poor sleeping

I have a really hard time sleeping. I was hoping that with eating a healthier diet and exercising more that I would sleep better. Does anyone have any tips on getting a good nights sleep?


  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    When did the problems sleeping start??? what time of day are you doing your exercising?
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I have lways been a poor sleeper. I think it has been worse since having kids. I am use to getting up every few hours to nurse a baby or change a baby, ect. I exercise after lunch for 30 min and then do another 30 to 60 minutes around 7pm. My baby usually nurses around 10 pm and then sleeps until around 7am.
  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    I have lways been a poor sleeper. I think it has been worse since having kids. I am use to getting up every few hours to nurse a baby or change a baby, ect. I exercise after lunch for 30 min and then do another 30 to 60 minutes around 7pm. My baby usually nurses around 10 pm and then sleeps until around 7am.

    have you tried eating a *heavier* meal about an hour before you go to sleep? the reason I was asking about the exercising, because I know "like tonight" when I get on the elliptical i can't sleep till about 4am. then i'm back up at 7.. sucks major!!! but it will change when the kids go back to school.. Sept 5.. YAY!!!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    heavy meals tend to give me a stomach ache so that would probably not work out well. I homeschool my kids so no break for me with the school year starting. My husband takes a sleep aid but I am not one for medicines if I can help it. Sleepy time tea is of no help either. I've tried it...darn that lying bear!! lol
  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    that damn bear has lied to me too.... I have problems sleeping too.... and after re doing Grandma's deck for the past 3 days, scrubbing, resealing, and then doing the gutters and the lawn and all of her down spouts with 30 sec cleaner i'm still awake at almost 1 am PST.... no idea why.... but such is life.... I have yet to find a way to sleep.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    well at least I have someone to talk to!! LOL.
    You did a lot of work on that deck! nice job!! If you're ever int he neighborhood I havea deck....:laugh:
  • katie81smith
    katie81smith Posts: 40 Member
    I doubt I'll be doing any decks... EVER AGAIN..... My legs are soo sore.. my knees started to buckle on me a few times when I was on the elliptical tonight... not good. I realized now that its more important than ever for me to loose this weight.. after what I have done, I should not hurt this bad.. just made me push thru that dang machine. lol. Never thought a machine would kick my butt but it does.. and I think I like it.. lol.
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I've been experiencing sub-par sleeping the past week or two (since I've been using MFP). Otherwise, I feel great--but it's taking me quite a while to fall asleep at night & I wake up once or twice. Someone recommended having a bowl of cereal an hour before bed, so I'm going to try that. Would love any other tips! I usually work out in the evenings (30 min. between 6:30-9 pm) & try to go to sleep about 11 p.m.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I've had my legs buckle on the ellipitcal too. It's a little scary when it happens! I hope your grandma appreciated your hard work. It was a sweet thing to do. All my grandparents are gone now. I wish we lived closer to family so I could have my kids help out my parents. That is a great way to burn some calories though, right. Helping out family and getting in exercise. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I've been experiencing sub-par sleeping the past week or two (since I've been using MFP). Otherwise, I feel great--but itMs taking me quite a while to fall asleep at night & I wake up once or twice. Someone recommended having a bowl of cereal an hour before bed, so I'm going to try that. Would love any other tips! I usually work out in the evenings (30 min. between 6:30-9 pm) & try to go to sleep about 11 p.m.

    any specific type of cereal? I've never heard of that before. A friend of mine drink hot tea with milk and says that helps her.
  • Aventuria
    What do you think is the problem with not sleeping? Is it noisy around your neighbourhood at night? Is your tummy too full, does your husband snore? Are you just lying awake staring at the walls?

    It might be stress-related. There might be just too much going on in your head, and you can't stop thinking?
    Try out a bit of stress-relieving breath exercises or a bit of yoga, just to calm down before you go to bed. It might help! :smile:
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I am a true insomniac and have been for years. I have taken Ambien, Ambien CR (NEVER again with that one! I was sleep eating and cooking and spilled hot soup all over me. Woke up screaming), and Lunesta. I was also prescribed an additional anti-depressant which helped me gain over 60 lbs. in about 3 years. Now that I am eating healthier and not so full of junk, I have found that regular old melatonin that you can buy at any drugstore or places like Wal-Mart helps. Not doing the trick tonight as I sit here typing at 4:00 a.m. but it usually relaxes me enough to get between 3-7 hours of sleep. I want to be off as many prescription meds. as I can so it's worth it to me. The stupid bear lied to me many years ago!!! ;) I saw that Nyquil has now come out with something called ZZZ quil that doesn't have any of the cold meds. in it. I can't take it b/c of the alcohol that is in it and how it can affect some meds. I have to take. Maybe try that if melatonin doesn't work?? Hope you find some relief!!! :)
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
    Right there with you ladies, even went to a sleep disorder doctor. Was diagnosed with sleep apnea! Have the breathing machine and everything. Stinks! Even that hasn't helped much. Wake up with little sleep and no energy most days. Hope someone posts an awesome tip on here for us!
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I think any kind of "adult" cereal is ok, just not the sugary "kiddie" types? Something about the combo of grains & milk to soothe the body, like comfort food. I don't know, maybe it's just a physiological trick but I love cereal so I figure, what the heck? Good extra fiber/nutrients regardless. I've tried chamomile tea too, and Benadryl... still not sleepy! Glad tomorrow's a holiday.
  • pushing50
    pushing50 Posts: 5 Member
    As a sleep tech I imagine that your sleep issues worsened with pregnancy, There are many sleep disorders that can present themselves at pregnancy. Some go away once the little ones arrive others not so quickly. Sleep apnea (associated with weight gain that sometimes only needs 10 pounds to be a problem), limb movement disorders like RLS (associated with electrolyte imbalance and iron deficiency) or PLMS (associated with alignment problems and numerous other contributing factors, Anxiety (sleep onset and sleep maintenance insomnia) or Depression (sleep maintenance insomnia and morning insomnia), Phase shifting issues are also a possibility as some people are sensitive to being on a set schedule and once off that schedule their systems run amuck (avoid light and light emitting devices close to bedtime, change the light bulb in your bedroom to lesser watts or even to a yellow one, place essence oils of Lavendar in your room, write all of your items you are anxious about on a piece of paper in another room before going to bed and leave it out of your bedroom, no caffeine 6 hours before bedtime or acid producing foods close to bedtime, no hot bath within 2 hours of bedtime a warm bath or shower may be tolerated), Hormone imbalance may be a contributing issue also. I have found that a binaural app called Brainwave helps me quiet my wondering mind. It takes a few minutes, but soon I am not talking to myself anymore. It just kicks in.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    What do you think is the problem with not sleeping? Is it noisy around your neighbourhood at night? Is your tummy too full, does your husband snore? Are you just lying awake staring at the walls?

    It might be stress-related. There might be just too much going on in your head, and you can't stop thinking?
    Try out a bit of stress-relieving breath exercises or a bit of yoga, just to calm down before you go to bed. It might help! :smile:

    We live in the woods, no neighbors, no noise. It is heaven! Not a full tummy. I don't normally eat anything after 8pm. My husband does snore sometimes. He has PTSD and sometimes he has fits in his sleep (I sleep on the couch a lot). My sleep has definately gotten worse since he returned from Iraq. Sleeping in my own bed does allow me better sleep (cause it is more comfortable than the couch) but then I think I am a bit stressed about distrubing him or him having an episode (he almost broke my nose one night when he was dreaming and lashed out in his sleep, he accidentially hit me). He is doing much better on his current meds. No issues in over a year. I was a bad sleeper before his issues but now that I think about it I have had a worse time sleeping since he came home from the war. Definately something to consider.

    I will look into that melatonin too.
  • pushing50
    pushing50 Posts: 5 Member
    Oatmeal will help stabilize your blood sugar longer so I imagine that cereal with oats in it would be a good choice also. Turkey has ingredients to help produce sleep.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    As a sleep tech I imagine that your sleep issues worsened with pregnancy, There are many sleep disorders that can present themselves at pregnancy. Some go away once the little ones arrive others not so quickly. Sleep apnea (associated with weight gain that sometimes only needs 10 pounds to be a problem), limb movement disorders like RLS (associated with electrolyte imbalance and iron deficiency) or PLMS (associated with alignment problems and numerous other contributing factors, Anxiety (sleep onset and sleep maintenance insomnia) or Depression (sleep maintenance insomnia and morning insomnia), Phase shifting issues are also a possibility as some people are sensitive to being on a set schedule and once off that schedule their systems run amuck (avoid light and light emitting devices close to bedtime, change the light bulb in your bedroom to lesser watts or even to a yellow one, place essence oils of Lavendar in your room, write all of your items you are anxious about on a piece of paper in another room before going to bed and leave it out of your bedroom, no caffeine 6 hours before bedtime or acid producing foods close to bedtime, no hot bath within 2 hours of bedtime a warm bath or shower may be tolerated), Hormone imbalance may be a contributing issue also. I have found that a binaural app called Brainwave helps me quiet my wondering mind. It takes a few minutes, but soon I am not talking to myself anymore. It just kicks in.

    TY. these are great ideas. I think they will be helpful to both hubby and me.
  • Aventuria
    What do you think is the problem with not sleeping? Is it noisy around your neighbourhood at night? Is your tummy too full, does your husband snore? Are you just lying awake staring at the walls?

    It might be stress-related. There might be just too much going on in your head, and you can't stop thinking?
    Try out a bit of stress-relieving breath exercises or a bit of yoga, just to calm down before you go to bed. It might help! :smile:

    We live in the woods, no neighbors, no noise. It is heaven! Not a full tummy. I don't normally eat anything after 8pm. My husband does snore sometimes. He has PTSD and sometimes he has fits in his sleep (I sleep on the couch a lot). My sleep has definately gotten worse since he returned from Iraq. Sleeping in my own bed does allow me better sleep (cause it is more comfortable than the couch) but then I think I am a bit stressed about distrubing him or him having an episode (he almost broke my nose one night when he was dreaming and lashed out in his sleep, he accidentially hit me). He is doing much better on his current meds. No issues in over a year. I was a bad sleeper before his issues but now that I think about it I have had a worse time sleeping since he came home from the war. Definately something to consider.

    I will look into that melatonin too.

    Poor guy! :frown:

    Maybe it's psychological then. The stress thing makes your already bad sleeping even worse.
  • pushing50
    pushing50 Posts: 5 Member
    Poor sleep will make it difficult to lose weight. Sleep helps to regulate hormones that affect hunger and feeling full etc. such as Ghrelin, Leptin, and Cortisol. If you have weight predominantly in your abdomen then you may have issues with your REM sleep that may also be related to stress. I know addressing my stress has helped me in both weight and sleep.