Here I go again on my own.

Think the Scorpions with that title and you'll know where I'm coming from.

I've been here a minute now, but I figured I better introduce myself into the community. Hey, everyone, my name is Adam W., and you might see me from time to time here on the forums. How about a brief history of what I'm doing here?

I used to be absolutely huge. Morbidly obese. I'm not proud of it, but it's true. I was 420 lbs. back in 2008 and I finally got sick of it. I took things into my own hands (with another calorie counting website some of you may know, but I'll leave it out so as not to upset anyone), and began exercising like a madman.

About a year and a half later, I was down to my ultimate low weight of 155 lbs. I started to get into weight lifting and put some weight back on, back up to about 200 lbs., but a healthy 200 lbs... I wasn't ripped or anything, but I had quite a bit of extra skin and now I had muscles, so I think I was good.

Then, a year ago, I was out riding my bike and I swerved to miss an object in my path. I wiped out pretty bad and instantly felt something wrong in my lower back. I hopped back on my bike, rode three miles back to where my car was, and drove myself to the ER. After a night at the hospital (not 'cause I was injured so bad, just because they took their precious time with me), I found I had a cracked vertebrae. They put me in a brace and said no working out for at least 4 months.

Those four months of no working out brought back my old habits... and when i could finally work out again, I just didn't feel like it. When I was skinny, I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted too, because I was working out so much that it all evened itself out in the end. My eating habits, however, didn't really change when I wasn't working out. I chunked right back up to about 260 lbs.

Now I'm back, and I'm planning on being better than before. It's time to get my *kitten* back into shape and I plan to be around to soak up some encouragement and, most importantly, dole out as much as I can. I've done it before and I know I can do it again... and I want to share my experiences with you guys and hear yours too. So, look for me around, add me as a friend, or do whatever you want to... I just wanted to say, "hey."

Also, when i did this before I had my own blog that I found helped me a lot. I don't really plan on posting here, but I'm on Blogger, and wouldn't mind y'all droppin' by if that's your thing too- so check me out there as well. Eventually I'll be putting up pics, posting recipes, and all sorts of good jazz. So, check me out?

Hope to see you guys around!

-Adam W.


  • What a journey! You're amazing to have lost so much weight!! I know you can do it again, you definitely have it in you. Welcome back :))
  • xsugarfairyx
    xsugarfairyx Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Adam, Congrats on such an amazing weight loss I am in complete awe, I am sure that you can do it again and Id like to support you feel free to give me as many tips as you can, will add you as a friend :)
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Whitesnake, not Scorpions :tongue:
  • Hey, don't feel discouraged, you can do this and keep the weight off... DO it for your health and to be stronger! :)
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    From a fellow lifter who is still on her journey - welcome back and good luck with your new journey. You sound like you have the right attitude and will be successful once again I am sure.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Welcome. I've done the yo-yo thing myself.

    I love MFP for maintaining!

    My story here --> (But since you are a guy you might be interested in -->

    My blog is

    I will check out your blog!
  • adubyou
    adubyou Posts: 24 Member
    Whitesnake... damn. I thought I might have been wrong, but I try not to "cheat" (i.e. Google) and just went for it. Consider me schooled.

    Thanks for the encouragement so far, everyone! I truly appreciate it.
  • Yeah was thinking whitesnake, but hey, rock is rock yeah? With Rock Music anything can be done, especially weight loss, at least for me. You can and will do it, no worries, just crank it up and go go GO!!!! w00t!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm in a similar boat myself. I was 275 in 2007, went to a weight loss themed boarding school and got down to 160. Then, I got into an abusive relationship (followed by other bad relationships) and started slowly fattening back up. When I met my SO in January 2010, I was at 240. Now, I'm 307. He's gained weight with me, and lost it with me. I've been a member of this site for technically 2 years, but I've fallen in and out of it This time however, I'm not only fighting for my health for myself, but for my daughter as well.

    Here's to hopping back on the train and getting your life back!

    Edit: One of my sentences was scrambled, so I fixed it.
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Adam, congratulations on getting back on track. Sorry to hear (read?) that you had such an unfortunate detour, but the important part of the story is that a) you're here now, ready to get to work and b) you've done it before and know that surely you can do it again.

    Also, now I have the song stuck in my head thanks to you -- I mean the high pitched "Here I go-ohhhh!" of course. :P