I drink so many calories!



  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Diet soda. Trop50 juices. Limit drinking alcohol to once a week. Flavored seltzer waters.

    I make my coffee with no sugar and 2 tablespoons of flavored creamer so it's under 100 calories, and it's my one daily coffee. Tea with caffeine and honey or artificial sweetener can serve as extra caffeine, and so can diet soda.

    Edit: Additionally, a friend of mine who used to drink Redbull every day once told me, "My kidneys stopped hurting!" after she switched to coffee. So... just say no to Redbull. That stuff is scary.
  • DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry1
    You can drink your calories and lose weight too. Believe me, every weekend I enjoy my beers and shots of jagermeister. I often get asked how I lose weight when I still drink. It can be done.

    As for coffee-stay away from the lattes and all that other fu fu stuff. Coffee with milk or half and half (which I drink). I don't use any sweetener but if you do, go out and buy some stevia packets.

    Fruit juices- Try to eliminate altogether. Just added wasted sugar that jacks up your insulin levels. Try to avoid and drink water or water with lemon juice. If you must have the juice, then water it down. Half juice half water.

    Alcohol- Vodka is good choice for hard liquor. You can try vodka water or vodka and club soda. I don't know if you like beer but I drink Becks Light- Only 64 calories which leaves room for Jagermeister :)

    Avoid the snacking. Eat dinner either before you drink or while you are drinking. Protein works best. I you are having a high carb meal while drinking, you will not feel satisfied and would be inclined to snack later.

    I also estimate what my dinner and drinks will be so I know how many drinks I am allowed without going over my calorie count.
    Days I drink I often try to have a good workout to burn extra calories.
    Also, drink water in between drinks to keep you full, hydrated to reduce or avoid the hangover and to help keep you from snacking.

    The beauty of this site is to encourage you to change your lifestyle...not dramatically but to make wiser more informed decisions. You don't have to give up things you enjoy, but you have to just be conscious of their effects on your overall health. Checking your daily and weekly consumption, especially heading towards the weekend is very helpful in knowing how hard you can "have fun".

    Just my two cents, hope this helps.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Thanks for all the replys I've taken it all on board.

    I know I just need to cut down, and I guess I just needed others to tell me too aswell. Makes it all the more obvious and clearer in my head. Tomorrows a monday, and it's the start of the working week that I usually OD on redbull & starbucks. So tomorrow i'll try go without completely. Won't cold turkey on the alcohol just yet but, i'm gonna try cut down.

    I wonder what vanilla tea would taste like?
  • thrillpop
    stop drinking that and learn to drink water
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks for all the replys I've taken it all on board.

    I know I just need to cut down, and I guess I just needed others to tell me too aswell. Makes it all the more obvious and clearer in my head. Tomorrows a monday, and it's the start of the working week that I usually OD on redbull & starbucks. So tomorrow i'll try go without completely. Won't cold turkey on the alcohol just yet but, i'm gonna try cut down.

    I wonder what vanilla tea would taste like?

    There was a stage when I used to drink 7 diet energy drinks a day, so no judgement here! That was only over a year ago. I cut them out completely and switched to one or two diet colas a day. That was after a doctor was horrified when she found out. It hasn't affected my weight loss and just stops me getting too hyper and nervous. Once you cut down on the energy drinks you'll realise that weirdly they actually make you tired. Then you feel like you 'need' to keep taking them, so it's a bad cycle.

    I put a teaspoon of artificial sweetener in my tea at first, then when I got used to the taste of it, cut it out. You could also try cinnamon or honey.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I love red wine, but I have found that I lose so much more quickly when I don't drink. I've allotted my self 2 nights a month to enjoy my red wine, or whatever... but the 1-2 lb. gain, puffy face and pooched out tummy that follows really reinforces why it's better to avoid alcohol for the most part. Plus it makes me want to snack, too. I haven't had a problem with coffee, and I think if you try to give up all of those drinks you enjoy, it will be too hard to maintain. My husband is like you, he love's to drink everything but water all day long. He hates anything diet (it gives him a bad headache, maybe that is what is causing yours), but he cuts calories by mixing his juice with sparkling water or lemonade with unsweetened iced tea.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Honey sounds good in tea, might try that tomorrow before work!

    I think the big struggle will be less alcohol, it's always around, it seems its more social than food is!

    & with my lattes, I think i'll just save them for the odd occasion, I have a particular friend who I see around once a week who loves coffee shops. So maybe just the 1 a week!
  • Tixxie
    I wonder what vanilla tea would taste like?

    Pukka does a nice vanilla chai teabag (though unfortunately not many places seem to stock it). Some of their detox ones with liquorice/aniseed have quite a sweet aftertaste too.

    But like others have said, I'd tackle one at a time - try listing them all with pros and cons, see which one is worst for you in terms of health/weight (suspect the Red Bull but don't know for sure) and work on cutting that one down first.
  • xXKatrinaXx
    Personally I would slowly start cutting them out. I used to drink starbucks every single day but I totally cut that habbit. Its grossed me out when I realized how many calories their drinks had. Now I make my own coffee at home, and I also have an expresso machine so sometimes Ill make cappacinos with sugar free syrups. If you dont want to cut alcohol out completly, maybe start making it a goal to drink a lot less or give yourself one night a week or something where you can drink.

    Its gonna be hard but just take it one day at a time and you will get there.
  • charl2712
    charl2712 Posts: 38 Member
    See I love an alcoholic drink (not that I'm an alcoholic or anything lol) but I would be having a glass or wine during the weekdays. Even though sometimes after a stressful day at work I really crave a drink, I make sure that as soon as I get through the door from work I have a pint of cold water. Then have my dinner and to be honest by this time I usually feel quite full that I don't want anything else for the evening. At the weekend is another thing, I do allow myself the odd treat of a bottle of cider from Fri-Sun eve, usually trying to stick to 1-2 bottles of alcohol an evening ( I try and eat carefully during the day to save my calories for later in the evening for the alcohol). I haven't done this for that long, but in 2 weekends of doing this and just watching what I eat, with no exercise I've lost 4-5lbs. That's actually more weigtloss achieved that I did in the 2 weeks of staying away from alcohol and working out 5 times a week for 2 hours each time. So you can still have your alcoholic treat, eat healthy and loose weight.
  • LCgymnast
    It was hard for me too to turn over to water and not the wonderful Starbucks. At first I scheduled my water intake time. Like at 8am I had to drink a cup of water. Then later on at about 11am I drank another cup and so forth throughout the day to help me get my water intake. I can tell a huge difference now when I drink lots more water....the weight comes off a lot easier. Now, I don't need a schedule, I just drink water, but every now and then I have a little splurge of something else like a soda or Starbucks.

    Hope this will help.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I have 3 1liter bottles of water in fridge. I don't drink anything else until they are gone. I may have an unsweet tea at night, but that's about it.

    Oh wanted to add-- my 3rd month of weightloss, I stopped drinking coke zero and only drank water, I lost more that month than any other--15lbs. Something to think about...:)
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    I used to have the same problem...when faced with the choice between iced tea, coke, juice or water I always chose non-water. This was especially bad for me because I can't eat (or drink) aspertaine or other artificial sweeteners so I wasn't even drinking diet!!

    Anyway, I made it kind of a rule for myself that I have to drink my 8 glasses of water before I drink anything else. Initially I gave myself a morning coffee exception so I could have one cup and then do my 8 glasses, I've since cut that out. I also no longer count water I drink at the gym. And I've started drinking out of a water bottle most days, this sounds weird I know but I feel like I can just refill it if I'm just putting in more water and then wash it at night (finally, my laziness is paying off). These little things don't sound like a lot, I know, but they do make me drink more water and avoid sugary drinks most of the time.
  • Brdrclymom
    I too enjoyed my soda, beer and cocktails so much. It was difficult, but I have a coke zero for breakfast, drink water or diet green tea during the day, then can have 3 or 4 Bud Select 55s to unwind (with a water in there too). It really doesn't bother me as much as i thought it would. Just retrain your brain. Good Luck!
  • mizamypowers
    Maxwell House International Coffee has a sugar free vanilla latte that is 30 calories per serving. That is what I have each morning to satisfy my sweet, creamy coffee need.
    I also drink Coke Zero-it tastes better than Diet Coke to me.
    I enjoy drinks with the girls, but I have one vodka and sugar free red bull then move to water.
    You are doing great!-keep positive and keep counting those calories.
  • marlstua
    marlstua Posts: 4 Member
    Cut down on the milk intake for your tea by trying ROOIBOS/RED BUSH/TICK TOCK tea from South Africa. In my Slimming World days we were taught to make 'long drinks' by mixing one shot of vodka, together with Robinsons sugar free juice of your choice and top it up with soda water. Less calories in diet lemonade and no calories in soda water. Soda water also fills you up. Good luck!
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    Honestly, the way I would do it is to stop cold turkey. I make sure to get as little calories as possible from drinks. My main drink is water all day and green tea with 1/2tsp of raw honey a few times a day. I like to eat too much to lose those calories to empty calories like alcohol, soda's ect. I quit coffee cold turkey about three weeks ago and replaced it with green tea. I feel much better. Soda or sweet tea is just an occasional treat if we have pizza or go out to eat. We don't keep that stuff at home.
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    I think you already know what you need to do. You need to cut it out. Whether you substitute it with a lower calorie option or remove it all together, you need to get rid of the c*ap. Time to buckle down. You can do it one step at a time, one day at a time. And for god's sake drink water. Over time you get used to it. Just drink it. Eventually you won't loathe it.
    I agree with this poster^ right to the point. If these drinks mean more to you than your weight loss or fitness goals. You may not be ready to start the journey. But the disire is there, so maybe someday down the line when you are willing to get serious you can make great progress :)

    what they said! whats more important to you? you mentioned you dont WANT to well do you want to continue to lose weight? if its really that hard for you try limiting it to once a week on ur treat day but not daily. this is for your long run benefit. Have more faith in yourself :) your body deserves it. and if you really dislike drinking water try adding a strawberry slice, lime, mint or some cucumber slices to it! very low cal and gives it a lil kick. good luck
  • radhell
    Definately more water! You need it for your body to function properly. It would probably perk you up too! And maybe try limiting yourself to one "treat" drink a day. If it is a weekend where you don't have to wake up early and plan on drinking alcohol that night, skip the coffee that day. Work days get your coffee treat to start your day off right, but skip the drinks that night. And some days you could even subsitute tea for energy drinks. I have noticed green tea didn't have any calories, and it is still cafenated so can perk you up. I haven't checked to see if herbal or black teas have any calories, but if they do I am sure not very many. Or you could have a chai latte instead of coffee, It might be a bit healthier. And did I mention more water? ;) You need to stay hydrated if you are going to try and burn off any calories.
  • TXGirl821
    I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it, but those headaches could be caused by dehydration.

    Assuming you don't have an actual alcohol problem, you don't NEED the alcohol. But you like tasty drinks. Water is fairly plain if you're used to drinking a ton of sugar a day. There's a lot of good answers here, but you already know the big solution. :) I still enjoy 2-3 real Cokes over the weekend. I mean, Cokes all the time? Not good. Cokes never? Not a world I want to live in!