Very cold and hungry?

Ok, so the last week or so I've been freezing all the time and constantly hungry.
Like, even at night if I just ate dinner, I'm still starving!!! I'm getting a good amount of protein and carbs, and I've met my calories (pretty much) each day, so I know it isn't that.

Has anyone else experienced this, and can you give some insight?



  • Culley34
    What are you doing for exercise?
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    If your hungry i say up your calories a little bit or get more fiber in. They high fiber tends to keep me fuller longer.

    As for being cold i experience that too. Im guessing but it could be your blood pressure leveling out.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Exercise - Overall about 50 squats, lunges, jogging on the spot, plank, sometimes yoga. - stuff like that, just home exercise, nothing too excessive, is that the problem??

    Ok, fibre, I will try that, thank you!
  • Culley34
    I'm not sure what you're schedule looks like, but if possible, try to eat 5-6 smaller meals every 2-3 hours, versus three large meals.

    You said 'mood swings' and other things in your profile. Most peoples' mood is directly related to how hungry they are...

    Eating the smaller, more constant meals should keep your blood sugar at a more constant level, keep your metabolism higher to burn more weight, and stop you from getting the 'starving' feeling which leads people to binge. If should avoid any big swings in your hormones or chemicals that you experience. Take a chance and let me know if it works!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Hmm...That is interesting.

    I have actually been in a better mood though, the last week or two now you say it, because for weeks I was getting one and two hours a night, but this week I've been getting eight hours solid every night. Which is extremely new for me, maybe my body is just shell shocked ha ha ha :D

    I will make my diary public if that would help ?? (I am ashamed at a lot of last weeks days, but I'll get over it and do it anyway haha)

    Thank you.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Yeah, I went through a similar experience. I was over exercising and under eating. I would HIGHLY recommend that you up your calorie intake and include some healthy fats in your diet. The constantly cold feeling is because your thyroid is slowing down and it regulates your body temperature. If your glands feel swollen and stuff like that then I would recommend taking a week off exercise and eating enough to maintain weight.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Oh my god I had a swollen throat feeling a few days ago!!!!!

    Think we are on to something here, I was wondering why I was getting all these problems in one week they're obviously related....... Most days, I eat around 1200 because I am at home all day, and the most I do is walk for a while, or do some exercise at home, it's never really strenuous so I didn't think it was enough to up my calories... Thank you!!!!!
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    I had mood swings off and on for a long time. Had some blood work done a few months back and the doc told me i was very low on Vitamin D. I would have NEVER related that to mood swings, but i now take a vitamin D supplement and have a much better mood and my patience has tripled.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I looked at your diary and there is nowhere near enough protein. You're getting about half of what you need as an active person.

    When you exercise, you are tearing down muscle. If you ate sufficient protein and got enough rest, that muscle would repair itself. But because you eat only half the protein you need, your muscles are just being torn down. You are losing muscle.

    That's why you're cold and hungry.

    If you have been chronically undereating, your body has also slowed its metabolic rate to try to stay afloat, which will also make you cold.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I have hypoglycemia and I get cold and very tired if my blood sugar goes too low. It helps me a lot to eat two small snacks a day and take the calories from my main meals. Hope that helps. Good luck.
  • NotSoShabby
    Thyroid issues maybe ????
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    What are your macros set for carb/fats/protein i.e. 50%/20%/30%? Try decreasing carbs and increasing protein so you can add more to your breakfast like eggs or chicken/tuna. I find if I don't have a good amount of protein in the morning I am HUNGRY all day. In addition, if I don't drink enough water I crave sweets. Try to note what you are eating or if you are stressed which may trigger you to feel hungry. I am an emotional eater...trying to become an emotional exerciser instead LOL
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    As I've lost more and more weight, even with the scorching summer, I'm freezing all the time. My body is adjusting to not having all that fat.

    Never hungry though as I stuff my face constantly and hit all my macros :happy:
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Hunger, Thirst and Body Temparture is controled by the Hypothalamus. I would recommend talking to a physician just to be safe if these are the symptoms you are experiencing.

    Poor circulation could also be the cause of the cold feeling and hunger as your body is panicing and attempting to get back to homeostasis.

    Again, this is a Dr. visit...dont mess around with things like this.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Yep, it's refered to as overtraining syndrome and it happens alot. It happened to me when I was cutting weight for a fight. Take it easy for a week. Stay in energy balance and add some healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. That's what I did and it went away after a about a week. Another symptom is disrupted sleep patterns. Your body is basically spending too much time in a catabolic state and cortisol levels are really high which disturbs sleep patterns. Hope this helps and feel free to ask me any questions.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    put on a coat and drink more water?
  • xtina00x
    I would go for a blood test. Very cold and hungry could mean your headed toward your menses and so your hormones are fluctuating all over the place or maybe just low iron?
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I hope you don`t mind but I looked at your diary?

    Some days you don`t seem to eat very much?

    Sometimes, feeling poorly is the bodies way of saying it needs help, maybe eating a little more.

    I suffered with headaches for 4 weeks and went to the docs and he told me to eat more, simple as.

    Hope you feel better soon :-)
  • LorrainePatrick
    That's good to know. Thank you for posting that.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't think it's water, I go through nearly three litres a day, I'm constantly drinking.

    As for protein, I will definitely try and up it, I did try shakes for a while because I found it hard to eat so much, and it just hurt my kidneys so that's a no go. I'm not a huge fan of meat, but eggs I can do, and will do. Thanks for the advice.

    As for % this is what MFP recommended:

    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,390 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 191 g
    Fat / Day 46 g
    Protein / Day 52 g

    Not sure if that is ok or not, my diary is open for constructive criticism. :)