My eating rules for staying slim



  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    1) Drink your water
    2) Eat your veggies
    3) Don't go crazy on the fruit
    4) Get enough lean protein - super important
    5) CHEAT. Dont make food your life and don't let food control your life. Indulge, have fun, behave yourself 80% of of the time but enjoy the "finer" treats.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    1) get off my butt and hit the gym 
    2) eat based on my activity level. 
    3) eat lots of veggies and fruits ( yes fruits to, I don't care about the sugar count)
    4) don't drink ur calories ( sometimes i cheat on this rule and treat myself to Starbucks 
    5) don't stress over the scale. 
  • luluaddy
    What a wonderful thread! I think one thing we can take away from this is that the world is full of different people. Do what works for YOU.

    Oh and I forgot a rule:
    If you don't like it throw it in the trash. I used to think if I ordered or bought something it was my duty to eat it all. But why spend calories on something you hate?
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    1. The plan must work.
    2. The plan has to be fun.
    3. The plan has to be sustainable/ affordable.

    Everything else is just in the details. I don't deviate from those three rules.
  • skinnyskittles

    If you don't like it throw it in the trash. I used to think if I ordered or bought something it was my duty to eat it all. But why spend calories on something you hate?

  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    1.) Eat FAT, FAT, and more FAT. Consume AT LEAST 70% of daily calories directly from fat - i.e. as high-fat diet as possible.
    2.) Strictly limit carbohydrate consumption.
    3.) Stay within my daily calorie goals.
    4.) Carry a water bottle around everywhere I go.
    5.) Several small meals instead of 3 large ones.
    7.) Low intensity exercise (like walking) instead of a vigorous workout.
    8.) Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
    9.) Omega 3,6,9 & vitamin supplementation.
    10.) Weigh myself each and every day.
    11.) Log onto MFP 10x times more than Facebook.
    12.) Daydream about achieving my goals for AT LEAST 10 minutes each day.