Eating Healthy Changes Your Body?

I have been logging my progress on here for three weeks tomorrow, I usually work out 4-5 times a week and have been really trying to cut out all the crap I eat. I have been doing great except for this weekend. Friday I didn't eat horrible but i had a little bit of frozen yogurt and my stomach hurt so bad I was doubled over before bed. Today I am not going to lie it was my cheat day but boy did I go over board, and I have been sick. When I ate my stomach automatically hurt. Has anyone else felt this?



  • See a physician...wouldn't consider that normal or expected. ?Gallbladder if it was a fatty meal. ?Lactose intolerance..
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Ohhh yes.

    I can no longer eat any fast food or else I pay for it with stomach cramps for the entire day. Even heavy ice cream now gives me an upset stomach! :( Once you body gets the good stuff, it doesn't want anything else!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I do understand that eating junk food can make you feel bad - and doesn't taste good - when you eat healthy.

    But a 'little bit' of frozen yoghurt should never make you double over. A little bit I'm thinking a few spoonfuls or a small cone/cup.

    This is NOT good.

    See a doctor. Either that or you may have awful gas. When I go too long without eating (like skipping lunch) I can sometimes get stomach cramps from gas that make me double over. This is not healthy - trust me - and I do everything I can to avoid it. If that IS the problem, Gas-X does help.
  • Yes but only mildly if I eat too much crap. I would see a doctor if it gets worse.
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    I have never had actual stomach "pain" per say, but I cut out fast food about a month ago and had some taco bell last weekend and it made me super nauseated. Almost to the point of vomiting. I also cut out meat about three years ago as a high school fad thing (haha) and when I ate chicken again for the first time about 6 months later I actually did vomit and was sick for the whole day. But like I said, I have never had actual pain with any of it so I might check that out. I do know of other people who have felt sick after eating things they had cut out for a while.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yep. Just like if you quit drinking for a while and then have a single cocktail, all the sudden you feel much more intoxicated than if you drank regularly. Our bodies build up a tolerance to all the junk we throw down our throats. The issue is that over time, all that junk will catch up with you causing all kinds of problems, not the least of which is cancer and metabolic syndrome.

    Feeling sick on free day is your body's way of telling you it has lost it's tolerance for junk food. I try to go gourmet on free day, that way I still get to eat the fattening foods I crave, but the quality of the ingredients is much, much better. I went over my calorie allotment today by double, and believe me, I am stuffed! But it was all really high quality food. Bakery pastries, and a gourmet Italian restaurant for pizza. I got my biscuits and gravy from a home style restaurant where the owners make the biscuits fresh themselves every morning. It was awesome!
  • Yes!! I've been on my diet for just over a year, and if I have fried food, fast food, or copious amounts of cheese - my stomach revolts and punishes me big time. I hate it at the moment, but it's great reminder to stay on my healthy eating!

  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Oh yeah..........When we wenton vacation and I ate the best i could, i STill felt bloated. I had barbecued ribs today and only ate 3 ribs, but now my stomack is all upset.
  • You have to check this a good doctor and proper take care
    i will suggest you don't take this lightly.
  • I have been logging my progress on here for three weeks tomorrow, I usually work out 4-5 times a week and have been really trying to cut out all the crap I eat. I have been doing great except for this weekend. Friday I didn't eat horrible but i had a little bit of frozen yogurt and my stomach hurt so bad I was doubled over before bed. Today I am not going to lie it was my cheat day but boy did I go over board, and I have been sick. When I ate my stomach automatically hurt. Has anyone else felt this?


    I guess i should have been more specific . . . I had Burger King, Pizza and followed it up with a kids size milk shake! . . .Yeah I am ashamed but I think I ate to much :cry:
  • Ohhh yes.

    I can no longer eat any fast food or else I pay for it with stomach cramps for the entire day. Even heavy ice cream now gives me an upset stomach! :( Once you body gets the good stuff, it doesn't want anything else!

    Thank you. . . I"m glad i'm not alone. . . After yesterday, I'm over fast food! :smile: