weight gain

I'm only into my 3rd week and, after losing 8 lbs initially, I've gained 2 lbs! I don't understand-maybe I shouldn't weigh myself weekly? My calories have been consistent, my exercise has been consistent and my lifestyle has been just as stressful as ever! I know setbacks are just temporary and my body will do it's own thing, and my age-51-will have some bearing-but, ugh! I'm bummed!


  • CoachAnnika
    CoachAnnika Posts: 10 Member
    Don't get down - this is along journey not a short sprint!

    3 things.....

    *Stress can make us hold on to weight and water so if you are overly stressed it could just be that

    * As muscle weighs 5 X MORE Then fat. As we change fat into muscle the scale might go up and down.

    * The scale is just one way to monitor progress. Take pictures, take measurements, notice how your clothes feel - don't judge everything off of just 1 #!

    Don't give up - keep going!!! and friend me if you want some extra support motivation!
  • ullgetthere
    I totally agree with CoachAnnika. The scale can be a friend and a foe and you can't rely on it too much. I'm actually happy to see your post because just this morning I weighed myself after a week of starting MFP I weighed 1.5 LBS more. However I drank a coffee and ate lunch beforehand so I think thats to blame but needleess to say it played on my motivation. However, I shall continue cause this week alone I have felt amazing! I take walks with the dog, make better choices, and have more energy. Feel free to add me as a friend cause my motivation comesform the friends I have here :)
  • dagucrew
    dagucrew Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies!!! I do feel great-so that's the upside. from my jaunts on the treadmill, I find my stamina is building and I love that! It's all about the health, I guess, and as long as I can keep my "eyes on the prize" I'll try and stay motivated. Thank you again!
  • CoachAnnika
    CoachAnnika Posts: 10 Member
    We all haves days when we get a little down and don;t feel like it is happening fast enough but every day and every little choice adds up to results.

    Keep moving forward and you will get there!!
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much, I managed to regain 6lbs in one week and I've no idea how, I'll say one thing about muscle over fat, its true it does weigh more but you can't build that much muscle in a short period of time, it takes a lot of lifting heavy weights over a long period to gain anywhere near it making a difference to your weigh ins.

    Just keep going, log everything, remember that mfp over estimates how many calories you've burned for exercise, also perhaps change up the exercises you do regurlarly so your body doesn't get used to them and you start to plateau.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I weigh more now than I did a year ago & every now & again I get a bit upset... however, with that said, that scale is just a number. I still fit in the clothes I was wearing a year ago, in some cases I look better as I've built up muscle. I'm at the point where I don't really care what the scale shows unless I "see" a not so good change in my body.

    When I started this journey 3 years ago, I only lost 10 lbs in 1 year... Doesn't seem like much, but I was working out consistently and building muscle. People at work were asking how much weight I'd lost & I told them only 10 but they were thinking 30 or more.! I dropped 3 clothing sizes that year.

    Now, as my focus actually turns to building muscle, the scale really doesn't mean much as I know I'll have days of being up by 5 or more lbs depending on the workouts, but I also know that as I build I'll see visible changes which is why my profile pics are typically a "progress pic". Definitely take pictures - even if you don't post them, each month take a new set wearing the same clothing. Get a tape measure ($1 at walmarts or places like that), and measure once a month (check on line to see where/how you should measure so you get accurate measurements). In 6 months compare your progress with pictures & measurements & "see" the progression.

    And one final thing: Don't EVER give up. The benefits of this lifestyle change so outweigh the work to get there. If you don't believe me, I'm walking, living proof: I was in several car accidents, told my only options were surgery & pills. I didn't let even a needle touch me & the strongest thing I take is advil for a headache. Working out is the best medicine there is, and eating right for me enhances that (I still have treats & "bad" foods but it's in moderation and I workout A LOT extra to balance on those days/weeks!).

    Good luck & post your successes!!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Don't get down - this is along journey not a short sprint!

    3 things.....

    *Stress can make us hold on to weight and water so if you are overly stressed it could just be that

    * As muscle weighs 5 X MORE Then fat. As we change fat into muscle the scale might go up and down.

    * The scale is just one way to monitor progress. Take pictures, take measurements, notice how your clothes feel - don't judge everything off of just 1 #!

    Don't give up - keep going!!! and friend me if you want some extra support motivation!

    Great advice, I'm in the same boat here (46 yrs old), thank you!