Paleo/Low Carb inspired diet?

So, my mom is starting Atkins on Monday, and wants me to try it with her. I'm down mainly because I've heard it helps you lose weight and she is insulin-resistant due to her PCOS and low carb is the only way she can lose weight so I want to support her. But lately I have been pondering the idea of going low carb myself and I have stumbled across a few Paleo blogs. I really like the idea...eating what we were "meant" to be eating...but there are certain parts to it that I can't seem to get a grip on (no dairy=no cheese=sadness!!) I don't have a good source for the Paleo diet, just the internet but my mom has a book on Atkins that I have been reading. I think I might do the induction phase with my mom for a few weeks, then start adding in more fruits and veggies (at first Atkins says NO to fruits and some veggies) Does this make sense to kind of do a mix of the two? I really don't know..and I'm going to need a lot of support in what I should be buying and making for food..I'm so used to buying a lean cuisine and calling it good! Ahhh so many questions!


  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    With Atkins you add back in other veggies and fruit, dairy, nuts, grains, etc one thing at a time to see how well your body tolerates those foods.

    You will learn a LOT about your body.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Come on over to the low carb group, plenty of ideas and support over there :)

    A mix of the two sounds OK, I've read both Atkins books and I think it is a bit too restrictive to be honest.

    I tend to the Paleo side of things since I have cut back on the cheese. But I have been known to have some ice cream, potatoes and whatnot since I have taken off most of the weight. It's more of a framework than a strict plan for me.

    The Mark's Daily Apple website is a good place to start if you want some background.

    Books I'd recommend are:

    The Primal Blueprint (Sisson), The Paleo Diet (Cordain), The Paleo Solution (Wolf)

    I don't buy much 'Lean Cuisine', my nutrition is about 65% fat ;)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I did Atkins many times and lost then gained, lost then gained..

    I wrote about it here -->
  • foochick
    foochick Posts: 105 Member
    It amazes me that people think they can do atkins.......then go back to eating the crap that made them fat in the first they get fat they blame Atkins. I dont follow the logic.
  • dhealy11
    dhealy11 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys!! I totally agree that it needs to be a lifestyle change..and that I'm willing to do. I think however, that both Paleo and Atkins are pretty restrictive! I think I'm going to do the Atkins with my mom, so she has a buddy..but mostly listen to my body and slowly bring back carbs. I for one could not live with out dairy or fruit. Ha ha.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    if you want some more info and resources for paleo/primal (primal allows full fat dairy) then check out Mark's Daily Apple (do a google search for it). Atkins is very similar to paleo in the foods that are recommended. The "restrictive" aspect gets easier after a few weeks when your cravings die down.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I am doing a modified Paleo, which is more like Primal (but honestly I just tried something and this is what is working). I eat some dairy (goat's cheese, 2% or full milk if I have milk, 4% yoghurt, 3% cottage cheese) and at first I cut out flour, rice and corn, but now I eat rice and corn occasionally, and IF I eat beans, only black beans. Also no peanuts, which is fine as there are plenty of other nice nuts out there.

    I didn't lose any weight for 2.5 years prior to trying this in February and now I've lost 6 KG. Giving up things is really not that bad if you see and feel the result that it brings you (I also feel better physically, have less tummy troubles and just have more energy - but I'm also working on getting enough sleep as well).
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So, my mom is starting Atkins on Monday, and wants me to try it with her. I'm down mainly because I've heard it helps you lose weight and she is insulin-resistant due to her PCOS and low carb is the only way she can lose weight so I want to support her. But lately I have been pondering the idea of going low carb myself and I have stumbled across a few Paleo blogs. I really like the idea...eating what we were "meant" to be eating...but there are certain parts to it that I can't seem to get a grip on (no dairy=no cheese=sadness!!) I don't have a good source for the Paleo diet, just the internet but my mom has a book on Atkins that I have been reading. I think I might do the induction phase with my mom for a few weeks, then start adding in more fruits and veggies (at first Atkins says NO to fruits and some veggies) Does this make sense to kind of do a mix of the two? I really don't know..and I'm going to need a lot of support in what I should be buying and making for food..I'm so used to buying a lean cuisine and calling it good! Ahhh so many questions!

    I have done an atkins inspired diet 2x now. The first time was under doctors orders...I had been diagnosed as insulin resistant and told to eat no more than 50g net per day. In 2 months I lost 15-20lbs, got pregnant, and made my IR undetectable.

    life got in the way, and I gained all the weight back and then some (over an 8yr period).

    I started working out and watching my diet and only lost 7lbs in 3 months...I cut my carbs down to 100g net per day and the weight started coming off--21lbs in 5 months! Going back to the doctor Tuesday to see if the IR is back and what I need to do to treat it.

    IMO, what works to make a lowER carb plan doable is making room for some *bad* foods. I eat ice cream, I eat fast food burgers...but I order the small cone, and I take the top bun off the burger.
  • dhealy11
    dhealy11 Posts: 15 Member
    So, my mom is starting Atkins on Monday, and wants me to try it with her. I'm down mainly because I've heard it helps you lose weight and she is insulin-resistant due to her PCOS and low carb is the only way she can lose weight so I want to support her. But lately I have been pondering the idea of going low carb myself and I have stumbled across a few Paleo blogs. I really like the idea...eating what we were "meant" to be eating...but there are certain parts to it that I can't seem to get a grip on (no dairy=no cheese=sadness!!) I don't have a good source for the Paleo diet, just the internet but my mom has a book on Atkins that I have been reading. I think I might do the induction phase with my mom for a few weeks, then start adding in more fruits and veggies (at first Atkins says NO to fruits and some veggies) Does this make sense to kind of do a mix of the two? I really don't know..and I'm going to need a lot of support in what I should be buying and making for food..I'm so used to buying a lean cuisine and calling it good! Ahhh so many questions!

    I have done an atkins inspired diet 2x now. The first time was under doctors orders...I had been diagnosed as insulin resistant and told to eat no more than 50g net per day. In 2 months I lost 15-20lbs, got pregnant, and made my IR undetectable.

    life got in the way, and I gained all the weight back and then some (over an 8yr period).

    I started working out and watching my diet and only lost 7lbs in 3 months...I cut my carbs down to 100g net per day and the weight started coming off--21lbs in 5 months! Going back to the doctor Tuesday to see if the IR is back and what I need to do to treat it.

    IMO, what works to make a lowER carb plan doable is making room for some *bad* foods. I eat ice cream, I eat fast food burgers...but I order the small cone, and I take the top bun off the burger.

    Totally agree with this ^^^^^ I think I am going to do induction with my mom (mainly for moral support) but then gradually add in more and more carbs but eventually just try to stay under 100-150 carbs. I did a low carb before summer started and lost weight so easily! (like 10 lbs...boom!) I know myself...and totally restricting whole food groups (cheese, ice cream, chips, etc..) does not work for me. I need to know that I'll be able to have those foods again, or its just not worth it for me. Definitely going to need some support during induction idea what things we should buy or cook!! Especially with me being at school all day..I need things that don't need to be refrigerated.