190 lb, 5"5. :[ Any one want to be my friend?



  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 927 Member
    Been on here since February, I try to log everything!! Hard when out of town, or when company comes, but I am pretty faithful about it.
    To be successful you really need to log your meals and exercise, this helps you see what you really eat and do!

    Feel free to add me, but please include a note where you saw me or I may not accept....

    Good Luck everybody on your journey to fitness!
  • Anyone in need of a supportive friend feel free to add me :)
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm 5'5 and currently 130lbs, I was once 180! Add me if you like, I'm working on losing the last 10lbs after maintaining for a year and a half. x
  • stubbseyt
    stubbseyt Posts: 84 Member
    hi all,
    just started on here and could certainly use friends! I dont expect massive wieght losses because i have already been dieting and lost 4 stone, i have never really been a big loser each week, my best has been 4lbs but its usually around 2, but now i am on Atkins i am hopeful as long as i can keep in ketosis that is..
  • Yes, add me!
    I'm 5'5" - 168 [gained 30 pounds in the last 8 months] aiming to get back to 128.
    I'm trying to kick my sugar and carb addictions and trying a non-cult version of Paleo for at least a few months.
    My diary is open if that helps other people too!
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    You (and anyone else, for that matter) are more than welcome to check my profile and if our goals align I'd love to support you in your journey.

    Regardless, welcome, and congratulations on making the first dedicated step to YOU! :)
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    I read your topic subject and thought it was me! I would LOVE to be your friend! I should warn you though, my motivation and inspiration has been low, but I do try my best to help motivate others! I am also 5'5" and 190 as of now. I am always here for anyone who wants it! :)
  • mraca
    mraca Posts: 2 Member
    You are not alone. I recently had a baby (4 weeks ago) and am 181 lbs. Lets try to stay positive and do this. :smile:
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    You can add me if you like...
  • Added you, been on here for a month and lost 5lbs. Though I'd like to say you're beautiful, so please don't you forget that and of course people want to be your friends. Low self esteem really sucks, but I've find just walking a little more and slowly introducing myself to a healthier lifestyle has began to make me feel full of beans and ready to go. You've taken the hardest step, which is trying to change those naughty habits you have (mine's comfort eating). I'm 5"10, but I hope you don't think my height is a problem we can both support each other :)!

    Let's fight the flab, we can do it :)! xx
  • Happy to be your friend. I have my struggles every day with weight and exercise, etc. but it's great being on this site with all the encouraging people out there going through the same things and finding success and happiness.
  • Jen92129
    Jen92129 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd be happy to add you and anybody else that needs more friends for support :) I'm 5'7" and 246. Dad died a few months ago which threw my weight into a downward spiral via emotional eating, but now that my kids and I are back in school I know it's time to get off my butt and do what's good for my health. So here I am. I'm doing keto for now until I can lose 20-40lbs and heal my tendinitis in my feet. After that I plan to exercise again (I should be out of my orthopedic boot hopefully) and I'll switch to a modified paleo but still mostly low carb.

    Nice to meet people who are willing to support each other! Good luck on your journey :)
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me... I have been on here and done well, but have been off for quite some time and am just getting back at it. my motivation is... umm... non existant, but I know I need this if for no other reason than to be more comfortable with myself. Hopefully I will see similar results to last time.
  • I need friends, too! I am just starting! I'm 120.5lbs, 13 years-old, 5'7 and hoping to get down to 110lbs.
  • How are you i would love to be your friend!
    what are you doing today?
  • I'm 5'6" and started at 305lbs.

    Now I'm at 186.5lbs.

    Still a ways to go, but it can happen!
  • conkle23
    conkle23 Posts: 171 Member
    You will always have friends here! And if people are not wanting to be your friends because of the way you look or how much you weigh you should be their friends in the first place ;) Just lost 30lbs! 70 TOGO! :D

    And I also would love to be your friend, if wanted :D
  • I just started last weekend, and have already lost two pounds. The people on this site are so amazing and constant in their support. Welcome and know that all of us are on a journey and are happy to help you on your's in any way we can.
  • I have few friends because I'm so fat and always irritated. I hate how I look in pictures. : I It doesn't help my already low self-esteem any.

    So it's time to get down and do this!

    If I could get down to 130, I'd be soo happy... But if I can only do 140, then I'll be much more than satisfied.
    I hope I can do it.

    First, I can see your pic and your lovely. Second, just losing weight won't make you happy, YOU make you happy cos you are more than your size!! Your self esteem can come from anywhere! I bet you're smart and funny and love a good movie so there :heart: Feel free to add me if you can deal with my insanity :devil:
  • I have more than you to loose and I've already lost over 30lbs on my own, I know you can do it too! My self image is not as good as it should be, and I do not like pictures right now either, but I'm hoping to change that and I'll be here to help you, too, if you want me to. We all have not so good days in our weight loss challenge but it helps when we have others to help get us back on track and stop beating ourselves up for just being human. I'll be your friend if you would like.