What do you guys think what have you guys beilived ?

Is it really Just about calories in calories out to lose weight???
So healthy foods dont make you thin ...
its the calories?? hmm
I always thought if you ate a piece of weight bread
it would spike your insulin and you would store fat no matter what???
and im talking about an everyday lifestyle of eating whatever you want
but counting calories???? what do you guys think?


  • jjefferies7
    in terms of weight loss its the calories. say your calorie maintenance is 2000 and you eat 2500 calories of "healthy" foods you will gain weight regardless of if it is "healthy" or not and vice versa if you were to eat 1500 cals "unhealthy" food you would lose weight.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Do some more research on insulin. That the first step

    And yes. It is just about calories. Calories in vs calories out for weight loss.
    Its good to have healthy foods in your diet! But don't deprive.
    I do 80% healthy and 20% junk

    Ive transformed my body doing this
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Not all calories are created equal. But that said if you eat 3500 calories of healthy food and are not a body builder or doing extreme work outs that will still add up to stored fat. If you eat 1500 calories of nothing but junk well you are what you eat and you will end up unhealthy in another way. So it is all about a balance and the better the calories you are taking in the better your body will function and the healthier the other aspects of your weight, and body mass will be. This is all MHO feel free to disagree. What is true for one is not true for all.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You need to meet certain goals- Get enough protein, enough fat, eat a wide variety of lots of vegetables and some fruit, and then the rest of the calories can be whatever you want. If you don't have a metabolic disorder (such as diabetes) insulin shouldn't be an issue you need to worry about.

    Nutrient dense foods are generally more filling and satiating, so they are generally a better bang for your calorie buck.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do some more research on insulin. That the first step

    And yes. It is just about calories. Calories in vs calories out for weight loss.
    Its good to have healthy foods in your diet! But don't deprive.
    I do 80% healthy and 20% junk

    Ive transformed my body doing this
