


  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I love it but be careful I'm on my 3rd. not waterproof at all.... killed mine with sweat and then another in the rain. best to wear it on your top. you get sweaty on your bra if you exercise hard... always have somewhere safe to put it if you may get drenched in the rain x

    ^ This. And don't forget to secure it to your trousers if you are wearing it with the belt clip - I lost my first one a few weeks ago just this way so I hook a hair bobble through it now then pin the bobble to my jeans with a nappy pin!

    I loved it so much that I went straight out and bought a second - I feel totally naked without it now :laugh:
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    *Sobs uncontrollably*

    I won a brand new blue one on ebay for like 80 bucks two weeks ago, and it was supposed to get here on Aug. 28. :cry: I still haven't gotten it and being patient is so hard.

    I CAN'T WAIT!! :love:
  • I have one had it for just under a week now and love it, it really opens your eyes and makes me want to walk the long way round rather than getting there as quick as possible!!!!!! There is a BUT though - I dont seem to be doing things right with it.

    I have tried logging my excercise on MFP by stating the start time but the figure it gives me is different to the figure it shows when I press and hold the button to track an activity - can anyone help?

    As a example I tracked my bokwa session this morning , it said i burnt 557 calories, but when i logged it in MFP is stated 424.

  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    i've had a fitbit since Oct 2011. I love it. It is very motivating and keeps me moving all day. I ran one through the washer and had to go get another immediately (best buy carries them.) I feel so much better it is worth every bit of its price tag.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I have one and love it! I wear it all the time. Using the fitbit allows me to see how active I am when not working out and adjust my allowable calories accordingly each day. I track exercise using a HRM, but use the fitbit for everything else.

    ^This. I find the Fitbit over-estimates calories when I do my Leslie Sansone walk programmes as compared with my HRM so I adjust the calories by logging it as an activity (I turn on the stop watch before I start to walk, walk, walk :happy: ) then adjust the calories accordingly at the end of the work out.
  • Congrats! :wink:
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    I am really new to this. Can anyone tell me how the fit bit works? How is it different from a HRM? Which do you prefer? Thanks!
  • kaikoi47
    kaikoi47 Posts: 41 Member
    i've had mine for a year. it's like anything else, you use it for it's purpose and it's amazing, but if you don't' do your part than it's a waste of time and money. i remember for a week i was very lazy. i think i only took about 500 steps every other day. and when my fitbit told me i was disappointed in myself. but at the same time, it made me get up and move more. so it's helpful :3
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    I've had mine since feb. and I adore it. No calorie guessing as it tells you your TDEE. It's been great.
  • just got mine yesterday and i have 2 questions. is the calorie adjustment the calories from a recent work out, or do i still add my work out calories? Also, how do you see the stats, like distance, for an individual activity? Is this only visible through a recording?
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    Ive had mine for 3 years - and love it - its with me all the time. I would suggest if at all possible - keep in in your pants pocket. I've known a few people that have lost them from the belt clip - me being one but i found it. They have amazing customer support. After almost 3 years, mine developed a crack in it and they sent me a new one for free! Yay! Its a great motivator and fun to challenge friends.
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    Has anyone purchased a Fitbit.....I got mine last night and I am loving it!!!

    I've had mine 4wks. Set myself a personal stair goal that I have to reach!! I often run up the stairs several times in succession to be sure. I can do more in one go now without getting breathless than when I first got it, so it's sure working for me!!

    You might also be interested in the Fitbit user group on here;
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I love it but be careful I'm on my 3rd. not waterproof at all.... killed mine with sweat and then another in the rain. best to wear it on your top. you get sweaty on your bra if you exercise hard... always have somewhere safe to put it if you may get drenched in the rain x

    ^ This. And don't forget to secure it to your trousers if you are wearing it with the belt clip - I lost my first one a few weeks ago just this way so I hook a hair bobble through it now then pin the bobble to my jeans with a nappy pin!

    I loved it so much that I went straight out and bought a second - I feel totally naked without it now :laugh:

    I have a similar arrangement but with a ribbon through the loop so that I can tie it on around the centre of my bra. It ain't goin' anywhere without me!!
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 140 Member
    Alright...I am I just googled it and there are too many choices...tracker, ultima, wireless....which one do I want???
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I have one had it for just under a week now and love it, it really opens your eyes and makes me want to walk the long way round rather than getting there as quick as possible!!!!!! There is a BUT though - I dont seem to be doing things right with it.

    I have tried logging my excercise on MFP by stating the start time but the figure it gives me is different to the figure it shows when I press and hold the button to track an activity - can anyone help?

    As a example I tracked my bokwa session this morning , it said i burnt 557 calories, but when i logged it in MFP is stated 424.


    You will find different burn rates between the two sites. Swimming for instance is a lot less generous on FitBit's site. I stick with FitBit unless I have a reading from an exercise machine to enter.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Alright...I am I just googled it and there are too many choices...tracker, ultima, wireless....which one do I want???

    I think you'll find these are all features of the same device.
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    My wife and I started using fitbit on March 1st. It has been a major part of our success.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    just got mine yesterday and i have 2 questions. is the calorie adjustment the calories from a recent work out, or do i still add my work out calories? Also, how do you see the stats, like distance, for an individual activity? Is this only visible through a recording?

    If you add your workout calories separately be careful to match up the times or you may end up double counting. The fitbit adjustment is the amount you have burned over and above the activity level you have this site set for (sedentary in my case) and this may vary throughout the day but you will get used to this over time and get a fair idea of what you can eat but to start with it may catch you out unless you sync late in the day. Yes you need to take recorded sessions if you want burn for just that period to show on your dashboard. You might want to use it in conjunction with a free phone app like Endomondo if you want to track speed over distance etc but I'd ignore Endomondo's calorie burns - way too high!
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    Instead of heart rate detecting it goes by motion sensors like the Wii.

    So how much you move rather than how high your heart rate goes. Which also means that for something like HIIT that I like it probably underestimates during your less active intervals but when your heart rate would still be high.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    just got mine yesterday and i have 2 questions. is the calorie adjustment the calories from a recent work out, or do i still add my work out calories? Also, how do you see the stats, like distance, for an individual activity? Is this only visible through a recording?

    I believe the calorie adjustment is based on the set activity level on Myfitnesspal. If you have it set correctly, and you walk more than the activity level, it'll fix and tell you how many calories you really need to eat. I discovered that on some days I wasn't eating enough. That's the adjustment you see in Myfitnesspal. Oh, don't enter activities on the Fitbit site! That messes things up.

    It's supposed to track your steps. There are ways to make sure it's following your exact stride. I believe if you look under calibrate fitbit you'll find it. I did find a few posts where people tested the steps against calibrating it and found it wasn't a huge difference. It was miniscule. I think they've done a really good job and if you set it up with the right height you'll probably have some accuracy but you can calibrate it if you want to do so.

    I believe you can overwrite the Fitbit by entering activities on this website. For example, for non-walking activites like aerobics, you'll want to enter the starting time and number of minutes for the activity here. The sites communicate and will correct based on that. I love it for mainly walking as it keeps me knowing whether I've moved enough for the day and tracks how many stair cases I've done. Basically, it's great for motivation. I don't track walking individually.