Fitbit or HRM Watch?

I'm deciding on if I should invest in a Fitbit, or a different HRM. Right now I have a sportline HRM watch, and it probably isn't the best. However, I was very wary on spending big bucks on a HRM so I started with a cheap one.

Now I'm wondering if I should upgrade, anyone have some thoughts on it? What is the best bet? I've always heard Polar is good, and I like bodybugg and fitbit. I'm not willing to pay monthly for the bodybugg, though. Thanks!


  • The best thing about the fitbit is you forget you have it on.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    i've got both... HRM lets me tell how high my heart rate is a fitbit cant do that..
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    i've got both... HRM lets me tell how high my heart rate is a fitbit cant do that..

    One day I hope to upgrade to both of them! Guess I should ask, which is first? lol
  • The worst thing about the fitbit is you forget you have it have forgotten to switch it out when changing from gym strip to street clothes, have heard people forgetting it was in their pants and washing it, it ain't waterproof.
    But it's accurate, small, battery lasts forever, and tracks activity level and sleep.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    What do you do more, walk or exercise?

    The FitBit gives me credit for moving around (e.g. I'm working in the garden today). Since I move around all day, and only exercise occasionally, I'd pick the FitBit over HRM if I had to choose.

    I move around a lot more than I exercise. I only wear my Polar HRM when I am exercising (using Endomondo website/smartphone app).
  • lndillon1
    lndillon1 Posts: 13 Member
    I started using the Fitbit last week, and I really like it. As someone who hates exercise, I find myself trying to find ways to get more steps in my day. It is really encouraging me to get up and move more. And I never even thing about it during the day. Also, as someone who often has insomnia, I am enjoying that it measures sleep as well.
  • I started with Sportline and noticed that it stopped from time to time so I called customer service. They informed me that it was only good for walking and jogging. With that being said, I hung up and went to Polar site! Put in what I wanted to do and ordered it...I have had it for almost a month and I love Love love it!! it's worth the money and I paid *199* plus tax, shipping , and warranty for the one I want. Their are much cheaper ones but I don't regret my decision one bit! Good luck!!!
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    They're really two different things. Fitbit is good for tracking general activity level throughout the day. The HRM is good for tracking your heart rate during aerobic exercise. Both provide calorie burn estimates, but the HRM will factor in effort, and will probably be more accurate for anything other than "casual" walking (e.g. fast-walking, jogging, running). \

    They can work well together. For example, I use a Fitbit and have a Polar HRM that's linked to my iPhone using an app called Digifit. I set my activity level to "sedentary" on MFP. The Fitbit tracks my general activity level throughout the day. Digifit sends HRM data to Fitbit when I exercise. Fitbit then sends a calorie adjustment to MFP based on the combination of general activity + exercise. So if I'm really sedentary on a given day, no calorie adjustment. If I'm moving around a lot & exercising, it'll send a larger calorie adjustment.
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    I had the same question about a week ago.

    I ended up with a fitbit because I mainly do walking throughout the day (and bit of wii fit in evening) and can have this on 23.5 hours a day.

    The HRM is better if you want to log exercise for a specific time, or particular things like cycling and swimming (think you need a fancy one for the latter) that the fitbit doesn't do.

    Seemed to be a lot of love for the polar (T4 and T7 particularly).

    Hope this helps as a start.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    It all depends upon what you're trying to accomplish. The FitBit is great for all day activity monitoring but really isn't as good for exercises other than walking/running.

    An HRM (and Polar is a good brand) is much better for exercising but isn't suitable for all day activity monitoring.

    I use a FitBit/ NIke+ Sportwatch combo.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    One day I hope to upgrade to both of them! Guess I should ask, which is first? lol

    If you're really looking for something to give you calorie burn estimates from aerobic exercise, then go with the HRM. If you're just looking for tracking general activity level, including walking exercise, I'd go with the Fitbit. :)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    They're really two different things. Fitbit is good for tracking general activity level throughout the day. The HRM is good for tracking your heart rate during aerobic exercise. Both provide calorie burn estimates, but the HRM will factor in effort, and will probably be more accurate for anything other than "casual" walking (e.g. fast-walking, jogging, running). \

    They can work well together. For example, I use a Fitbit and have a Polar HRM that's linked to my iPhone using an app called Digifit. I set my activity level to "sedentary" on MFP. The Fitbit tracks my general activity level throughout the day. Digifit sends HRM data to Fitbit when I exercise. Fitbit then sends a calorie adjustment to MFP based on the combination of general activity + exercise. So if I'm really sedentary on a given day, no calorie adjustment. If I'm moving around a lot & exercising, it'll send a larger calorie adjustment.

    This is a great idea!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    What do you do more, walk or exercise?

    The FitBit gives me credit for moving around (e.g. I'm working in the garden today). Since I move around all day, and only exercise occasionally, I'd pick the FitBit over HRM if I had to choose.

    I move around a lot more than I exercise. I only wear my Polar HRM when I am exercising (using Endomondo website/smartphone app).

    I do both, the fitbit was looking attractive because at work we don't even have chairs to sit in if we wanted, and I was curious how many calories I burn. lol
  • daryllynn515
    daryllynn515 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there!
    I have the Fitbit and I absolutly love it! I love the fact that it works side by side with MFP when linked up. I don't use the HRM so it's hard for me to compare the 2. I guess I'm pretty one sided. LOL
    Fitbit will also track your sleeping patterns and how many stairs you climb. Combined with the fact that you don't even realize your wearing it, it's a great buy!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    I invested in a high end HRM first (Polar FT80) and then picked up a Fitbit a little while ago. Love having the two of them together! The HRM handles all of my workouts (cardio and lifting) and the Fitbit picks up my general activity level. I love the Fitbit feature that allows you to set it to know you are working out so it does not double count the calories burned.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I just got a polar Ft4, and I love it.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I wouldn't mind knowing my distance. My husband has runkeeper on his smart phone, and it is really nice. But I don't have a smart phone. I might get a fitbit as well, but have to save up.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I love them both. What you need to decide is if you need motivation to move (FitBit) or a relatively accurate calorie burn count during workouts (HRM).

    Like I said, I own both and it was some of the best $200 I spent. I have the Polar FT7.
  • I can't imagine working out without my Polar RS300x. I have it set to my specific statistics (maxHR, VO2, weight, etc) from the results of my metabolic testing.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    The Fitbit is just a pedometer. The website adds some value to it but basically that's all it is. You can't really depend on the calories it says you burn either. If you want a lot of run or use the treadmill, you might get a lot of use from it. Otherwise, stick with your HRM. Sportline is a good watch.