started my weight loss at the beginning of August. Looking to lose this weight by the end of the year!! :)

Let me know if we have something in common, or if you're looking for more support as well!


  • dragoney
    dragoney Posts: 13 Member

    I'm 23, willing to loose 20kgs (about 44lbs). I am just finishing my MSc in Computer Science and working full time as well. I joined about 2-3 weeks ago, I also login every day as for most of the time I use mobile app to track the food I eat on the move (enjoying barcode scanner). I am certainly not vegetarian, but I try to eat quite a lot of vegetables as they make your stomach full usually without too much calories.

    Feel free to add me in :-) !
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member

    I'm 23, willing to loose 20kgs (about 44lbs). I am just finishing my MSc in Computer Science and working full time as well. I joined about 2-3 weeks ago, I also login every day as for most of the time I use mobile app to track the food I eat on the move (enjoying barcode scanner). I am certainly not vegetarian, but I try to eat quite a lot of vegetables as they make your stomach full usually without too much calories.

    Feel free to add me in :-) !

    Request sent! :)
  • vanessairene
    vanessairene Posts: 104 Member
    feel free to add me. Not veg, I'm moving to paleo/primal, but happy to lend support. Active on here, also had a side trip and gained back some.. getting rid of that now and getting back on track.
  • Feel free to add me. :)

    I've been losing weight quite successfully since July (only been on this site for a week or so though). Eat less, work out more, that's pretty much all there is to it.

    I'm not a vegetarian but I wouldn't mind mixing in vegetarian alternatives in my diet now and then.
    Until I've reached my weight goal I'm going to try to log in daily here.
  • Aunt_Kiki
    Aunt_Kiki Posts: 47 Member
    I'm new - I'm not here to diet but to change my lifestyle. I am not a vegetarian, but I do enjoy some vegetarian meals and would like to add more to my recipes. Feel free to add me, I'm on here constantly :)
  • HealthylivingTIG
    HealthylivingTIG Posts: 174 Member
    Add me as a friend. My name is Tara and I too can use some new friends :). Let's keep each other motivated. Also try joining one of the groups with challenges that fit into your goal. It's a great way to kick start your weight loss plan and it connects you to 100s of people who are working towards a goal. It's very motivating. I'm a member of drop 1 dress size which started today. This one is very organized and structured. I highly recommend it. The group leader is topsking2010. Send a message to be added if you are interested. Hopefully it's not too late. There is also the September mini challenge which requires 30mins of cardio per day this month. Good luck!! Send me a friend request if you are interested.
  • Hi, my name is Becky. I am 39 (much older than you) and have 3 kids and a hubby. I too want to lose at least 40lbs. I joined in july and have done well. I would love to offer support for your support in return. My main thing is that this is a life style and I want to learn to enjoy everything. I am finally beginning to enjoy least how good it makes me feel. The consistency has always been hard for me.

    Add me if you would like, anyone
  • feel free to add me. My profile is public take a look if you would like. I like encouraging anyone that is willing to try. I am getting own to weight to compete and am open to all sorts of recipes and food. Have a good day.
  • Hi

    I joined about a week or two ago. I'm 32 and I want to lose about 30lbs by Christmas. I'm not a veggie but I don't eat red meat, so I eat a lot of veggies/quorn/fish kinda stuff. I do stationary bike / 30DS at the mo.

    Feel free to add me too! :)

  • hellooo,

    Im 22yrs old. I want to lose about 15-20lbs. Although I'm not a complete vegitarian, I generally eat veggies and fruits. Im in the Army National Guard so I needa stay fit. I try to work out and track as much as possible but recently I've been battling a stomach/ibs issue that has caused a small set back and lack in motivation. But I'm getting back on track and it's time to start losin' again! My fiance is a lazy butt because he does manual labor for work and I've really got no one else to motivate me. I've got my wedding in December so I neeeeeeed to get seriously serious about this. Feel free to add me! :)

  • Hi, I joined on Tuesday. Looking to lose at least 28lbs, if not more. Goal is my birthday at end of October and I know I will need some boosts from friends over the coming weeks. I am doing slimfast but also exercise at least 3 times a week pretty intense. I start a new job on Monday, so that will be a challenge in itself, as already have a lunch and dinner planned with them.
  • Hey :) i'm new to myfitnesspal and i'm looking for some friends to help motivate me during my weight loss journey. Add me: jinyoungjun. I'm 20 years old, 5'2ft and weighing at 118 pounds :/ my goal weight is 105, so i need a lot of motivation to stay away from junk food. Wanting to lose 13 pounds within two months. I'm kind of active since i have classes monday to sat. Thanks!