Maybe I'm being silly

But I have for the past month I changed my entire lifestyle, from ordering nothing but take out and delivery and eating candy and soda to cooking everything I eat and cutting out all soda, candy, icecream, chip etc and no pasta not white bread. Only whole grains and water and lots of fruit and veggies.
Plus I do 30 minutes on my exercise bike a day plus girl push ups. Its day 35 today, I weight myself every Monday and I've lost 8 pounds, but today I weighed in and I had not lost, I'd gained! :( I didn't really changed what I was doing last week, if anything I've done more exercise. I know I didn't lose the first two weeks but I expected that.
Am I worrying too much about it?


  • Are you counting calories or some other such thing to be sure you are not eating more than you should?
  • SanjiSun
    SanjiSun Posts: 69 Member
    Weight can fluctuate, so maybe weigh in again tomorrow and the day after, just to be sure...
  • It might only be me but I was worrying about my weight and i even let it stress me out. But I have done some reading and stress and worrying can actually make you gain weight. Plus your weight will fluctuate daily, at least mine does. Hope that helps.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Are you counting calories or some other such thing to be sure you are not eating more than you should?
    Yes, I measure everything I eat, and track it on here, I've only gone over my calorie limit once and its because I had some pina colodas at a party.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah I was thinking about that, I was going to change my weigh in day, maybe make is biweekly rather than weekly? I am lucky to have a supportive family but work stresses me out a lot.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Are you measuring your exercise calories accurately? I.E Using a heart rate monitor? MFP Over estimates them massively.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Make sure you stay under your calorie alotment and keep working out. When I say "work-out" I mean, make sure you're out of breath and sweating. Whenever my weight loss stalls, the best way to kick it back into gear is to kick up the INTENSITY (not necessarily the amount of days) of my workouts!
    I am not a passive biker at all, If I am not sweating at the end of my normal 30 minutes I go for another ten. I'm too heavy to run for do too high intensities without hurting my knees but I try to make up for it by keeping in around 13 mph on the bike.
    My bike counts calories its always lower than the sites measurements so I go with the lower ones to be sure.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    how are your trousers fitting?
    sometimes we still get smaller even though the scales don't change.

    Also focus on the positives,
    You are getting healthier,
    you are getting fitter (i bet your couldn't do 35 pushups when you started), heck I can't do 35 pushups yet.

    And dot give up, it may be a glitch, but you are looking for a general downward trend, there might be a few wiggles, don't worry about it. (unless it starts to trend back up)

    You've lost 8lb, and even if you fluctuate by 4lb, you're still down 4lb from where you started, and that 4lb IS NOT COMING BACK.

  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Try not to stress too much about it. As you know weight can fluctuate for any number of reasons. Are you close to your monthly cycle? I know I tend to hold onto weight during that time. The thing to focus on is how you feel. I imagine with all the positive changes you have made, you are feeling much better and are getting much healthier. Keep up the good work and you'll see the results you want.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    This happens, don't panic. I gained 3 lbs this last week and have done nothing different. I've since lost those 3 lbs and 1 more on top of it. But don't stress about it as long as you have not changed what you were doing prior. It happens it's normal just continue what your doing and it will go away. Actually since I battled those lbs last week this week should be an awesome loss for me. Just keep moving forward and know that they will go away
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    sounds like your body has adjusted to the bike and push up routine. It's telling you it's time to step it up. Add some weights in or maybe a Jillian Michael's workout. They are very affordable and a great way to push yourself. If your diet is on point, then you have to adjust your exercise and you have to know when you can do more, and push yourself farther.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    sounds like your good friend PLATEAU has arrived!
  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for posting this, as I've been getting discouraged by my scale going down, up, down, down, up, etc.. I've decided to go by the way my clothes are fitting instead of getting caught up in the pounds shed or gained game. I do weigh myself, but that's not my main feedback.

    If we're tracking our food and working out diligently, as you are, then we're winners no matter what the scale says.

    Best of luck to you!
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    how are your trousers fitting?
    sometimes we still get smaller even though the scales don't change.

    Also focus on the positives,
    You are getting healthier,
    you are getting fitter (i bet your couldn't do 35 pushups when you started), heck I can't do 35 pushups yet.

    And dot give up, it may be a glitch, but you are looking for a general downward trend, there might be a few wiggles, don't worry about it. (unless it starts to trend back up)

    You've lost 8lb, and even if you fluctuate by 4lb, you're still down 4lb from where you started, and that 4lb IS NOT COMING BACK.

    Yah I tried on a pair of pants just now that i couldn't button before and found that now I could wear them!! So i guess its the thing about gaining muscle?

    I do have a bunch of workout dvds gaining dust on my shelf, I haven't managed to keep going through any of them especially Jillian Micheals but maybe I'll give it a try now so I don't keep doing the same thing.

    If I had plateau'd here I'd be super mad I have 140 pounds to lose. But the pant tell the truth, no need for worries after all!! :D

    And seriously this is the nicest community I've ever join, i was super anxious about posting here but looks like I don't have to worry about that either!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Good that the pants fit.
    Like others have mentioned its often bood to mix things up a bit and try out new stuff.
    So trying some of those workout vids sounds like a good idea.
    Don't get too discouraged if you can't get through the whole thing 1st time round ( if you did how could you get better? :bigsmile: e)
    And keep up the good work.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I always gain around my TOM. The week before and during that time i bloat and gain. Even if i don't feel bloated, the scale fluctuates A LOT.

    Wait for after your time is done (if you think this could be it) then weight yourself again.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's soooooooooooo many little things that make that number on the scale bounce up and down, it's absolutely ridiculous that any of us use it as a measure of health.

    Are you tracking your sodium? That's the first place to look. I've "gained" as much as 8 pounds overnight from excess sodium, and it was gone in three days.

    Also, I'd suggest not having Monday as your weigh-in day. It just leads to frustration. If I go out to eat, it's going to be on a weekend, and restaurant food is notoriously high in sodium. Ditto for visiting a friend and munching on some chips and dip. I always weigh more on Monday than I do any other day of the week. ALWAYS.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    There's soooooooooooo many little things that make that number on the scale bounce up and down, it's absolutely ridiculous that any of us use it as a measure of health.

    Are you tracking your sodium? That's the first place to look. I've "gained" as much as 8 pounds overnight from excess sodium, and it was gone in three days.

    Also, I'd suggest not having Monday as your weigh-in day. It just leads to frustration. If I go out to eat, it's going to be on a weekend, and restaurant food is notoriously high in sodium. Ditto for visiting a friend and munching on some chips and dip. I always weigh more on Monday than I do any other day of the week. ALWAYS.

    ^ Listen to this successful lady.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Make sure y are eating enough!
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Its good you got rid of that junk in your diet for reall..
    it wont help you..