walked 6km/3 miles burning legs

hi, first post from me :) did anyone have the their tops and inner thighs burn after their first power walk? started last thursday, again on friday and spent sat sun recovering. i could hardly move my legs. went again today felt better and atempted my first jog ever. i managed to jog for 3 x 3 min jogs during the 6km power walk. belive it or not this is my best go at jogging ever. did anyone else start off like this? it took me 1hr 20 mins to finish. legs sore again now. i guess i need to here some positive stories and comments also some advice would be awsome. thanks :)


  • teleahwallace
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Yeah I'm in the same boat, I did 4kms today with 2 minutes jogging about 5 times, thought I was going to die but that's easily a personal best for me, I've never jogged before
  • teleahwallace
    i hope by the end of the year i can jog the whole 6km. baby steps hey :)
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    4.82803km= 3miles
  • dizneedana
    dizneedana Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, I do get that sometimes. Also, I have had it where the tops of my legs itch from walking. Don't know what it is though-probably for me it is from being out of shape :)
  • NorthWestWildWind
    I started going to our local community college when I started my weight loss and let me tell you...walking around the campus, usually at a very quick pace (tight schedule and all) my legs would burn like crazy. But it was mostly my calves. This went on for the first two terms. Then finally I guess I was toned up and it's just gotten easier ever since. Same with my workouts. I started with water aerobics at school and I was sore after every workout for the first term and a half. Then I moved onto the gym for a more advance workout. Your legs will adjust as long as you keep at it. Great work!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Just keep going: it gets better.
  • lovesbikes
    lovesbikes Posts: 26 Member
    I believe what you are experiencing is a build up of lactic acid. It could mean that your cardiovascular system is not able to deliver enough O2 to those muscles and they are switching to anaerobic instead of aerobic.

    It used to happen to me and then I started taking my inhaler and it has become a lot better also over time you lactic acid threshold will increase.

    For more

    and search for lactic acid on google
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    When I took a break from running and then started again in March, my legs' tiredness held me back a lot more than my lack of endurance. Running, if anything, I notice is the exercise that makes me the most sore if I haven't done it in a while. Definitely try stretching not just before and after you work out, but various times throughout the day if you're feeling sore. Definitely take a day or two off if you need it. The soreness might've happened to if you tried to do too much, too soon. Just try easing into it and staying consistent. Consistency is really the key for running. I just have to keep telling myself that as I train for my first half marathon in October!

    Good luck! :)
  • teleahwallace
    thanks im not to great at miles. i know the lake track is exactly 5.95km because its marked out on the path and the walk back home would make up just over the 6km. looking forward to going out tomorrow. im determind to do this woohoo :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Your legs are sore because it was a workout, created micro-tears in the muscle, and they are trying to heal now, probably retaining water too if you were to measure them or your weight.

    Do NOT do a strong effort while they are sore like that, or you'll just short circuit the body's attempt at making them stronger. You do want them stronger, right? Proper rest and nutrition, so hope you are eating correctly for your activity level, and resting well. Protein shake 30 min before bed gives your body something to work with too.

    If still sore tomorrow, do a gentle walk. You want blood flow to the area for healing, not damage what is being repaired by another intense effort.

    Or, lactic acid is used up immediately as fuel while it's being produced, even if you reached anaerobic state during those jogs and legs burned during the workout from the buildup, as soon as the burning is gone, the lactic acid is gone.

    This next day soreness is the result of such a great effort though, but not lactic acid.
  • teleahwallace
    thankyou everyone.
    im getting all my complete proteins and stretching before and after walk/jog. also feels realy good when i gently stretch at the end of the day. tomorrow i will just do the walk around the lake calm for my cardio.
    i really want to start toning my arms and back as well can anyone give advice on that please :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    thankyou everyone.
    im getting all my complete proteins and stretching before and after walk/jog. also feels realy good when i gently stretch at the end of the day. tomorrow i will just do the walk around the lake calm for my cardio.
    i really want to start toning my arms and back as well can anyone give advice on that please :)

    If you think arms need toning, then probably muscles that the arms would help workout need strengthening too.

    Don't waste time on just the arms until the end of the workout, use the available strength in them for working out the bigger muscles first.
    The smaller will get a workout automatically.
    Every upper body pull exercise works the biceps, every push exercise works the triceps. Do the pushes and pulls first at as much weight as you can do with proper form for 3 sets x 8 to 12 reps, last rep barely good form, but to failure.

    Pick from list list of workouts, pick the ones you can do (dumbbells great for using other muscles) follow directions, look at proper form.