Common Sense vs. Desire

My logical mind knows that eating no less than 1,200 calories per day and exercising is the best way to lose weight, but I have two very dear friends doing VLCD (very low calorie diets) and it's making me feel like I'm going to be left in the weight-loss dust if I don't opt for the quick-and-unhealthy way of doing it.

I really need some other rational voices to chime in and reassure me that doing it by eating ENOUGH and working out is way better than eating less than 500 calories a day.

Okay...GO! ;-)



  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Most people who lose weight quickly and on VLCD gain back what they lost and more in a fairly short period of time.

    You're more likely to keep it off if you do it more slowly.
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    Slow & steady wins the race. Keep doing what you're doing and in the long run it'll pay off on your end.
  • Rockdrop
    Rockdrop Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for your words! It feels better hearing other people say it! :-)
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Once they get to their goal weights and start eating normally they will gain again while you are still losing.
    You've got more chance of keeping it off if it's a lifestyle change.

    Trust me, I've gained and lost more times than Oprah! It's stuffs your metabolism.
    The only time I think VLCDs are worth it is for a few days to get over a plateau, just to mix things up.

    You are doing this for LIFE!
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    Keep doing it the healthy way!

    When you still have the energy to enjoy life while they're exhausted and miserable, you'll be winning.

    When you're enjoying healthy foods that leave you feeling full and they're staring at the scraps of food they can eat that day, you'll be winning.

    When you're still at a healthy weight a year or two from now and they've piled the pounds back on, you'll be winning.

    Best of all, when you know you've done the right thing for a strong, fit, healthy body, you are always a winner!
  • cfmay
    cfmay Posts: 19
    If it's done the right will be easier for you to keep the weight off in the long run. However, your pals may end up gaining after they stop the "crash" dieting. GOOD LUCK!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I NEVER eat less than 1,200 calories in a day! Never!! I've 35 or so pounds (depends on if I'm bloated!!) and I've been maintaining for 3 months now. Seriously. . .don't cave to the super low cal nonsense!!
  • Taneil27
    They might lose weight faster, but they will gain it back once they go back to their old habits. You on the other hand are in this for the longhaul, so even though your weight loss will take more time, it won't come back :-)
  • C00lCountry
    I myself found MFP a learning experience.
    By counting my calories, it has taught me more of what I should or shouldn't be eating.
    I even apply this knowledge to when I don't have access to computer.
    Stay with this, it works if you do it right.
    Ask yourself this, what will they do when reach there goal?
    Most try to go back to same lifestyle that got them over weight to begin with.
    Good luck and stay on track.
  • andiesweets
    andiesweets Posts: 3 Member
    Slow and steady is the best way to maintain continuous weight loss. You can do it! :smile:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    You're only looking to lose 29 lbs ... a VLCD is not for you. VLCD are only supposed to be for people who are dangerously overweight, or who need to drop weight rapidly for surgery.

    Stick with a more moderate plan to get the results you want. Weight loss is not about the speed at which you can shed pounds.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I really believe that one year from now you'll be much happier with your results and health than they will.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I eat from 1200 to 1500 calories a day and am losing weight... I expect to keep going and keep it off. There are lots of reasons why you should eat more than 1200 cals- I am not some medical prof who will be able to list them... I sell airplane parts, not statistics. :wink:

    Were I to eat "low cal", I could only do it for a short time and I would be cranky about it. Nobody likes it when I am cranky. :noway:

    I fuel my body :happy: I smile more. :happy:

    My 80 year old self will thank me for giving her the opportunity to smile more. :happy:

    Whatever you choose, good luck to you! :drinker:
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    You will seriously screw up your metabolism if you crash diet. Your body was not made to function that way.
  • My hub and I tried the hcg and b-12 injections and we only ate 500 calories a day and we had headaches for days and only stuck to it for two weeks. Then we gorged on pizza and everything else and gained more back because we felt deprived. They can't only eat 500 calories forever so as soon as they increase their calories, they will more than likely gain it back. Just make the food you eat more healthy and then you don't have to cut calories to such an extreme. Exercise two or three days doing cardio and that will keep your blood pumping.
  • swashburn3
    swashburn3 Posts: 172 Member
    Just look at some of the other success stories here on MFP. Things like "I started in March and now I'm down 75lbs". I keep thinking, "March, man... That seems like just yesterday."

    Keep at it, get in a routine, and it'll be gone before you know it, and you won't have to suffer through dieting like with a VLCD.

    I've been going 25 days and i'm now down 15 pounds!
  • I have lost 18 pounds since 8/8 by cutting my calories and exercising three to four days a week. Do cardio. It will melt the fat away. I do 55 mins on the treadmill each time and I'm soaked by the time I leave the gym. Cut out most of the junk food and pop. Drink a ton of water. You will see results. I have 44 more to go by Christmas- that's my "for now" goal.
  • My hub and I are doing this together and we have a cheat day every two weeks on Saturday. We did mexican one time and Red Lobster the next. You will see that after a little while- your stomach will shrink and you won't feel so full all of the time. He and I used to pig out so bad. It almost feels good not having a full belly all the time. We didn't even eat a full basket of chips and we usually got that white queso cheese when we used to eat mexican. This time we didn't get queso cheese and we ate a lunch portion and we were actually miserably stuffed. It's actually a horrible feeling. Hub has los 36 pounds and 18 for me.He started at beginning of summer and I just started at beginning of August. I'm 100% on board and I will defeat the food monster.