walking with buggy

Hey ladies. Just a little question really. Ive heard that walking with a buggy burns more calories than a standard walk, but does anyone know how many? At the moment I just enter that im doing the slightly more strenuous walk but on a mission to budge some baby bulge so the more accurate I can be the better!!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Not unless you have it loaded with 50 pounds of baby.

    Just count it as walking and be done with it. Trying to "buy" 20 more calories of food is more stress than you need.

    The fact that you aren't swinging your arms or walking as fast as you could without the buggy sort of negates the whole "pushing 30 pounds" thing. :ohwell:
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Exercise > database
    enter your weight and then enter a value with extra weight.. for myself if I loaded an extra 15lbs on it works out to an extra 8 calories over 30 minutes... within my personal margin of error for logging a food item so not worth the hassle.

    Will note that there is an entry in the database for it anyway, but you don't know what the walking pace used for it is
    ----Pushing or pulling stroller with child
    found in the exercise > database
    top right corner drop down list of "all" currently usable cardio workouts.
  • KeegansMomma
    Interesting question. And great response, cmriverside!

    On the OTHER hand, what about walking and pulling a wagon with a 40 pound kid in it? Yes, my son is old enough and able bodied and walks. But, he does not like being the short one in a crowd of tall people, so when we go to the zoo he usually rides in the wagon. And today during my workout walking laps at the mall, he was in the wagon (easier pulling the wagon than making sure he keeps up with me). NOW, bear in mind, I never count OVER or add EXTRA time to account for pulling the wagon...it's too complicated for me...so I stick with the basic how long did I walk for and how many MPH did I do in that time.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    For me, pushing the double stroller with my girls in it (so about 100 pounds), only burns an extra 10 calories a mile, although it is more like 30-40 a mile with significant hills.
  • NICNAC153
    thanks guys, the calories an hour is hardly worth entering is it! But thanks for ur help xx