Hello All!

Brand new member from Hewitt, TX! I'm excited to begin my weight loss journey with all of you. Since starting with myfitnesspal.com I have really gained an understanding of what foods are the better choices for a meal. Wish eveyone the best of luck in their weight loss and fitness goals!


  • Garrettsmom
    Garrettsmom Posts: 35 Member
    welcome, and good luck to you!
  • shughes6
    Welcome! Good luck to you on this amazing journey to leading a healthier life! I'm new to this site! I'm a Registered Dietitian looking for ways to get people motivated about eating healthier and engaging in physical activity. This is a nice site to record physical activity and food intake. I like that the database carries all of the brand name and generic products that I eat so that I'm able to accurately know the amount of calories that I consume. Although I'm not counting calories, this helps to bring about awareness of the nutrients that I'm eating too much or too little! :) Again, welcome!
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    welcome, and good luck to you as well!