trying stop binge triggers please please help

hi. I had an account her previously but decided to have a private journal. (didn't feel comfortable having people watch me)

I have binge eating disorder which I am seeing a therapist for. This whole week I exercised, ate fruits, veggies, proteins like fish eggs and nuts at 1290 calories AND ate back my calories drinking lots of water.

but I noticed every night I've gone to bed starving and sleeping has been impossible. the hunger pangs hurt too... I tried to force myself not to eat..not even veggies.

today I snapped and the bingeing started.

I'm trying my best to up protein and such. The problem is 1290 calories adds up so FAST and I'm trying to eat low calorie foods just to eat something and pray I don't feel hungry.

I desperately want to lose weight. and stop bingeing...but i feel like the weight loss is just TRIGGERING it. What do I do :( is it normal to starve the first few weeks? or even as sedentary is MFP not giving me enough calories??


  • joanne199121
    Hi there

    I sort of get the same problem myself but I am not seeing a specialist for this as I think it is psychological with me, I try and substitute foods e.g. instead of sweets/chocolate i find grapes have a sweetness to them so substitute grapes for sweets/chocolate.

    Maybe have the odd treat, don't just completely cut them off and if you can as your body is used to the sugary intake and could be bad for you, And you need the satisfaction of the indulgence, so low calorie treats maybe an idea.

    Maybe weightwatchers/low calorie cakes/chocolate may help slightly (a lot of supermarkets do their own brand of low calorie treats)

    Hope this helps, I am no expert I know but I have had the same problem, especially if I am at work and do not get chance to eat if I am doing a 4 hour shift that goes straight through dinner time, I tend to get home and binge so I know how it feels.

    Hope you reach your goals x
  • thrillpop
    and before anyone suggests so. No I cannot afford a nutritionist.
  • thrillpop
    please I'm so desperate
  • TarenMaim
    TarenMaim Posts: 12 Member
    1290 cals a day seems really low, how much weight are you trying to lose? I also suffer from binge eating disorder and have had two serious relapses in the last year where I gained 12 lbs each time. This time around I am eating more calories, no fewer than 1600 and more if I've worked out. The weightloss will be slower but since I'm eating healthy foods I'm full, sometimes I even have to force myself to eat, and I haven't had so much as the urge to binge.

    Another tip that works for me is that I eat ALL day long, usually every 2 hours but yesterday was a little off, and stay in my calorie's what I had yesterday (today is my first day using MFP but def NOT my first time counting cals lol)

    Post AM workout (7am ish): bodylogix protein for women
    Breakfast (9am): 1 boiled egg, 3 boiled egg whites, small banana
    Snack: (11am) fat free activia yogurt, 1 cup mixed melons
    Lunch (1pm): chicken topped sald with low fat french dressing and an orange
    Snack (3pm): carrots and celery + can of flavoured tuna
    Dinner (6pm): 6oz steak, snap peas w/ tomatoes, steamed brocolli
    Dessert (8pm): nainamo bar
  • TarenMaim
    TarenMaim Posts: 12 Member
    One more thing, I created a workout board on pinterest thas has a TON of motivational clips in it....sometimes if I take a few minutes to look at it I can stop the binge before it starts. If you want to look me up my name should be the same as on here
  • EllaNovella
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Try eating at mfp maintenance for a couple of weeks.then slowly reduce your calories from there.