Short time to cook...

wonderish Posts: 89 Member
Hi everyone! :)

I am having an issue with wanting to cook after working out. Here is my Monday-Friday schedule:

Get up at 6:30am
Shower, eat, etc
Work from 8am - 5pm
Workout from 5:30-6:30
Dinner 645-
Bed 9

I need some meals that are easy to prepare and not unhealthy. I have been doing bbq chicken breast and quinoa a lot.. Getting kind of bored! I also dont want to be spending a bunch of time cook..

Any tips would be much appreaciated!


  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    skinny taste has a lot of healthy crock pot meals.

    Also, cook during the weekend and freeze. You can just come home and heat it up. Freeze them in the right portions.

    Hope this helps!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I am with you. I don't have much time during the week at all, so I pre-cook and prepare almost everything. Sunday nights I spend a little time cutting up fruit and veggies for the week. When I do cook, I freeze one or two portions that I can thaw those out for a meal in the a few weeks (from when I cook it).

    I basically already have this entire week, breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner already and prepared to be either reheated or cooked for every meal this week.

    It takes a little planning, but I have found that this is the only way that I can stay on track.
  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    It's all about planning. Decide on your menu by Thursday or Friday of the prior week so that you can do your grocery shopping on Saturday. Get what you need and stick to the menu. I find that I am eating healthy, filling, satisfying meals. i try and plan to have leftovers of some meals so that I have lunches some days too. I love the website, one of the best ones for tasty meals that are easy. I just made her Italian Wedding soup over the weekend and my family is already asking when we're having that again. Soups and crockpot dishes tend to work well for simple prep and hearty meals that reheat well the next day or so. Give it a try, I actually have started to look forward to planning the next week's meals since it's totally in MY hands what I eat now.
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    I cook three chicken breasts at a time. I use one and keep the rest for other meals. Also I often cook so I have left overs to use the next day.

    Good Luck Hope You Figure It Out!
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I checked out skinnytaste.. Everything looks pretty awesome!