Stupid Reasons Not To Diet/Exercise



  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    I have a gym membership but its a 30 min drive to the gym. I work 3-11 so I would have to go before work. So my excuse was "I don't want to have to haul my clothes, shoes, shower stuff, towel, hair dryer, straightener, etc. to the gym and get ready for work there."

    Then my parents bought a stationary bike, eliptical, and bowflex (so jealous of their craigslist finds) and put it in their garage and have offered me to use it whenever I want. Their house is a 10 min drive. So my excuse was "but they don't have AC in the garage even though they have a tv"

    So now I am starting c25k cuz that's directly out my front door!!! This way it's harder to make the excuse
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    The ones I read on MFP EVERY. SINGLE. DAY:

    "I'm scared to lose weight because I might have loose skin and then I won't look good in a bikini!!!!" -like you look good in a bikini now. Okay.

    "I'm scared to lose weight because my boobs might get smaller and my boobs look so great!!!!" -like people won't notice that you're 100lbs overweight if you have D cups

  • The ones I read on MFP EVERY. SINGLE. DAY:

    "I'm scared to lose weight because I might have loose skin and then I won't look good in a bikini!!!!" -like you look good in a bikini now. Okay.

    "I'm scared to lose weight because my boobs might get smaller and my boobs look so great!!!!" -like people won't notice that you're 100lbs overweight if you have D cups


  • Haha at the Bad Girls Club reruns-My indulgence is Braxton Family Values. I complain that I'm so busy then watch BFV marathons.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Usually, the only reason I skip my exercise is if I am totally worn out and know I will only wear myself out worse and end up binge eating due to over training though occasionally I have used the rain as an excuse, if I felt like cycling, but not like going to the gym.
  • my fitness instructor says- that you NEVER feel worse after you go- i TRY to adehere to that!!
    i also set a routine ( i go right after I drop kids at school) and before i go to work- so that way i only need one shower!! no way could i not wash my face after work out- i applaud those who can keep make up on- even without working out my make up dissolves off my face!!
    I was on holiday last week and out of town- i SOOO missed my worksouts! i will prob have to work on getting back into the routine this week - wish me luck!!!
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    In the past I have gotten dressed, driven to the gym, gotten inside, only to turn around and go straight back home after realizing my mp3 player was dead and I had no tunes.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    It's too hot
    I don't want to wash my hair
    I'll go tomorrow and do the intense class (ahahaha never happens)
    I'm too tired
    I already ate healthy today
    No one else is going to be there (when a sub is teaching)

    I remember when I was a gym rat I would never miss a day and I got scared of people thinking I have no life so I stopped coming.
  • "i'll just eat half of dinner and that'll balance it out"
    yeah, right.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I was told one time that when dealing with something that requires regular attendance...could be gym, church, support groups, lessons, etc...that the first time you miss you usually have a legitimate reason. Second is never so valid a reason, and by the time the third time comes around "I don't feel like it" has become a good enough excuse. This has helped me focus on making sure I avoid those not-so-legit second time excuses.

    That's good advice to remember!
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I don't want to go because my daughter is tired and hungry after preschool and I'd better get home and cook her dinner and spend time with her. Meanwhile, daughter is in the back seat crying because we're not going to the gym and she misses her little friends in the child watch area. Worst mother EVER.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Mine is "I'll just eat up all this junk food that's in my fridge in one sitting so it won't be there tomorrow when I start to eat healthy" lol.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I get sick frequently due to allergies, and once I take it easy to feel better, I get lazy after I'm better. Or my SO will get sick after I do, and I'll get lazy while he recuperates.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm pretty good about working out at home. But if I have to go out, these are my excuses:

    - Face gets irritated when I have to put on sunscreen, then either work out or do my sweaty walk, and wash again, put on more sunscreen + makeup (daytime workouts only)

    - I stopped buying gym clothes when I started working out at home. Only have 1 decent pair of bike shorts in my current size. If they're in the wash, I have to wear pants that fall off

    - I don't swim as often as I'd like because
    1) my goggles and washing stuff have found their way outside of my backpack (I wash everything afterwards bc even the shower water's full of chlorine and other people's germs)
    2) I've eaten at the wrong time or have a funny stomach
    3) Life gets in the way of the pool schedule
    4) I don't like the crowd that goes at that particular time (somehow, some demographics are splashier or more aggressive than others)

    - bad hair, also! hate do-rags and ballcaps.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    My excuse is usually, I will get sweaty and have to take a shower. I don't want to get my make up off because if I am planning on doing anything later I will want to re apply it... (I just don't like not wearing make up when I go out of the house! )

    Or, the other excuse is I am tired or need to do homework and cannot work out.
  • wmarlene1234
    wmarlene1234 Posts: 1 Member
    Just assume or pretend that they stare because you look awesome and they're jealous.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I was told one time that when dealing with something that requires regular attendance...could be gym, church, support groups, lessons, etc...that the first time you miss you usually have a legitimate reason. Second is never so valid a reason, and by the time the third time comes around "I don't feel like it" has become a good enough excuse. This has helped me focus on making sure I avoid those not-so-legit second time excuses.

    This is super duper TRUE!!!
  • I can't stand not actually going anywhere in a gym. I become bored and then agitated and then have to flee and ride my bike instead. It's excruciating. Going to try zumba and stuff this year though, free classes.
  • "I barely slept last night and worked all day, I'm going to go to bed really early tonight and I'll get back to it tomorrow"

    ...and then I'd sit up all night watching tv/on the computer. Repeat the next day.

    Oops? lol ~ glad I'm not the only one :P
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    These are hilarious, because we can all look at these reasons and know they're ridiculous...I'm trying to remind myself every day that I have never stepped back from a day I worked out and ate right and said, "I wish I hadn't worked out today, that was a waste of time." And then I go, so I can't say that I regret not doing it.

    Another excuse I used a lot was, "But I don't have that much weight to lose... when I really get my butt in gear, it will come off pretty quickly, so I'll just wait." HA. After using that excuse for a while, now it won't come off that quickly.