A little Help

Hi there I have 14lb to lose which will probably take me forever but I am trying has anybody else tried Raspberry Keytones from all the reviews I have read they do seem to work and the celebs certainly like them I am willing to give anything a go I think they make you full and give you loads of energy.


  • muirwoods
    muirwoods Posts: 6 Member
    pls try to drink lots of water, this can help.
  • weezieleopard
    I suggest being as natural as possible. There is no point taking fat out of your diet and adding yucky chemicals!! :)
  • weezieleopard
    The quickest way to lose weight is to have 3 meals a day and two snacks in-between, don't let that metabolism slow down!

    Look for the app c25k :)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    anything can make you lose weight on the internet...just make a web site quote a doctor and watch people flock. There is no true miracle pill out there that makes you thin. Trust me if there was it would be so expensive you couldn't afford it anyway. Try eating some Raspberries instead of wasting your money on the keytones. Dr Oz made them famous by saying you'll lose a ton...yeah out of your wallet. Do it naturally and it will come off, add some exercise.
  • weezieleopard
    Amen jerbear1962!
  • jtz3
    jtz3 Posts: 3
    Thanks for all your replies yes I expect you are all right waste of money I should just by lots of raspberries this is day 2 and I am doing very well haven't had a packet of crisps or a biscuit which is very hard I have got no will power it's hard when you are on your own doing it I expect I should join a slimming club but I am 9st and wanting to lose a stone and I don't think I would get a good reception turning up to a slimming club at 9st Thanks again all of you :)