Brides to Be Group?!



  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    We finally set out date.....9-10-11 This gives us plenty of time to plan and get ready. I just love the date.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Getting married this Saturday. I am so excited. I am pretty proud of myself that I have pulled together things in so short a timeframe. I think I have all of the major pieces in place. So send some positive thoughts and vibes my way as I prepare to marry my best friend.
  • BUMP

    Hey Ladies,

    Sorry I have been MIA. Things have been crazy hectic with school starting back up and being the MOH for my friends wedding and worrying about my own and work has gotten busier with the beginning of a new year.

    Excuses, Excuses I know :)
    Anyways on the positive.... I lost 2 lbs. this week. Down 4 all together. My first mini goal is 158 by February 14th and I'm already down to 162 :) 4 more lbs and 1/2 a month to do it in! At first I thought, well heck I can slack a little because i've got some room for movement but then I decided that was completely the wrong idea.... now I am shooting for passing my goal :smile:

    Hope you ladies are having a great day!
  • kecmom
    kecmom Posts: 2
    I definitely want in. I'm currently 156 and would like to be 125-130 by my big day in September 2010.
  • Melissa, we def. need a new challenge.
    I can keep up with everyone weights and everything if you would like. I've got 8 hrs at my job sitting at a computer and keeping an excel sheet to post would be no problem.

    Let me know girlie.
    As for challenges.... I'm good for anything. Do you have any ideas?
  • Hey Ladies!

    Congrats on your engagements! I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks now and have lost 5 pounds! I just found this thread, and I'm getting married on November 20th this year. I'm hoping to meet my goal long before the wedding and maintaining it! I'd like to join and take on some challenges! :flowerforyou:
  • bluemoonrise
    bluemoonrise Posts: 42 Member
    hi ladies,
    Everyear i tell myself that I am going to get fit by my b'day, and it never happens. I used to be fit in undergrad and then gained a lot of weight towards the end of it and once i started working. I'm tired of looking at pics and feeling like i would like better if i were a little thinner.
    I am getting married on June 26, 2010 - and I am doing everything I can to lose those pounds and feel beautiful that day. I really hope that when I look back at the professional pics, that I feel like I looked my best that day. I decided to join my fitness pal and its great to know there are other brides with the same goals.

  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I hope everyone is doing well.:flowerforyou: I am totally up for a cardio challange! Maybe everyone can do at least 10 minutes of some form of cardio a day?!?! Or add 10 minutes to what you already do?
  • If everyone wants to send me their starting weight, current weight, goal weight and wedding date I will start a spreadsheet that shows how far we are from our goal, percentage lost, etc.

    If you don't want to post it on here you can send me a message.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Hey, brides! I got married on January 30th and it was perfect. :heart: Since then, I have gained some weight back but am now trying to get back on track. Good luck to all of the brides out there.
  • bluemoonrise
    bluemoonrise Posts: 42 Member
    Hi ladies....I was on MFP, then left and then would just come on to update weight and the occaisonal food diary entries. I am hoping to be on here more often and started getting up early to work out, because I get way too tired to do anything once i get home. Anyone still browse this forum? Send me a message!
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