where was I suppose to start?

I joined this place because I just can't seem to get motivated into exercising to help me loose weight. I had asked a couple friends of mine here in my area to go with me to exercise but some how they are always busy.:ohwell:

I am starting at the Y this week though and I know that is a good place to start so maybe I can kick myself in the *kitten* enough times to get going and it will help.


  • Sandraleigh87
    Sandraleigh87 Posts: 52 Member
    You can do it!!!!! Good luck!
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    That sounds like a great place to start. You will eventually meet exercise buddies that won't be too busy!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Friends here are important. They cheer, they congratulate, they share, they give hope, they exasperate, they nag, they kick butt when necessary. They offer tips and help. They give all that and accept it back. They become family very quickly. You want motivation? Stay here and log daily and honestly.
  • smokeywolf57
    thank you.

    I have found a couple groups to join so I hope it will help me out.
  • Roosta62
    Don't feel like a lone wolf. I started on my own at the local YMCA as well. I have an athletic background so I had an understanding on weight training and knowledge of how hard to push my body, but the Y has many trainers that are willing to help you if needed. I found shortly after I started working out that it is a lot of the same people that workout at the same time everyday. Get to know them and eventually you become friends and push each other to show up every morning and continue to improve. It also helps make the workouts much more enjoyable :) Good luck on weight loss goals.