New MFPer with depression. Hello y'all.


I've just started this seriously (after being a member for a long time), and thought I'd check in and introduce myself. My name is Steven and I have about 80lbs to lose. Also, I have depression, which can make motivation a little hard to come by.

So, I'd like friends for mutual motivation and support.

(Why does this feel oddly wrong, like filling in a dating profile?)

Anyways, feel free to take a look at my profile and add me as a friend if you like.



  • LadyAlston
    Hi Steven! Well done on deciding to change your life, that's great! And this is the place to be, the support here is fantastic and the people are so nice. I'd love to add you as a friend, your profile's brilliant! I have depression and anxiety too, amongst other things, so I know all too well the lack of motivation. Maybe we can motivate each other?
    I'm over my limit on friend adds for today, so I'll add you later when the site lets me, ok? Or you can add me!
  • VickyJo68
    VickyJo68 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Steven

    Feel free to add me (I too cannot send any more requests today). I suffer from depression so know how much of a battle it is! You can get through this and we will all support you as much as possible.

  • SandraD89
    I suffer from a lot of crap honestly mostly coming from my depression/anxiety which isn't helped by a lot of things. You can add me any of you honestly. I feel like no one understand, and yet my whole family suffers from a lot of what i do. Right now i control my depression the best i can with a healthy life style it's hard but doable if you don't put yourself in stressful situation like i have. ha.
  • bexbear
    Hi Steven,
    Welcome, I'm kind of new here too. Suffering with depression too so finding it all a bit hard to motivate myself with the exercise, eating is fine now, but I'm not as active as I'd like to be.

    Here's to our new journey!

  • been2boston
    been2boston Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there,

    I also struggle with depression, I get how hard the motivation is. Especially as we move into colder weather with less sunlight! Feel free to add me, if you'd like.

    Take care,
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Hey, I have around the same amount to lose and also suffer from depression. I've been here for nearly 3 months now and have had my bad times and good times. Last week was a bad time. I didn't log anything, didn't do any exercise and pretty much curled up in a ball all week. I woke up today and for some reason feel a bit better. So I'm logging and plan to do my workout later. All I can suggest is to just take each day as it comes. It will be harder and slower and you will have bad days but that's ok. I don't know the reasons for your depression but I hope you're getting some form of counselling/therapy. Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck with your weight loss. Slow and steady and we will get there :-)
  • VickyClare75
    Hi Steven & Welcome :smile:

    I too suffer with depression and find comfort in food. The people here have really motivated me and I'm starting to see results. I'm even exercising which is something I've never really bothered with.

    I wish you all the best in your journey. MFP is a God send to me. I'm sure that you'll find all the motivation you need.

    Take care and feel free too add me :)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi, there

    take it one day at a time.

    Once you get your ticker out of the rainy bit, you'll feel the motivation growing. Just hang on until this happens :wink:.

    Exercise is a good weapon against low spirits. Don't get on the scale every day, enjoy the freedom that watching the calories (in and out) gives you. Once you trace the caloric content of food, you'll give more value to healthy stuff, because you won't want a glass of wine or a bar of chocolate to leave you with a growling stomach and no more calories for the day :wink:. However, a good jog will earn you some calories back, just enough for that slice of bread with some cheese :smile:. Got my point?

    Believe in yourself!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Hey Steven, I'm Sara. I have Bipolar II and General Anxiety Disorder, so I know how it feels to not always be in the "right place" mentally. It helps to surround yourself with people who are supportive and won't let you fail yourself just because one day is a "I feel like staying in bed" day. Force yourself to move, set goals (small or big as you want), and find something that occupies your mind as well as your body so you don't have the chance to feel too down. Because hey, everyone deserves happiness and to live their lives to the fullest. You've achieved the goal of starting, so keep going!
  • Jimmy_Jojo
    Jimmy_Jojo Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Steven, I sent you an add. Having some extra support can really help around here. It's great that you're reaching out :)
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Hi Steven ... I suffer from bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder an major depressive disorder. Some days are good and some days are bad. The important thing to remember is to not beat yourself up over a bad day. Review it, learn from it and then toss that thought out.

    Best wishes on your journey.