What should I do?

natspoiledbrat Posts: 133
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I totally blew my calories for today. As of now, I am exactly at the calories that I should be. I have not ate dinner and am so hungry right now. If I eat, then I will go over my calories and if I don't, well you know...........I'm hungry! Should I just blow off today and start fresh tomorrow. Since Jan. 1st, today is the first day I go over my calories. Is that ok?


  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I would think you'd be fine to go over today, especially if you haven't gone over before. It's a good thing for your body to be "shocked" once in awhile, so give it a few extra calories today, maybe work out a little extra tomorrow.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    Just start over tomorrow. There are going to be days that don't go as planned but we have to start back with a clean slate every time! Eat! Just don't starve yourself or you will pay for it later.
  • Go ahead and eat, but make a healthy choice. Good job going pretty much the entire month without going over your calories..... that's great!
  • clothestoburn
    clothestoburn Posts: 36 Member
    I'm right there with you today! I'm over and I didn't exercise - two strikes. Its been a rough monday.
    Eat your dinner and have a better tuesday.
  • prowdmom
    prowdmom Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds to me like you have been doing great. Steam up a nice big bowl of veggies and add a little salt. You will be going over your calories for the day but at least feel good that your eating healthy and it isn't going over board like crazy.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Even in the world of obesity, eating is better than not. How many people with experience/degrees in nutrition or fitness have you ever heard say skip a meal?
  • Marcy79
    Marcy79 Posts: 41 Member
    Could you just eat a lunch-type dinner or bowl of cereal? Would you be able to work out for a while this evening after dinner, if you work out you will get extra calories to spend. <-- even 30 mins dancing, workout dvd, step up and down on a stepstool while watching TV, Wii Fit, up and down stairs.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    If you're hungry than eat, don't starve yourself and then potentially get sick. It's not worth it.
  • itzabug72
    itzabug72 Posts: 15 Member
    I think that becomes peoples number one problem they are too afraid to go over once in a while.
    i choose to go over my calories once a week or once every two weeks(not saying you have to).
    We are all human and if you become to strict on yourself it will become more of a diet than a lifestyle change.
    One day to treat yourself or a few calories over may set you back alittle and i mean a little but in the end you will be happier.
    If you can't be happy trying to make yourself happier than whats the point...

    Hope this helps... even a little
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,999 Member
    I totally blew my calories for today. As of now, I am exactly at the calories that I should be. I have not ate dinner and am so hungry right now. If I eat, then I will go over my calories and if I don't, well you know...........I'm hungry! Should I just blow off today and start fresh tomorrow. Since Jan. 1st, today is the first day I go over my calories. Is that ok?
    I would eat dinner just as if I'd done well the rest of the day — not skimping, but also not saying "What the hell?" and totally going overboard.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I think that becomes peoples number one problem they are too afraid to go over once in a while.
    i choose to go over my calories once a week or once every two weeks(not saying you have to).
    We are all human and if you become to strict on yourself it will become more of a diet than a lifestyle change.
    One day to treat yourself or a few calories over may set you back alittle and i mean a little but in the end you will be happier.
    If you can't be happy trying to make yourself happier than whats the point...

    Hope this helps... even a little

    I agree with this... I am also 5'1" btw and it sucks. I have also lost 67 lbs. on my own and after having a child so, for me to say this and still cheat once a week, I think is good. I do have one day that a splurge but, I get back on track and work out most days. It's not easy, but most things in life aren't...that are worth it... good luck!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    any chance you could still exercise today? that would help.

    in the meantime, you really should eat. how about a nice big green salad, you could put a grilled chicken breast on the salad and not be too far over. avoid the dressing, try lemon juice.

    Don't forget to make sure you've had your water today (& maybe warm tea with supper to help fill you up)
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I would not skip dinner, but it would be as lean and healthy as i could possibly make it....
    yes tomorrow is another day, a freash new start but that isn't a freebie for tonight....
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    good advice from all - if you do eat (and I am not too late) fix LOTS of veggies - the green ones - for a filling meal with fewer calories - 2 cups broccoli = 60 calories, same with spinach and I am sure many others. Yesterday I had a 500 calorie dinner which consisted of 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup spinach, 8 oz Laura's Lean Beef (grilled), 1 cup Zatarains Jambalaya flavored rice. My plate was overflowing!!! Just some thoughts and if it is too late for today, well maybe next time.....
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    3500 calories= 1 pound

    Unless you plan to go over by THAT much :noway:, I wouldn't worry. So you don't lose that extra 0.05 pound this week. If you are very concerned about it, exercise a little more each day and make up for it. There is actually a diet called the zigzag diet that recommends you eat X amount of calories over your goal one day, Y amount under another day, and switching it up frequently. It's supposed to keep your body guessing. (I bet it does, but my brain couldn't handle it!:laugh: )

    Don't worry about it. One day out of 25 will NOT make or break your weight loss. Eat, enjoy, and do good tomorrow!:drinker:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I totally blew my calories for today. As of now, I am exactly at the calories that I should be. I have not ate dinner and am so hungry right now. If I eat, then I will go over my calories and if I don't, well you know...........I'm hungry! Should I just blow off today and start fresh tomorrow. Since Jan. 1st, today is the first day I go over my calories. Is that ok?

    Rule One, about successful weight loss. You have to be comfortable and actually enjoy this process. If not, you'll go back to your old ways.

    Being hungry just makes you want food even more, and you're more likely to binge. Eat a normal meal. Look at your food diary and figure out what went wrong today, make changes accordingly, and start over tomorrow.
  • Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I went ahead and ate dinner, I went over my calories by about 500, but I was still within my normal calorie range (to maintain my weight). Mondays and Wednesdays are really long days for me and I usually cannot fit time in to exercise otherwise I would have been fine. I just need to plan better on these 2 days because I am at work and school for at least 12 hours and then usually have at least 2 to 3 hours of homework. I will make sure to pack a healthy lunch for those days and a snack between classes so that I am not forced into buying an unhealthy lunch at work. Again, thank you for all of your helpful suggestions!
  • Eat a massive bowl of spinich. no joke like 2 calories for a handful
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