Backpacker/fat packer.

Helllo there!
Me and my good friend are traveling around Europe at the moment, which means a lot of temptation, but I'm looking for some friends on here so that I can stay motivated.
I know that I I'll have some problems sticking to a limit of 1200, but I'm going to be using this diary for a bit of accountability and just get some good habits going.
So shoot me a message or a friend request or however it works, and good luck!


  • Passing through Holland by any chance??
  • thisiswhyyourefat
    We probably are! We're sort of going where the wind blows us, but there's a 90% chance that we will :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you are truly going to be "backpacking" as in taking trains and buses for the long distance parts, carrying your pack from here to there (I did a lot of walking with my pack, like from train stations to hotels/hostels, i didn't take public transportation unless I was going faaarrrr) you can FOR SURE go well over 1200 calories, you are gonna need it. Usually that kind of travel involves walking all over cities for hours at a time. Spending lots of time out and about and very little sedentary time. In addition to the fact that your body really will need more fuel than that.... you ARE going to want to indulge in the local foods and treats!

    I did a backpacking trip when I was your age, and I didn't pay any attention to calories, and I ate whatever amazing things I found, and I came home at least 20 pounds lighter after a 10 week adventure.

    also, going "where the wind blows you" is THE BEST WAY!
  • thisiswhyyourefat
    I certainly am walking a lot more than I do at home, I even did a mountain trail last week, which was hellish, but also amazing and beautiful.

    Yeah, the only problem with traveling is that I do a lot of eating out, so I need to learn how to choose well from a menu!
  • thisiswhyyourefat
    Oh and yes, I am doing the traditional backpack!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    you will do fine, I am sure! and I can understand wanting to choose the right foods (lean meats and lots of veggies!), that's a good habit no matter where you are. Just listen to your body... if you are going all day traveling, sightseeing, hiking, and you get to your 1200 calories and you are still truly hungry, or feel that you need more energy, don't be afraid to eat over that. 1200 is usually only recommended for the very sedentary, and it sounds like that is not going to be your situation at all.

    besides the weight I lost on my trip... the muscles in my arms were awesome from lifting that pack all the time!

    have fun!
  • thisiswhyyourefat
    Thanks! Well that would be a very welcome side effect, I hate my arms!
    Might go repack and lift that bad boy a few times!
  • If you need any advice for healthy Dutch foods or restaurants, let me know!!
  • thisiswhyyourefat
    That would be amazing! I'll let you know when I'm heading over.