Confused, please can someone advise

I'm set to lose 1lb a week and aim to eat 1200 cals per day (I'm female, 33 and 5ft)

I currently weigh 140lb which puts me in overweight cat, my ideal is 130lb which is top end of ideal weight.

If I eat my 1200 taking into account my exercise it states "of I eat this in 5 weeks I'll be 137" I want it to be less than this but that would mean either eating less than 1200 or not eating back exercise cals.

So how on earth do I healthily lose the desired amount?

Thanks in advance


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You take time. You work at it. There are no healthy shortcuts.
    You exercise to build some muscle and strength and that will accelerate things.

    If you just started - you'll likely lose a lot in the first weeks, thne it gets harder, just stick with it.
  • Do you want to do it healthily or do you just want to do it?

    If you want to do it healthily, I would increase the exercise and maintain 1200 cals.

    Also dont forget, these calculations are just guess work.

    To lose weight you have to eat to power your body to get fitter.

  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    The "in 5 weeks" is a guess at best. As your weight drops so will this number, obviously. That is a good rate at which to lose the weight, maybe with so little to lose you should actually set your goal to 1/2 a pound per week, mine's set at lose 1lb and I consistently lose 1.5-2lb per week, I'm on 1700 calories a day before exercise :drinker:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So how on earth do I healthily lose the desired amount?
    By sticking at it for long enough for the predicted 0.6 lbs/week loss to get you to where you want to be - 16 weeks ?

    As a smaller lighter person you're caught between where you need to be and MFP's arbitrary 1200 minimum calorie goal. It thinks you use 1500 calories a day hence your deficit is limited to 300 calories so don't eat back all of your exercise if you want a faster loss rate.
  • Don't worry. I find the estimated weight loss is way off. I've lost weight a lot faster than the estimate myfitnesspal comes up with. Some people lose weight faster on 1200 calories a day than others. You might lose weight faster, but you might not. It depends on your body makeup.. the amount of muscles you have, your metabolism, things like that.
    But don't be discouraged. You have so little weight to lose. I WISH I only had 10 lbs to lose. Wow. I wish!
  • Thank you all for your replys, I didn't realise that the "in 5 weeks" bit would change as I lose weight.

    I've tried.....and failed many times to lose this weight but I'm
    Finally motivated ;)
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I know it's hard to wait to see the results, but as everyone said, to do it healthy, just be patient my friend. The hard work and dedication WILL pay off. Just stick with it and be patient.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    You take time. You work at it. There are no healthy shortcuts.
    You exercise to build some muscle and strength and that will accelerate things.

    If you just started - you'll likely lose a lot in the first weeks, thne it gets harder, just stick with it.

    I agree with the above. It is a slow progress but worth it in the end. Once you start losing a pound here and there and your clothes start getting loose it is very rewarding.

    Also try and remember this is about learning new habits that you will be able to take on with you for a lifetime.

    Best of luck. I have had tremendous success with MFP and love it!
  • I think the way it calculates seems to be a bit like using a GPS - the nearer you get to the destination the more accurate the prediction. And remember, that's what it is, just a prediction based on eating the same cals each day. Your body will be your best guide - just watch the pounds disappear as time goes on. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm just like you. I'm 5'1" (and a bit younger) but actually 110 right now.I want to get to the slower end of the healthy weight and tone my body more which is why I am here. I'm on a 1200 cal diet and exercising 5 days a week (cardio and weight training). I just make sure to not go over the 1200 and I can eat back what I exercise and be okay. I've already lost 3 pounds and it has only been maybe 2 weeks. It isn't too hard. You just need to be careful not to waste calories. Eat foods that will make the calories you can eat for the day worth it. If you are worried because you never get that "full" feeling, don't be. Honestly, eating until you are satisfied is the best way to go. Eat until your hunger goes away but you don't feel like you just stuffed yourself or have enough food in you to weigh you down.

    It takes time. Losing 1-2lb a week is healthy and because you don't need to loss too much weight, don't rush things. Eating too little will cause your body to go into starvation mode and it will only take even LONGER to loss the weight you want. The process to being healthy isn't a race and it never will be about instant results.

    Yesterday, I finally returned to a previous weight I haven't seen in nearly a year. I finally got under 110 pounds. It's a huge motivator even though I only lost a few pounds. When you get down to the end and you are smaller, it is harder to loss the last few pounds which is what I"m working on right now. Don't give up! It may take a while but seeing the process is great!
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    This whole fitness game is a game of patience. Deep Patience. If you reach your weight - then what? You have to maintain it. You have to add strength and stamina. The whole thing takes time.

    Fitness is not difficult - infact its quite easy. What is difficult is doing it day after day after day. This can be nice when things are working - but there are plateaus. There are blocks. You start wondering whether it is worth it. I understand that feeling too well. We want to change our lifestyle, and finish it off by the afternoon. But lifestyle change is for ever - whether we get results or not. Thats the *****y bart.

    I wish I had a fairy Godmother who would tap me on my head and........