Very new and need support

Hi all! I just joined this site and I need all the help and support I can get! I need to lose about 80 pounds to meet my goal. I've been battling my weight for a very long time now. I'm hoping this site will help me finally shed the pounds and keep them off. In the last year I've been diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. All of which I am taking medication for. I want to be off those meds and to look on the outside like the way I feel on the inside by my birthday next June.


  • im new here and need motivation too. im currently trying to lose 80 pounds too, i hope you meet your goal :)
  • Add me as a friend and I will encourage, support, cry with, and applaud you along the way. I also have atleast 80 pounds to lose and they are looking more and more like a mountain I do not want to climb everyday, but by golly I'm gonna make it and so are you. Let's do this together, one day at a time.
  • I have been using this site for about five weeks and have dropped 20 lbs. It works if you use it religiously. Please feel free to add me as a friend. You will need the encouragement!
  • I HAVE ABOUT 60 TO GO...YOU CAN ADD ME..THANKS...OPPS caps on wasnt trying to yell at you
  • Good luck. I too am new, and know that tracking my eating helps. I already am embarrassed at how much I ate today! Clearly, I too need support!
  • I'll add you for sure. I agree, I think it's easier to lose weight with positive support around you all the time. I love this site for just that reason. If you help me, I'll help you to reach your goal for sure.
  • hi, i just joined as well, i have 50 lbs to lose and can not go back to weight watchers and give them my money anymore. i need support and help just like you. i feel very good about this site and think you will do just great. i love seeing the actual number of calories in the food. they take all the guess work out of it. me and you need to remember that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. we can do this for our selves. let me know how you do next week. i will update you. i start on sunday morning and just bought a meter to count my steps. i need to do this for my self and my health, i am 59 and things start to happen as we get older.
  • scampy_paws2012
    scampy_paws2012 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am very quiet but would try my best to give support and would also like to receive support too. I also have some blood pressure problems and would like to lose some more weight too. Good luck on your journey , you can do it!
  • wow 20 lbs in 5 weeks is great, keep up the good work
  • sillybee74
    sillybee74 Posts: 5 Member
    I will support you! I don't really understand how this blog situation works (I sound like I'm 90, but I'm only 37!). But you can add me, whatever that means.
    What are you doing besides logging on to this site? Do you have a plan and a daily calorie goal? I have a long history with losing large sums of weight. If I succeed this time, it will be my 4th! But I have a great plan and a super positive attitude! I lost 10 lbs in August! I've been extremely dedicated and serious about my calorie intake. If I can do it, anyone can!!!
  • lauchrand
    lauchrand Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, new too! Trying to lose 100lbs and could use all the support and motivation I can get. :) Thank you and good luck!!!
  • Feel free to add me, im always here to offer encouragement & support!