the scale really frustrates me!!!!

I've been doing mfp for about a year and have lost over 30 lbs which is great, however I joined a gym a week ago and have gained weight :( I've been doing 30 min elliptical 30 treadmill or stationary bike and 15-30 weight equipment. Try to stay w/in my 1200 calories eat back some exercise calories on some days. Today I'm going start 30 DS haven't finished in the past I get bored easily. I've been at a plateau for a good month now. Any suggestions? I need to stop weighing myself daily but it's hard


  • jessjpjb
    1200 calories is not enough to be eating.
  • shan899
    You are probably gaining weight in muscle. If you are working with weights now, your best bet is to stay away from the scale for a while. Try weighing yourself every couple weeks or month and start relying on measurements. Measure yourself now and measure a month from now. You may not see much of a difference on the scale, but I bet you are losing inches. Just a thought.
  • lilpenguin
    lilpenguin Posts: 14 Member
    I upped my calories to 1390 for awhile(pre gym membership) thinking that might help but I still didn't lose. Maybe I should again since I'm burning off a lot. My big downfall is sugar. I avoid pasta bread rice maybe more complex carbs would help? I love fruits and veggies so they're not a problem
  • lilpenguin
    lilpenguin Posts: 14 Member
    I do need to get a tape measure I did notice before when I did 30DS my clothes fit better even though I gained and my fiance said I was losing my shelf butt hahahaha. I did take before pics when I started last week for future comparison
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think that with the addition/change of your work outs, upping calories again might be your key.

    My other suggestion is to focus on a protein heavy diet. :)

    good luck.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I agree that you're probably gaining muscle. Another thought- prior to joining the gym, were you using a scale at home to weigh yourself? Or were you being weighed by a doctor? And now are you weighing yourself at the gym? I ask because there's typically a 5 pound difference in the scale I use at the gym and the one I use at home. The one at the gym is more accurate since it's a doctor's scale. My point is maybe you didn't gain weight, you're just being weighed more accurately now.
  • lilpenguin
    lilpenguin Posts: 14 Member
    Same scale :)