Eating right and working out.. Still no results

I am on the 2lbs a week plan. I eat the right amount of calories and it is generally well balanced, I work out almost everyday and yet I am not shedding a pound or an inch!! Anyone have any advice to get things jump started?


  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Are you eating your calories? I worked out like a fiend and didn't loose anything. I started eating my calories and I lose 1lb a week. It doesn't seem like you have much weight to lose so maybe 1 lb a week would be easier.
  • deamarie
    I am in the same boat. I ate all of my exercise calories and nothing....I didn't eat my calories and only a little loss. It is extremely frustrating! It is such a trial and error game. Keep playing with the formula and hopefully you will find what works for you.
  • deaubreydigest
    Sometimes the problem is that you aren't eating enough calories and the body holds on to everything it can get. It was suggested before that you go down to the 1 pound a week diet and eat more calories and, as bad as this sounds, protein and carbs help. My friend supplemented with a protein shake and it helped her to take off the weight. She started mixing whey protein to her smoothie in the morning to help get the body going. She took off more weight that way because the body had the things it needed to rebuild what she was tearing down in her muscles while she lost the last of the weight.

    Good luck!
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    How long has it been? If you're only on your first few weeks, then it's normal to not get results right away. When i start my cutting phase, I usually don't start dropping pounds until week 3 or 4. Then I drop a good 2lbs per week.

    Stick with it for a few weeks. If nothing changes after 3 - 4 weeks, well now you know what your BMR rate is and you know your actual calories for maintenance. use that as a guide and alter your diet and exercise accordingly.

    Keep in mine that the amount of calories that this website says you should eat is just an average. It varies from person to person depending on a multitude of factors. The numbers they give here should only be used as a guide to put you in the ballpark.
  • lovedless
    Old addage is old, but depending on when you started this regiment, it can take a while for your body to "gear up" and start showing results. Some people respond quickly, some people don't. If you have *built* any muscle, that will affect your scale reading as well as any leanness you are trying to produce with your overall appearance. As mentioned before, make sure your body is getting what it needs to function so it won't be as clingy when it comes to the body's self-preservation.
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    Just think for a moment how long it took you to gain the extra weight and realize it is not all going to come off right away. I REALLY wish it could - I would love to be one of those people losing 5 lbs a week, but slow and steady is actually better and will have longer lasting results. Stick with the diet and exercise and you will start to see the benefits.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am on week 4 of working out and eating right...not seen any weight drop on the scale. What I do see is some semblance of bones on the tops of my hands, my wrist watch fitting a bit better, and (tmi) no side boob in my bra's sticking out. My face and neck are thinning out too.
    So while it is frustrating not to see the numbers drop, I just have to remind myself that I haven't really worked out in years and years properly and my body is building muscle again for the first time in a long time.

    Keep hanging in there. Keep going. Don't give up.
  • miatemple
    miatemple Posts: 11 Member
    Shake things up! Try new foods, get even healthier minus the occasional cheat.... Try new or longer work outs!! Push harder. Be patient, it will work with time :} Drink lots of water to help move the process along. Try to always be in a deficit with calories. Dont drink the calories in alcohol, especially at night (that was my big mistake in the beginning) and enjoy the process, dont make it a chore. I find when its easier / more fun, the weight flies off. <3
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Same questions -

    How much to you have to lose? 2lbs a week might be too aggressive.
    How long have you been at it?
    What sort of exercise do you do?
    What's your daily calorie goal and do you meet it? Eat back exercise cals?
    Do you take at least one rest day per week?