losing the motivation

idk what happened, I was doing really good. I wasnt eating as much, I was exercising, I was feeling good. then I just stopped...Idk why. :/ I dont really have much support either, or people I can talk to about this. :( Ive gained the weight back, and it just sucks. Im losing motivation and i dont like it and i just cant seem to find myself trying to get back. i guess its just something I got to get use to when i dont really have anyone who is there to push me saying 'you can do this' :( and it sucks.


  • Kat082
    well, you have to believe in yourself!!! You CAN do it! It is definitely hard to stay motivated and it's something i think everyone struggles with at one time or another, or just all the time!!! You have to keep your eye on the prize, set some attainable goals and get back on track!!!! Think and focus on how GREAT you felt after you lost weight! Now get yourself back to your exercise routine and start eating healthy! It will only make you feel better! There is no reason to say no! You can do it, I believe in you!!!!!
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    thanks. I do believe in myself, or atleast i believe I do. I am trying to find the motivation. thinking about it, I just want to talk to someone about the process and how well Im doing, and my friends (though they will claim they arent being like this) are being very messed up. I mention anything, and i get shut down real fast, so I dont say anything to them. Im doing this all on my own and sometimes the only support i feel like Im getting to help me further know that im not alone in this, is when I post on here, which isnt very often.
    Thank you for replying to me, I thought I wasnt gonna get any replies on here.
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Hey, I think we all understand where you are with this. The majority of us on here have been there exactly where you are right now, at some point in our journey. The best advice I can give you, is to simply NOT GIVE UP. Look for some friends on here, to help motivate and support you. The last time I tried this, I didn't have any friends on here, and my family and friends were not all that supportive, so it was a struggle. But since getting back on MFP and finding a few dozen MFP friends, I have found that they all keep me motivated, more than I have ever been. I feel accountable to them, and I'm sure they all feel the same. IT's the accountability that is the true key. It makes you want to log in each day, and log your diary, and do some additional exercise. If you find some good friends on here, and hold yourself accountable to them and to yourself, you will do great. Feel free to add me and I will try my best to support and motivate, and all I ask in return, is for you to reciprocate. Cheers!
  • emilymnyc
    I feel you, girl.
    Motivation is a b*tch :)
    Here's the thing though: you have to know that what you repeat you'll see. So a setback, like stopping your workouts and eating a little more won't kill you PROVIDED it's not the norm. Wipe your slate clean, forgive yourself, and move on. You CAN do this, and hey it's a life, not a diet...right? I mean...new habits take a WHILE to form and stick. Go one day, one meal at a time.

    Sounds like you need to have a touch base with your friends, too. Something as simple as "Hey this is hard for me to bring up and I need to________________(whatever you need to say to clear the air with them)." THEN talk about how important this new lifestyle is for you and how you need their support. If they're as good a friends as you deserve then it will be ok :)
  • Downs816
    Downs816 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't have much of a support system either. I have great people that skinny try to be supportive but they really don't understand the challenges I face. That is why MFP is a great tool for me. The community forums help to give me motivation, ideas and recipes. Challenges and setbacks will get in our way. We just have to decide how to face them.

    You have had a setback but you CAN do this! Just pick yourself up and start again. Remember you have a whole community behind you.
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, I think we all understand where you are with this. The majority of us on here have been there exactly where you are right now, at some point in our journey. The best advice I can give you, is to simply NOT GIVE UP. Look for some friends on here, to help motivate and support you. The last time I tried this, I didn't have any friends on here, and my family and friends were not all that supportive, so it was a struggle. But since getting back on MFP and finding a few dozen MFP friends, I have found that they all keep me motivated, more than I have ever been. I feel accountable to them, and I'm sure they all feel the same. IT's the accountability that is the true key. It makes you want to log in each day, and log your diary, and do some additional exercise. If you find some good friends on here, and hold yourself accountable to them and to yourself, you will do great. Feel free to add me and I will try my best to support and motivate, and all I ask in return, is for you to reciprocate. Cheers!

    thank you. I sent you a request. I been yoyoing for years now, but its only like 5-10 pounds at a time, and I truly want to make it more pounds off this time around. thank you again.
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    I feel you, girl.
    Motivation is a b*tch :)
    Here's the thing though: you have to know that what you repeat you'll see. So a setback, like stopping your workouts and eating a little more won't kill you PROVIDED it's not the norm. Wipe your slate clean, forgive yourself, and move on. You CAN do this, and hey it's a life, not a diet...right? I mean...new habits take a WHILE to form and stick. Go one day, one meal at a time.

    Sounds like you need to have a touch base with your friends, too. Something as simple as "Hey this is hard for me to bring up and I need to________________(whatever you need to say to clear the air with them)." THEN talk about how important this new lifestyle is for you and how you need their support. If they're as good a friends as you deserve then it will be ok :)

    thank you, and youre right it is life, not a diet. thank you again for replying. this is really helping me alot.
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    I don't have much of a support system either. I have great people that skinny try to be supportive but they really don't understand the challenges I face. That is why MFP is a great tool for me. The community forums help to give me motivation, ideas and recipes. Challenges and setbacks will get in our way. We just have to decide how to face them.

    You have had a setback but you CAN do this! Just pick yourself up and start again. Remember you have a whole community behind you.

    thank you :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hey, I think we all understand where you are with this. The majority of us on here have been there exactly where you are right now, at some point in our journey. The best advice I can give you, is to simply NOT GIVE UP. Look for some friends on here, to help motivate and support you. The last time I tried this, I didn't have any friends on here, and my family and friends were not all that supportive, so it was a struggle. But since getting back on MFP and finding a few dozen MFP friends, I have found that they all keep me motivated, more than I have ever been. I feel accountable to them, and I'm sure they all feel the same. IT's the accountability that is the true key. It makes you want to log in each day, and log your diary, and do some additional exercise. If you find some good friends on here, and hold yourself accountable to them and to yourself, you will do great. Feel free to add me and I will try my best to support and motivate, and all I ask in return, is for you to reciprocate. Cheers!

    ^^ very well said^^
  • VogtAndrea
    You need to have "that talk" with yourself.
    Don't you know that you're worthy of being happy, being healthy, and that you're capable of doing what you set out to do? So what's keeping you from it?
    I don't need your answer; you do. Time to get back to loving yourself enough to get on with things.
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    You need to have "that talk" with yourself.
    Don't you know that you're worthy of being happy, being healthy, and that you're capable of doing what you set out to do? So what's keeping you from it?
    I don't need your answer; you do. Time to get back to loving yourself enough to get on with things.

    thank you
  • kittymamma12
    I felt the same way. I started this journey and even created a profile for my mom to do it with me. We were both doing good, I was logging in for the both of us everyday. She lost weight and so did I, we began eating better also...but then we stopped. I don't know what happened either. I think I just got tired of logging us both in everyday, but, I found my motivation again. I didn't gain all that much back, but I wasn't losing anymore either. I promised myself that I'd start back again and I just did this week. My mom and I joined the YMCA together and we do cardio on the treadmill and recumbant bike, then water aerobics class. I'm usually the only one under 60 in the class, but I don't mind because I'm there with my mom and I know it'll help me in the long run. I've had some medical issues in the past year so I'm trying to get back on track with my health. All I can say is, this happens to us all (getting off track) but, just take a breath, think about what you want to accomplish for yourself and start again. Don't let your friends or anyone keep you from doing what you want and/or need to do FOR YOU. It's never too late to get back on the fitness track. You can add me as your friend and we can motivate eachother through this if you'd like. Take Care & Good Luck!
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    I felt the same way. I started this journey and even created a profile for my mom to do it with me. We were both doing good, I was logging in for the both of us everyday. She lost weight and so did I, we began eating better also...but then we stopped. I don't know what happened either. I think I just got tired of logging us both in everyday, but, I found my motivation again. I didn't gain all that much back, but I wasn't losing anymore either. I promised myself that I'd start back again and I just did this week. My mom and I joined the YMCA together and we do cardio on the treadmill and recumbant bike, then water aerobics class. I'm usually the only one under 60 in the class, but I don't mind because I'm there with my mom and I know it'll help me in the long run. I've had some medical issues in the past year so I'm trying to get back on track with my health. All I can say is, this happens to us all (getting off track) but, just take a breath, think about what you want to accomplish for yourself and start again. Don't let your friends or anyone keep you from doing what you want and/or need to do FOR YOU. It's never too late to get back on the fitness track. You can add me as your friend and we can motivate eachother through this if you'd like. Take Care & Good Luck!

    thank you! and i with the best of luck to you, and everyone who is working hard to what they are doing. :)
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    pretty much ditto to everyone elses comments. i feel you girl. the thing that really keeps me coming back here is that i have a solid group of MFPers that i've grown to adore and look forward to seeing their updates and they hold me accountable. i log in for them. we all encourage eachother and give advice. my advice to you is to add people who share similar fitness goals so that you can create a 'graduating class' together, it totally helps with accountability. :) feel free to add me if you feel we have similar goals
  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    You have to realize its not a diet. The only way it will work is a lifestyle change. By losing weight and moving you will not only look better you will feel better. when you beat this battle (and YOU will) then and only then will will gain the much needed boost of confidence to carry on with the lifestyle change. YOU must get off the couch and exercise. Find a zumba class or a gym class. Eventually you will enjoy attending. Today measure yourself and don't focus to much on the scales. I say that because with exercise you will find you lose inches faster than lbs which is what we all want right? Good luck on your journey! don't rely on others! just rely on YOU! because at the end of the day You are the one that is worth it!
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    pretty much ditto to everyone elses comments. i feel you girl. the thing that really keeps me coming back here is that i have a solid group of MFPers that i've grown to adore and look forward to seeing their updates and they hold me accountable. i log in for them. we all encourage eachother and give advice. my advice to you is to add people who share similar fitness goals so that you can create a 'graduating class' together, it totally helps with accountability. :) feel free to add me if you feel we have similar goals

    added you :)
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Wow, can I relate...

    Motivation?!?! What's That?!?!

    I was doing great, had actually lost over 20 lbs. then, back in May, I had to do a road trip to get my son from college, then the wife started a temp job, then our daughter was on summer vacation, I just kept putting myself on the back burner.

    My wife is on this journey as well, but more often than not we don't seem to be on it TOGETHER. To add insult to injury, my mother-in-law lives with us and is rather good at sabotaging us... buying chips, cookies, ice cream, etc. and then bringing it out because she "doesn't want it"...

    At any rate... anyone can add me if they like. I can not promise that I will be on here consistantly, but I can promise that I am going to do my best to stick with it this time.
  • lilxmiz
    lilxmiz Posts: 21 Member
    You have to realize its not a diet. The only way it will work is a lifestyle change. By losing weight and moving you will not only look better you will feel better. when you beat this battle (and YOU will) then and only then will will gain the much needed boost of confidence to carry on with the lifestyle change. YOU must get off the couch and exercise. Find a zumba class or a gym class. Eventually you will enjoy attending. Today measure yourself and don't focus to much on the scales. I say that because with exercise you will find you lose inches faster than lbs which is what we all want right? Good luck on your journey! don't rely on others! just rely on YOU! because at the end of the day You are the one that is worth it!

    thank you.
    I have Zumba for the wii, and my grandfather still has arrangement of exercise gear to my disposal.

    and thank you for the reply