42 years old and 1200 calories a day

I need all the help I can get keeping to my 1200 calories a day. I get sabotaged by going out to eat and drinking alcohol. I can use any tips and encouragement that you've got!



  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Do you drink alcohol to be social or for the buzz? If it's to be social, you can order ginger ale instead of fruity drinks. If it's for the buzz, harder alcohol straight up would be better for that.
  • deaubreydigest
    Not to be a smart alec, but if you can at least cut down on the alcohol, that helps. Take it in slow doses and wean yourself down. I'm horrible with soda and that's what I've had to do. Sometimes binge days help.

    As for going out to eat, have them hold the sauces and go with a healthier option. Instead of getting a burger, get chicken. Things like that. Something to cut things down. Unfortunately I had to learn to go without cheese and that is SO my vice. I love cheese. I had them cut it down at first just to light cheese before I killed it completely.

    Make lunch nothing but veggies. That has helped me to stay under on my calories for the day. It's easier when you pack your own lunch, but if you can't, follow the above. Try to go for healthier options when you can.

    Lastly, don't sweat it if you have a couple off weeks at first. It's HARD getting your diet under control, especially with so much wonderful food in the world! As my girlfriend has been telling me, you have to monitor for a couple of weeks and then analyze where you can cut down here and there a little at a time. Otherwise you go crazy and stop trying and that's just bad all around.

    *hugs to you* I hope this advice helps!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I was on 1200 for a while. Eat grilled foods, make sure you tell them no butter, sauces etc. I drink red wine when I go out or beer avoiding the heavier beers.
  • emily859
    You could also just exercise more... that way you can at least try to offset the calories with activity, And when eating out stick to grilled fish/chicken/steak w/ no added oils (believe me, they brush and top EVERYTHING with fat- ask your server to have them not to) and salads with dressings on the side, or other whole foods w/ no added oils like steamed veggies or a plain baked potato with butter on the side.

    I'm in grad school and every social function includes booze, sometimes lots of it. Its hard, I know! Good luck!
  • j4vieira
    I am also on a 1200 calorie diet and i have had to switch up on what i drink when i go out.. Bacardi and diet coke has only 64 calories..

    As far as going out to eat get food that is grilled and ask for the sauce on side order a sald before your meal with dressing on side of course that way you eat less when the meal comes..

    Good Luck.. Hope I helped..:happy:
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    When you are going out I would definitely drink wine or beer because a pint of beer has fixed calories such as a glass of wine. Mixed drinks vary from bartender to bartender, and usually have sugary mixers.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    When I go out to eat, I always use google to see if the restaurant's nutrition facts are posted online. That way I can plan ahead, and see what entrees are hiding fat and calories.

    Another word to the wise; as someone who worked as a waitress all through college, I learned to try to sub cooked vegetable dishes with raw ones at restaurants if possible - the cooked ones are *usually* loaded with extra butter, salt, and sugar to improve taste. I would, however, opt for cooked veggies over many other side dishes that are offered!

    I also try to have a healthy snack before going out, so I don't eat as much while I'm in a social situation.

    Good luck!
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the replies! Yes, I found an iphone app that shows the restaraunts and calories before I go out so that helps. I just need too be on restaurant and alcohol lockdown! My pref in alcohol is wine and I like it for the relaxant and then the social aspect. But when I drink I relax on eating, so.....I've noticed that thin girls tend to drink vodka and soda (lite) with lime. I think I will go for that when I have to but other than that, I am substituting my evening wine habit for an evening hot tea habit.

    Has anyone on the 1200 call diet actually lost weight and how long did you stick with it? I use to think that 1200 was way too low but I don't find it too difficult so far....as long as I don't sabotage with alcohol or restaurants.

    I would love to have a success mentor out there and someone about the same weight that is starting about the same time for support. Anyone?
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    @mmccurrach -- I think most women on this site are on the 1200 calorie diet; I know I am! I have lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, so it does work. I just keep repeating to myself "slow and steady" because I know that I will get frustrated. I also take measurements every two weeks and in three weeks I have lost 2 inches around my belly and 2 inches off of my hips!! Those are the numbers I look for instead of pounds.

    Good luck! And remember, if you exercise you get to eat more!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Have you checked out eatingwell.com? They have a fantastic database of recipes, and each one gives a nutritional run-down at the end!

    My personal favorite so far is the southwestern stuffed acorn squash. It's SO yummy, plus, you really do feel full after one serving, which is only ~260 calories! You can totally have dessert after that! (if you haven't eaten too many cals earlier in the day, of course!)