2 Weeks in and needing some friends!

Hi everyone!

I joined MFP quite a while ago, but never really used it until 2 weeks ago. I have ZERO friends and would really like to have some support and I'd love to help motivate you, too!

So let me tell you my story.

I am 23 years old, and a mommy to a 3 (almost 4!) year old daughter. I'm also a role model to my boyfriend's two sons (7 & 11).
Most days you can find me shuttling the kids to dance practice, school, football practices, gymnastics, friends' houses, and anywhere in between. I'm sure many of you can relate! ;-) When I'm not "working" as a taxi, I work full-time for a company that provides services to the developmentally disabled. I am also a full time college student. (And dear LORD those clinical hours KILL me!)

So, I guess I should tell you all WHY I'm here, and why I NEED to lose some lbs!

I've never been a skinny chick, I guess I'd say average or slightly above average. In high school I hovered around 150. I graduated when I was 17 and immediately moved from my hometown to Denver for college. That was when my weight started going up- as I developed a love for fast food and late night pizza and junk food. My weight shot up to about 180 lbs in a little under a year. Then, when I was 18 I got pregnant and decided it would be best to move back home. Pregnancy hormones are wonderful, and I found myself craving HEALTHY foods, and actually lost 30 lbs during the first two trimesters- which put me back at 150 lbs. After my daughter was born in December 2008, my weight was only at 165. However, instead of trying to lose the weight, I made excuses to put it off. "Oh, when she starts crawling I'll be chasing her everywhere and I KNOW I'll lose weight then." When she started crawling, I'd say to myself "Oh, when she starts walking I'll take her to the park every day and I KNOW I'll lose weight then". It turned into a cycle of continual excuses.

Are you bored yet? Let me fast forward to now. ;-)

My all time high was 210 lbs. And I may or may not just be telling you that because in all reality, it probably was more. But let's stick with 210, k? I stand at 5'2 1/2. Yes, that half-inch makes a difference. A goal weight for me would be 120-130. Maybe even more, since I have an athletic build and even with all of this flubber I have quite a bit of muscle.

I've been lurking around this site for a while now, amazed with everyone's transformations and willingness to help each other reach their goals. I started using MFP two weeks ago with a starting weight of 205 lbs. I am now down 6 lbs to 199 lbs. I have a goal to reach 190 by September 20th. ( It's all about the short-term goals with me!) I also have a goal to be less than 165 lbs by the new year.

I would love some friends who are also on a weight loss journey. Preferably people who will kick me in the *kitten* if I get off track. Gender and age are irrelevant to me. I would love some input from those of you whom also struggle with finding time to exercise. All are welcome to add me, so please do and let's kick the fat off of us!


  • skinnydreams74
    Well my dear you've come to the right place! We can all get there together ONE day at a time!!! Let's do it!
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    Well my dear you've come to the right place! We can all get there together ONE day at a time!!! Let's do it!

    I could not have said it better. Feel free to add me to your friend list.
    Good luck and God bless,
  • kuceraar
    kuceraar Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place to find support! I just joined this MFP so its new to me but seems awesome! :)
  • cklb
    cklb Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me as a friend. I need support too. I started last week and have lost 5.8lbs as of today. Female, 49, and busy busy busy. You will be amazed at the results just by sticking to this.
  • rh81
    rh81 Posts: 1
    Hi I just joined MFP today! I found the mobile app and thought it looked useful. But after I signed up I found a thread and I don't think I will be "accepted" by other user. I am doing the Medi Weightloss Clini plan and the thread I found was of one participant on here asking questions about it and the responders didn't seem to happy that someone was asking about it. Could it have been just certain people?
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    I'd say we have a bit in common, I'm 22 (23 in oct) and have two girls (3 & 1.5). I'm 5'2 as well but I'm quite a bit heavier. Heaviest was 283, now 6 weeks in I am 265. My 1st goal is 225 & 2nd goal is 175. For my body, I feel the best at 150-160, so that will be when I stop dieting and start maintaining. My eating habbits before this were terrible & I just got dx with PCOS. That alone can hinder weight loss but thankfully with mfp & taking alli I've been able to start loosing some weight.

    I started out trying to loose some weight thinking it might help us get pregnant again, but after being dx with pcos & being over a year into trying, the reality is that it might not happen. Luckily, I feel a milion times better than I have in years, so that has really motivated me to keep going. It's been really nice to have more energy & now in stead of watching the girls run around, I feel like I can run around with them :-)

    I too felt like exercising would be an obsticle, but my mil gave me her old stationary bike, so it's pretty easy to get a few minutes in a day on that. (although it is kicking my behind! lol but I'm up to 12 minutes.... wahoo!) Other than that, if the weather is nice, I throw the kids in the double stroller & get our 100 lb dog on the leash and go walking for half an hour.

    Oh and I work 3-4 days a week as a cna for a home health agency, so I understand busy :-)
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I just joined MFP today! I found the mobile app and thought it looked useful. But after I signed up I found a thread and I don't think I will be "accepted" by other user. I am doing the Medi Weightloss Clini plan and the thread I found was of one participant on here asking questions about it and the responders didn't seem to happy that someone was asking about it. Could it have been just certain people?

    Hi!!! I don't think I'm familiar with that plan, what is it? You can message me privately if you're hesitant of being judged, but I'd say for the most part people here are pretty accepting and supportive regardless of the method you use! I think that no matter what, there will always be the very judgmental type, just take it with a grain of salt! For every Debbie Downer there are ten Positive Patsy's here to help you through!
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    I'd say we have a bit in common, I'm 22 (23 in oct) and have two girls (3 & 1.5). I'm 5'2 as well but I'm quite a bit heavier. Heaviest was 283, now 6 weeks in I am 265. My 1st goal is 225 & 2nd goal is 175. For my body, I feel the best at 150-160, so that will be when I stop dieting and start maintaining. My eating habbits before this were terrible & I just got dx with PCOS. That alone can hinder weight loss but thankfully with mfp & taking alli I've been able to start loosing some weight.

    I started out trying to loose some weight thinking it might help us get pregnant again, but after being dx with pcos & being over a year into trying, the reality is that it might not happen. Luckily, I feel a milion times better than I have in years, so that has really motivated me to keep going. It's been really nice to have more energy & now in stead of watching the girls run around, I feel like I can run around with them :-)

    I too felt like exercising would be an obsticle, but my mil gave me her old stationary bike, so it's pretty easy to get a few minutes in a day on that. (although it is kicking my behind! lol but I'm up to 12 minutes.... wahoo!) Other than that, if the weather is nice, I throw the kids in the double stroller & get our 100 lb dog on the leash and go walking for half an hour.

    Oh and I work 3-4 days a week as a cna for a home health agency, so I understand busy :-)

    It DOES sound like we've got a lot in common! And congratulations on your losses already! Sometimes it seems like nobody can relate to the obstacles that arise in a weight loss battle. It's so nice having such a great support group, and convenient that we can just pull out our phones when faced with temptation or need some motivation!

    What kind of dog do you have? I've got two Great Danes. The girl is pretty small, she's right around 100 lbs too. My boy, on the other hand, is nearing 150 and still has lots of growing to do! I call him my son because I take him everywhere! lol
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you to everyone for being SO supportive!!!! You all are so kind!
  • Lonestarlesa
    Lonestarlesa Posts: 33 Member
    I have just joined as in this very minute! I would love to be added as a friend, and would love to add as many as I can. I have lost over 130 pounds following the WW thought process, and I hit a plateau about 2 years ago that had me spinning. I did gain back 45 pounds and now that leaves me with a whopping 70 pounds to goal.

    I am not following WW, I just used the tracking to help keep me in tune. I thought maybe if I got to tracking again I would do a better job of getting rid of those 70 pounds that won't seem to budge.

  • Lose_Weight_101
    Hi! Feel free to add me! I need support and motivation!