I'm Sick today!

:noway: I just want to curl up in bed and sleep!:yawn: But I cant I have a 2 year old to keep up with:heart:
Question! Do I still need to workout today?
I'm not looking for an excuse not to and I'll probably end end up exercising cuz I'll feel bad tomorrow if I don't :yawn:
:drinker: hears to me feeling better soon:drinker:


  • mtfisherwoman
    Feel Better!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    I think it depends on what kind of sick you are. From what I have read, if you are really tired, it is best to rest and then make it up the next day.
  • arasm
    arasm Posts: 65
    hope you feel better soon! I work out no matter what, BUT I will say that if you just don't have it in you, take the day off. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a brake.......just don't do it too often :wink:
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    I think a nap would help you recover faster than working out today. :yawn:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm doing the sick mom scene today too. I'm sick, baby is sick, hubby is sick. I wanted to work out yesterday, but just couldn't get to it. Try to stay under on your cals without starving yourself, and get TONS of fluids and snoozes. If 2yo will sit on couch & watch TV, you can doze a little. That's the only time I let myself nod off is when I can feel my toddler sitting on my belly/feet/on couch. As soon as she moves I'm up!
    Also make sure to be a nazi about washing your hands & sneezing into your elbow so loved ones don't get what you have.
  • stacymac
    stacymac Posts: 6 Member
    Depends on how sick you are; if you just have a head cold from the neck up, chances are a little light exersize might help you. if it's in your lungs or you have another illness, I would take it easy today. The little one will keep you moving around enough. :happy:
    Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    I would take it easy today and try to stay under or at your calories intake.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I'm right there with you. I have a head cold or allergies or something and well I went to the gym on Saturday...wasn't feeling it on Sunday but walked for a mile and yesterday was my normal off day. Today I am suppose to go back the gym but instead I am going to do the 30 day shred levels one and two. We'll see how it goes...wouldn't look too cool if I went to gym with a runny nose. Don't think people would appreciate that. hahaha
  • sunshine26
    Thanks everyone.
    I think I'll lie down with Emma today, then when I'm up and feel better I'll do the minimum of exercise, I do give my self one rest day a week so maybe today will that day, well see how i feel after.

    Goodnight:yawn: or afternoonnight:sick:
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    Feel better sunshine! Hope all goes well and you recover soon enough, you'd be back in the grind in no time! Try to rest and don't fret too much.
  • SouthernMomma25
    Everyone needs a day off, and if you arent feeling up to it today i would just rest.
  • sunshine26
    Thanks everyone I feel much better today!
    I had a nap yesterday with my daughter I felt much better after!
    So when biggest loser was on I worked out for 40 min on my elliptical burning 373 cals so I'm really happy today!!!