Just joined looking for friends and support

Hello everybody!! I just recently had wls & wanting to get on the right track with my health. I'm looking for new friends and support from people who have been through a weight loss journey. I'm very new to all of this so any advise would be really appreciated. I hope to make new friends and I would also offer a shoulder for anybody that needs it. Thanx for any help!!


  • Hello Joey,
    I just joined myself a minute ago. A co-worker recommended this site and says she can easily add info form here phone which is very convenient. I recently lost 30 lbs. and need help getting my self into high gear and keeping track of things. Being held accountable is a great benefit from the computer and it's more one on one so to speak.Welcome to the team!
  • I just started on my journey last week - 5 lbs down, 95 to go :) This has helped me so much already and we can all support each other in reach our goals! Welcome!
  • I joined awhile ago but have only just started using it - and enlisted my husband as well, hopefully with both of us doing it together it will keep us logging out food and actually doing some exercise :)

    I've love some support from other members like most of you below. I tend to watch what I eat really well...... for about 2 days :) This way i'm hoping I can keep it up.
  • I just got on the site as well but have been pursuing health and physical fitness for a while now! If anyone needs help with anything I'm here for yah! Add me if you'd like! I could use all the support I can get too! "Show me a man's friends and I'll show you his character."
  • Welcome! This site ROCKS! Feel free to add me if you need any support with fitness or nutrition! We all here together to meet and accomplish our goals as a team!
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    Let me be the first to say, "WELCOME NOOBS!" Im on week 56 and without this site no way I would have lost 116 lbs. Ive logged in for almost 400 days in a row now. If you want this to work, YOU have to believe that you can do this. Folks can give you all the support in the world, but at the end of the day its up to you. While everyones journey is different I at least can explain mine a bit with my blog. http://freew67.blogspot.com/ Goes from Day 1 to Day 365. If you only read one post, I highly suggest read my portion control post. I did a bang up copy and paste job for some of the info. lol

    Good luck everyone on your journey and your new life!

  • Thank u everybody for making me feel welcome!!